How Do I Steemit? Question Floating Around The Homesteaders' Community

in #homesteadersonline6 years ago (edited)

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Image Source- Flickr

I saw @hethur240's post, who saw @aunt-deb's post asking the question "How Do You Steemit?" So I am continuing the question and answering here today. (Let's see who follows after me)

@aunt-deb wants to know "Do you have routine or do you just skip around?"

How I Steemit...

After I usher my man out the door at 5:15AM, I refill my coffee cup and turn up the laptop.
As I let the caffeine continue to wake me up, I scrounge around for my eyeglasses- as I am blind without them.
Laptop up and running and the dinging begins!

  • @ginabot is already awake and letting me know I have hundreds of notifications. We have a love-hate relationship most mornings
  • I spent the first 30 minutes answering some replies for the newbieresteemday initiative that @davemccoy and @mudcat36 started a month ago and have been mentoring some members
  • Next up, the @qurator Daily Q edition (I do nine a week). Once done, send off to @scrooger
  • Answer a few comments and replies that ginabot has alerted me of
  • Refill coffee by now and grab my breakfast yogurt cup
  • Check emails
  • Make my (first) post for the day
  • Take a walk outside to the mailbox or to just get some fresh air and clear my head
  • Chat on Discord
  • Do some HSO and qurator tasks (approvals, submissions, etc)
  • Answer some comments to my post earlier
  • Reply and comment more- people sure LOVE to post and comment on steemit, so do I
  • Lunch BREAK- Hubby calls to check in
  • Back to commenting and maybe post another article, read about five different curation newsletters and see who is new and has an interesting post I haven't seen yet
  • Answer some chat Q's and other chat/Discord things
  • Take a break and get dinner prep started
  • More comments & search for my next @muxxybot curation nomination
  • Log off the laptop for the evening
  • Peek in (Steemit and Discord) after dinner when hubby is napping on the sofa next to me (shhh, don't tell him)

So there you have it... that's how I steemit... how about you?

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That's Full day of steemit.
I personally dedicate only 3 hours to steemit. 1 in morning, 1 in evening, and one before sleeping.
I also try to use steemit from my smartphone when ever i find some time in between.
I have to balance my work life and steemit life. This is little tough.


That's impressive and certainly sounds like a very full day! And you've clearly accomplished a lot in this community, so well done! I only have about 30 minutes a day because "life calls" and things like that... did try to join Qurator, but I don't think I create enough content to meet their guidelines, but I'll follow those posts anyway!

Bright Blessings!

I believe everyone puts in to steemit what their life allows. I am fortunate that I don't have an outside the home job to go to or children at home.

Sorry to hear about qurator. If you're on Discord and would like some advice or mentoring, message me there.

That's a full day of steemit, glad you are enthusiastic and dedicated, but most of all - thank you for helping this community. Great work @goldendawne :)

Yes it is! But I have made steemit my career so I treat it as such.
You're welcome for helping!

Sounds like a long busy and fun day!

Long, busy and crazy at times, but ALL WORTH IT!

I would have sworn you spend 8 hours a day on Steemit with all you seem to get done! Hopefully I'll get better and more efficient at this. I tend to get lost and spend hours looking for quality posts to read and people to follow.

I am usually available from 5:30am until 4pm during the week and the weekends I am in and out a lot. I try and keep home life and steemit life balanced.

Yeah, these first two weeks for me are like drinking from a fire hose but I will find a balance in the next few days. At least I'm working hard on it. Thanks for all you do for Steemit!

Well goldendawne you take it seriously! Well done as it helps us all. I on the other hand do not usher my man outside as he's unable to even wake before 8:30 when he takes his first pills. Ill health is so awful as it decimates a human if you let it. Fortunately despite it all, he battles on with his chronic pain and a half dozen other things. I therefore stand by in case he needs something, but have lots of other things to do as well, so spend less than an hour on Steemit. My favourite thing is to see what replies I get and sometimes I hit upon a friend who already knows my posts and appreciates them. You write about your day and I can imagine how it pans out for you. Really nice.

My husband has dealt with chronic neck and back pain (had neck surgery in 2013) and has made somewhat a full recovery- every so often he gets slight acute pain but he works through it.

Being there for the one you love can really take its toll on you too. I suffer from an auto-immune disease that effects my balance (vertigo), thinking process, fatigue and so many more symptoms; BUT steemit has given me new life and has brought back my passion of writing and blogging. I am a hermit, you could say, and a homebody, so being able to interact online here is a great release for me and my (lack of) social skills.

Ah! so you empathise. I'm sorry to hear you're unwell too. Obviously you're dealing with it and that's great and as you enjoy Steemit you just keep at it! I would not say you lacked social skills, on the contrary. Let's pretend we actually met and how nice it feels to have someone empathise with you. Best of good wishes. jv

Thanks for helping community.I am regular visitor of your blog.Keep it up

That's great to hear! Love that you stop by often. DO you garden?


Okay, I am officially a slug. LOL! Woman, you make my head spin with that schedule... Seriously impressive!

Oh, and thanks for the shout out. Funny what thinking out loud can do. ;~p

Wow, I wish I could Steemit all day like that! No wonder you've progressed like you have! That's excellent! Good job! What a fun way to profit online! Ginabot is a wonderful tool, I enjoy using it too. Information is power on steemit, that's for sure. @ironshield

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