Canadian Thanksgiving ..........How and Why we Celebrate...My personal Story

This past weekend, I held our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. My children are away at University, and one of them will not be able to make it home next weekend so we enjoyed our dinner this weekend. Thanksgiving is truly a time to be thankful for so many things and for me I am so thankful for my family. As many of you know I am a widow and have 3 kids, so family just means so much to me. Thanksgiving to me is one of the reason's why I love to garden so much, I try every year to create my entire Thanksgiving meal all from my garden. I make my own homemade pies, and buns. Come take a look at how the day went, and we started at 7 am, and we ate at 3:30.

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It all traditionally starts with a Turkey.

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Then I take a stroll throughout the garden and harvest the last of the vegetables for this great feast. Squash, is a must at any Thanksgiving table.

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Traditionally we prepare our squash adding pure Maple Syrup in a recycled pop bottle from the Farm down the road.

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Then I pick the last of the green beans and Broccoli for the Broccoli sunrise salad a family tradition. It is made with raisins, bacon bits, shredded carrots, shredded cheese, and a red onion.

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And celery for my Apple Stuffing which is so tasty.

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Here is my Country Harvest Basket that I made. I will make a post about this later. I had help making it.

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This is the last of my container tomatoes, which sadly just was not ready for my dinner. Oh well next week.

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And the very traditional Pumpkin Pie. Homemade crust of course. Sadly I only had one lonely small pumpkin this year so I had to purchase a nice sized pumpkin from my fellow farmer down the road.


Then of course there are little people who do not wish to help out cooking and you try so hard to convince them with oven mitt monsters.


Even Lacy our rescued Australian Sheppard get's a little treat of some of the Turkey dripping and a few small pieces of the meat in her meal.


So after a big meal, we all go for a walk at the lake to work off that Turkey coma. Hope you enjoyed our day as much as I have. I am looking so forward to your stories about how you will spend your Turkey Day or Thanksgiving next weekend or for my American friends in November.

Happy Trails


Really great post of a lovely Thanksgiving meal. I like how you celebrate when you can. Making it a happy occasion for everyone. All of the plants you used are so big and healthy. Have fun! 🐓🐓

Beautiful post! I remember your reply in the slack channel about Plymouth rock, and I had to LOL. So I got quite interested when I saw your post to find out more details. See, I didn't even know there was a Thanksgiving in Canada. As for the American one, the media is so full of it that I was an expert on the lore long before I first went to the US.
It seems like Canadian Thanksgiving is all about harvest and family. The timing is perfect (though I suppose it also depends on your latitude) to use up the last crops from your garden for a big feast. (Way more appropriate than late Nov.) And you've illustrated this with such lovely pictures! I especially like your harvest basket, your oven mitt pic, your dog Lacy, and the last photo of your kids with the lake in the fall in the background.

Thank you @stortebeker Most Canadian's spend their Thanksgiving like this, we really do have a huge emphasis on Family in this country, and gardening, homesteading is also something that is very very popular. Canada is comprised of more population living in rural farming areas, so it is only natural that gardening and farming is what we know as Canadian's, with such a short growing season. We have it as a national holiday.

So nice! I think these are real and tangible things, that beat fairy tales about pilgrims and indians any day. are absolutely right......true stories! I am really hoping to read about a bunch of others celebrating.

I really want to eat what you have made. really very evocative natural appetite that you apply. I beg you to share the food with me ,, hkhkhk

wow looks like an amazing spread! That Broccoli morning salad sounds amazing! Our Thanksgiving Feast is normally held at our house. My family is all grown up too.They all live here in the same area. we have 3 grandchildren to liven up the event. We have just enough pumpkins to get through thanksgiving this year.

I look forward to your story of the traditions and how you spent your day. It's all about Family and Food.

Awesome celebration! Great to have the family together!

Delicious looking meal. Always nicer when it comes from your own harvest

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving to you!


Thank you @goldendawne This is one of my most favorite holidays. Especially since my older kids have gone away to university. I love the family walk after to the lake, all the traditions.

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first of all, I delighted in your images (it tells the story ) -- so thanx for that.

2nd, I also make that #BROCCOLI & raisin & red onion salad (#Onions are so good for us) - this Salad, I find, is such a treat.. and a 'good un' for the #THANKSGIVING Feast ♦♦

Related to you enjoying using your Garden proceeds to create a fine Thanksgiving meal ♦♦ Bet you had to get up EARLY for all this prep !

Ha - Chuckled at the image (the 1 B-4 the doggie) - with "Then of course there are little people who do not wish to help out cooking and you try so hard to convince them with oven mitt monsters."

I have to admit that I didn't help my mom much w/ the Thanksgiving meal; I offered to make side dishes or pumpkin pie (she seemed to prefer having the kitchen to herself). Oh well..

Still, I cherished the holiday times with her - Bless you & yours ♥

Thank you for your kind words.

Happy to hear and see that you are now benefiting your crops at your garden...

This one of the best thing why i started my garden past 2weeks..

GOD BLESS YOUR FAMILY @gardengirlcanada

Thank you.

Your welcome my friend..

Great harvest. You're doing great with awesome homesteading. Keep it up @gardengirlcanada

Thank you I just love it, the lifestyle and the freedom it offers.

Hope you're having fun with your family.. enjoy homesteading. :)

Woww!! Nice celery you grew there!! Looks like it was a fantastic meal, and I love that you actually got out to the lake after, well done, man I can't even move after Turkey. That photo of the children at the lake is frame worthy. Just beautiful...thank you so much for sharing.

Your take a walk with me series, inspired me to post that pic of the kids. LOL, I am also going to make another post this week about a walk I will take with my dog, as I take her daily, and the area is truly beautiful. Thanks @lyndsaybowes

Right on, I'm looking forward to it and to see all those trees changing colour too, Ontario has the most vibrant fall!

Thanks for sharing. I find our Canadian friends intriguing.

Thank you, We are truly a unique kinda crazy kinda people. LOL

It sounds so lovely, we don't really have an equivalent day here in the UK. I love your Country harvest basket, so would my son - a Christmas present idea - thank you. Happy Thanksgiving

Thank you. Stay tuned I am going to make a post about the harvest basket tomorrow and will add a link where you can purchase one, for a fair an accurate price. All hand made.

Lovely thank you. I'll make sure I look it up

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