You Don't Wanna Kiss This...

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis

So, the other day, I was walking around my homestead looking for subjects to take pictures of and enter into @papa-pepper's newest combination photography contests! Anyway, I came across these Praying Mantises all around my yard! I found this one on my lavender. They tend to like hanging on the lavender!

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis

Does anyone else feel like praying mantis are just constantly judging you? I mean, look at its facial expression, so full of judginess, and angst... Yes, I see a little angst in there... Look at its narrow judgy eyes...

I have a ton! I am always happy to see them! I usually see them running away because I've accidentally sprayed them with the hose. Sorry guys.

Praying Mantis

COMMON NAME: Praying Mantis
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mantis religiosa
TYPE: Invertebrates
DIET: Carnivores

Read more about these Praying Mantis on this PDF from Oregon State University!

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis

They've definitely got the glare down pat...

Getting around closer to finishing my watering I found the next Praying Mantis hanging around my probably dead very sad peach tree. I hadn't seen one this color before, and it just totally posed for me. Holding up its dinner like a prize.

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis

I was reading up a bit on Praying Mantis before making this post, and it said they could be green or brown colors. You know, don't correct me if I am wrong, but, I think they can change colors. All the mantis I find that are around the light brown grass are light brown, the ones on the dirt, dirt color, and the ones around the plants, well, they're nearly the same color as the plants!

I don't really wanna know if I am wrong on this one... I wanna think that they're chameleon types. Changing color at the need or will. :D

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis

Praying Mantis are predatory garden helpers - They're a perfect addition to your homestead! They eat all kinds of baddies, including each other...

I got the idea for the title of this post because one of last week's contest winner's, @heart-to-heart, had taken great images of a praying mantis and a pic where she was making kissy face at it! Haha. Now, maybe she will see this and decide she might not wanna kiss the next praying mantis she sees. Or maybe she likes to live on the wild side and take risks! Not me! No, thank you!

The last time I touched a praying mantis, it somehow hurt me... I don't even know. I was young, and I flung it off my hand as fast as I could!

Anyway, I got the following photos and videos (videos at the end of post) of a praying mantis eating another praying mantis, more than likely, it's devouring its own mate. I caught this gal skittering across the dirt by my squash plants. Scared me at first! She was rather large!

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis
farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis
farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis

Did you know that the females typically will eat her mate? Sometimes even DURING mating? Yikes.

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis
farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis


note: I am no videographer... so I apologize ahead of time for any and all shakiness and weird noises. I am not talking in the videos at all, so you don't need sound - you can hear my water hose running. It might make you have to pee. Lol. The video is seven short videos merged together. I used the editor on YouTube for the first time, lol. Anyway, I took them over the course of me watering the plants around my yard - so probably over about an hour's time.

Verification Images/Entry Notes

farmsteadsmith farmstead praying mantis

Entry 1: Praying Mantis being judgy on my Lavender | Entry 2: Praying Mantis being sly eating a Grasshopper on Grass | Entry 3: Praying Mantis eating its mate victoriously on a Weed | Finally: A majestic lavender specimen... Okay, I just felt like I needed to write something.

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!



You got so many great photos! I was like wow did she really get all these photos and then you had ur nice lil verification photos at the end ;-)>

Really great job, I bet you place in the contest with these!

Photos are kinda my thing! :) haha I enjoy it anyway. Thank you!! :)

Photos are an amazing thing!

No, no you got the second picture wrong. You are looking at it as the cup is half empty. I see it as giving a cheeky SMILE lol.

Ha! Just like in real life with humans, the ladies are always the death of us fellers LOL (JOKING)

Praying mantis are cool, but I'm a huge fan of stick bugs... they're so sneaky XD

How did the mantis injure you? Def. not a sting... a bite?

Thanks for sharing!

I think it pinched me with its forearms. Hahaha I don't really remember. Haha

Earwigs pinch too I think? I remember some unpleasantries with them... Oh and water skimmers too! OUCH.

Oh yeah, they do! I didn't know water skimmers do? Are they the same as water skippers?? Hahah.

These nerds (below). And then there are some completely aquatic guys that bite even harder... but I can't figure their names... they somehow ended up in the swimming pool.

Oh yeah! We're talking about the same guys! I had no idea those bit!! Jerks!!

Oh and these guys (water boatmen) are the WORST!

It was amazing, I think I saw these (or similar to) in my duck pools! The duck pools get emptied every other day, and it's dry-dry here, so I feel like I had no idea where on earth they came from?!

I definitely feel judged by them. Or that they are annoyed with my lumbering presence. Like, "I'm eater here. Please go away."

