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RE: You Don't Wanna Kiss This...

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

I love seeing control bugs in my garden. I've not been lucky enough to see more than a couple mantis's at a time though.

I've noticed that the Mantis's and the Walking Stick bugs are green in the Spring and brown in the Fall around my place.

Oh, and I definitely saw that one glaring at you, haha.


I love seeing interesting bugs!! I dunno if you know about bugs but I'm still trying to get an identity on the bug I shared in this post under the Nature section. I should just take the time to send the pics of it to Ask An Expert through Oregon State University's Extension office! Hahah I just keep forgetting!

Have you looked for mantises in parts of your space that isn't green?? That's where I mostly find the brown ones! :) I took all these pics on the 24th of his month (August).

I'm kind of glad I don't (I don't think I do) have walking stick bugs... they kinda freak me out! Hahah

Thanks for commenting!! You made me smile!!

I have no idea what that crazy looking thing is. I sure wish my camera took close ups like that. Now you've got me all curious.

Oh you would have died. I found a walking stick last year that was eight inches long up by the house. I'm in KY.

I took that with my iPhone 6s and a clip on macro lens! If you're interested in the lenses, I'll look em up and shoot ya a link! Lemme know!

Yeah I totally would have died!!! Ack!! I hope you find some soon to share!

So sweet to offer. I must be one of the only people left on the planet that has never had a cellphone, LOL. I have no house phone either. I live off grid back in the woods. I do have a few solar panels, a computer and satellite internet, so I'm not a total recluse.

Hahaha. Well, even so, the clip ons would work with an ipad or tablet too, I think. :D Even picking up an old (okay not too old, an iphone 5 or newer would be ideal) iPhone to use use just over your internet for its camera would be something to think about!

I have a 13 lb. dinosaur of a computer. I'm totally surprised it still works (knocking on wood). That's a good idea about a used phone though.

Oh man! I am too! Hahahah. That's great though, that means you treat it very well. :D

PS. i will definitely post once I figure out what kind of bug it is! haha. It's so cool.

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