How Do You Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

When the platform was down yesterday, I was thinking it would take a marathon session to answer replies and go though my feed when I got back in.


That's my routine.

Check replies first, answer any new ones, then start checking the posts that popped up since my last visit.

I work my way, one by one, though posts I've picked to read and maybe occasionally toss in a comment.

Sorry folks, but the sad truth is I don't have nearly enough time to read every post on my feed. I do, however, try to keep current so it's easier to cover as many as I can.

Of course, in between all of that, I'll toss out a post myself and try to be timely on any responses that come in.

Oh, and there are the wallet trips to retrieve current earnings and take a peek at how the market is doing, maybe buy a little Steem while I'm there.

Right now, though, I'm off to see how far I get on that marathon...

How Do You Steemit?

Do you have routine or do you just skip around?

Upvote, ReSteem,


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I always make a post first then check replies, and then check my own comments. Then I go to my feed and start looking at other people's posts and upvoting and commenting. 😊

I should probably do it in that order, because somehow I always manage to hit the Post button later at night than I intended. I'll have to see if that works better IF I can find the discipline to stick to it. There's always a rub... LOL!

My routine is after we get the kids settled down for the night. I write my post then answer replies, then get to the feed. Good post. I didn't even really know I had a routine until you made me think about it with this post.

It does take a little bit of quiet & focus. Isn't it interesting how we fall into patterns sort of organically on things? We figure out what's efficient and follow it.

I'm sensing a trend here...

Thanks for adding your voice!

Same start here as you.! I start with commenting on everybody that replied to me and opening those profiles. This from people I see more often as well as new people, perfect chance to see who is dropping by.
Posts I mostly write on my phone while waiting, so after all the replying it is time to put these posts in actual posting format.

After that I will check my feed. Steemit is a lot of work secretly ;)

Steemit IS a lot of work, but when you're having so much fun, it doesn't seem like work.

Thanks for the thoughtful response!

I always go to my replies first, mostly because I feel strongly that if someone had the time to visit "lil'ol'me", it's my responsibility to get back to them. It's part of the giving that goes on here. Then I get to commenting and looking through my feed.

However, best laid intentions..I often compare steemit to visiting a really cool city for the first time; I have a map in hand and have planned my journey, but then I spot a really cool little side-street and make my way down it, and then, like a puppy chasing a butterfly, I spot something else and move to see it. In the end, 5 hours have gone by, my map is crinkled in my hand, unused, but I've seen a lot of other really interesting things!

Good point and a great way to look at it! I like the description as a journey, too. It does seem like that! Thanks for dropping in my little corner of the world...

Oh you are most welcome; I found you because of my 'wanderings' :)

I basically do the same thing but I try to answer every comment I get because I get so few, but Im trusting the process.

Lack of comments is frustrating. The only thing I can suggest is find some more folks to follow and comment on their posts. Lots of times, they'll check out a new person in their feed - especially if their following is small.

I'm trying so hard to establish a routine, but just when I think I have one down life happens and I have to start all over. I see people who follow several hundred people, and can't understand how they could possibly keep up with them! I always go through my replies first, also. The conversation is my favorite part of Steemit. After that, I just do what I can.

Yeah, life has an annoying habit of screwing with our plans.

I limit my followed folks to about 250, otherwise my feed gets overwhelming. Of those, I pick the ones I want to read & open in a separate tab. No way is there enough time to read everything from everybody, let alone comment on them all. It just ensures a lot of good options.

So neat to see how folks fit Steemit into their day!

I saw @hethur240's post and this one- I just made my own!
Like a round robin post!

Lol - it is! Saw your post and, wow, makes my head spin you're so busy!

I tend to check my feed first, and right click on the articles I wish to read. Eventually I remember to check my replies. I post if I have something in mind.

That seems to be the second most used process so far. It's heartening to see folks heading for the interaction portion first!

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