See? This is one of the reasons why I miss you so much when you don't post! This was fantastic! Your photos are ah...may...zing! Now the praying mantis is one that I didn't mind; until now. I never knew that they ate others like themselves. A lot of thanks they get from their mates! I never did take a good long look at them, close-up and now they look so creepy; all thanks to your amazing photographs. This is definitely a winner. So nice to have you back!

Ever since one kind of hurt me, I've not liked them much. I'm glad they're around tho! They eat bad bugs too! Haha

I'm so glad you enjoyed my post! :)

So many mantises! I didn't know they were so common where you live. Great pictures, and such a loving embrace in your video! :-D

I didn't really know either! Haha haha yeah she's loving on him so hard she had to eat his eyeball!! Lmao thanks for stopping by, friend!

Wow those are some great photos! I love the way you format your 'story' as well. It's so easy to read and super entertaining! You called it though, they do glare at you! But they don't seem camera shy!! Best of luck to you in the contest!! I would not want to kiss that!!

Thank you! I tried to get a shot with my macro lens but they were not all about having a camera two inches away from them. Haha I'm so glad you thought my story was entertaining!!! Thanks for taking the time to comment!!

I'm looking for some clip on lens now for my phone, what a wonderful invention!!

I have these ones! They work just fine! And are so fun for messing around and experimenting! I prefer these clip ons rather than the magnetic kind of had in the past!

That is exactly what I was looking at!! goodie!!

Wow! You got some pretty amazing pictures there. My favourite had to be the one with the moth tucked in front of it, like it's holding its teddy bear! Lol!

I don't often see the adults in our garden, but at a certain time of the year we'll get little babies everywhere. They're so cute!

I don't feel like I have a very vast array of plants or anything so I was very surprised I have so many hanging out!

That one is one of my favorites too! I just couldn't believe I caught one eating another mantis!! I was floored! Haha

They are super cute when they're tiny! I bet they're around still! I usually see them running away after I've sprayed the plant they're on. Haha you'll often hear me apologizing while watering because of them. Lol

I love seeing control bugs in my garden. I've not been lucky enough to see more than a couple mantis's at a time though.

I've noticed that the Mantis's and the Walking Stick bugs are green in the Spring and brown in the Fall around my place.

Oh, and I definitely saw that one glaring at you, haha.

I love seeing interesting bugs!! I dunno if you know about bugs but I'm still trying to get an identity on the bug I shared in this post under the Nature section. I should just take the time to send the pics of it to Ask An Expert through Oregon State University's Extension office! Hahah I just keep forgetting!

Have you looked for mantises in parts of your space that isn't green?? That's where I mostly find the brown ones! :) I took all these pics on the 24th of his month (August).

I'm kind of glad I don't (I don't think I do) have walking stick bugs... they kinda freak me out! Hahah

Thanks for commenting!! You made me smile!!

I have no idea what that crazy looking thing is. I sure wish my camera took close ups like that. Now you've got me all curious.

Oh you would have died. I found a walking stick last year that was eight inches long up by the house. I'm in KY.

I took that with my iPhone 6s and a clip on macro lens! If you're interested in the lenses, I'll look em up and shoot ya a link! Lemme know!

Yeah I totally would have died!!! Ack!! I hope you find some soon to share!

So sweet to offer. I must be one of the only people left on the planet that has never had a cellphone, LOL. I have no house phone either. I live off grid back in the woods. I do have a few solar panels, a computer and satellite internet, so I'm not a total recluse.

Hahaha. Well, even so, the clip ons would work with an ipad or tablet too, I think. :D Even picking up an old (okay not too old, an iphone 5 or newer would be ideal) iPhone to use use just over your internet for its camera would be something to think about!

I have a 13 lb. dinosaur of a computer. I'm totally surprised it still works (knocking on wood). That's a good idea about a used phone though.

Oh man! I am too! Hahahah. That's great though, that means you treat it very well. :D

PS. i will definitely post once I figure out what kind of bug it is! haha. It's so cool.

Did not know that the female Praying Mantis will their mate. Good knowledge and info. BTW there is a Chinese Kung Fu (martial art) by the name of Praying Mantis. So we know that this little insect is powerful or skillful enough that their tactics in self defend is being adopted as martial art.
Thank you for sharing

Thanks for stopping by!

I think I did know something of that at one point. Haha. It was interesting watching her carry her kill the way she did in her 'wrist'. They do have some sharp ... shoot the word is escaping me, thorn things in their joint on their forearms, sure it would keep the kill stable that way! Haha.

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