A second response to @endingplagiarism

in Steem Skillshare2 years ago

Perhaps of significant note, I was muted before I had any interest in this community nor its leadership.
Hopefully you have also taken the time to read this moderator's comment in forming your opinion (a moderator which you have referenced and presumably respect) which includes a conversation between herself and "the accused" - https://steemit.com/hive-197809/@daytona475/r7x3to

I have attempted to mediate between @milakz and @daytona475 to find what happened. Ultimately the question always hinges on was it incompetence, malice or avarice.

I don't doubt that there is a problem in the process. In part of the exchange, I read that @milakz must vet as many as 150 entries to determine if they are club5050. While I believe at one time, @daytona475 would have been willing to assist in that role; one can understand why @milakz would hesitate on doing so. The fewer people are deciding, means fewer errors.

It is straightforward to look at information with 20-20 hindsight and arrive at a conclusion. I don't know why @andyfish is powering down, and it isn't essential. I often will copy and paste my tags. The only time that I have ever withdrawn Steem in the last five years was because I wanted to prove that I could do it. I believe that ordinarily, that is one of the qualifications for club100. I don't care. I copy and paste whatever is the most convenient. Steemexclusive sure. I can't be bothered to post in Hive. My friends are here.

Do I consider it possible that others are like me and will do things by rote? It is pretty likely. They will not necessarily consider the implications if they are told to write certain things in the tags.

To test whether @andyfish has ever been compliant, I took a look at the post around the time I estimated he started powering down. I found the first problem. I recognized the problem right away because I have developed software in an international context for decades. @daytona475 provided me with this screengrab.


I did a similar search based on my experience with this result.



International Dates tend to be tricky. There is an issue with the way dates are handled on the server being used Month/Day/Year, Day/Month/Year, or Year/Month/Day. There is also how the date is stored. If it is just the day, it can be tricky based on the timezone. If it includes hours and minutes, you can post something at noon on a given day, and your search will not find it because the days terminate at midnight. Noon on a given day would be filtered on the following day.

The post that @andyfish made was in compliance based on the dates used. Knowing that he had started to power down, @milakz now has the hindsight that she needed to check subsequent posts. I believe that @milakz suffered from inertia. If you check a person's eligibility for a certain number of times, and it has always been true, one might not bother after a while.

Once @daytona475 brought the error to her attention, I assume that she faced two options. She could contact the people responsible for the Booming initiative (to reverse the vote) and possibly lose it as an option for the Steem Skillshare community or put processes in place so it doesn't happen in the future. What has compounded the issue was that many people she trusted were also powering down.

I am not a fan of situational ethics, but @daytona475 is very hardline. For years, one of my thoughts has been that people don't realize what they do.

If it is clear that more STEEM has been powered up than has been cashed out, we will likely give an extra vote from @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02.
You will not be eligible for #club5050 votes if…
You have not made any recent power-ups.
You have bought votes from any vote buying or bid-bot services.

I am assuming that rule is still applicable. In the past, I have never been eligible for club5050. I have saved up to invest in @steembasicincome on behalf of others, including @daytona475. I would save 100 steem and transfer it to @steembasicincome, and it, in turn, votes on your posts.


It isn't the fact that @daytona475 receives that benefit from that vote-buying service. It is that for weeks at a time; I would be ineligible due to the first rule:

You have not made any recent power-ups.

It isn't clear how long is "recent." In common law, one asks what the average man would do.


Since we do not have the average man, we have the accuser. For over a week leading up to when she posted and tagged club5050, this is what @daytona475 had for her compliance. She was ineligible to claim club5050.


From January 1st, 2022, until @daytona475 made these posts, she was still ineligible to claim club5050.


I know that @daytona475 hates me at this point, but I have to ask, did she cheat the Steem Skillshare community or defraud the Booming process or cheat the club5050 initiative. Was it incompetence, malice or avarice? Of course not, and I apologize @daytona475. @milakz probably gave you the benefit of the doubt or used a different date range.


I told myself that it is bad form to include snippets of Discord conversations because third parties can take them out of context. However, this clearly shows @milakz's state of mind in terms of evidence. She knew that she would be back into compliance in a few days. We don't have proof that she knowingly improperly claimed club5050 status at the time or, like @daytona475, assume she was compliant.

Of course, everyone knows that the website or a widget could carry out part of the decision-making process. How much simpler @starlord28 or @steemchiller would it be for each community to put in a date, and the algorithm would evaluate all the posts on that date for transaction compliance. If Bidbots could be blacklisted, the algorithm could disqualify transactions involving them within that time period.

Finally, @endingplagiarism, my posts are an attempt to remedy the situation, and I was attempting to achieve a reconciliation.

@digital.mine - Creator of many of the accounts listed below and owner of the Steem Skillshare Discord channel.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that all of these users receive booming support, none of them are in club5050, and all of them withdraw their steem to the same wallet.

@digital.mine has only posted twice this year, and neither one received booming support. The wallet they ultimately transfer to is for huobi wallet.

As a result of your posts to the community members, thousands of steem delegations were removed without due process. Did you attempt to investigate or communicate with the parties? Have you considered that the people in Kazakstan are facing this?


What about Ukraine?


Your messages to the Steem Skillshare delegators are gutting the earning potential of the members from those countries. If you had concerns, you should have brought them to the attention of the "curators" and "booming" so they could address them with @milakz. No one bears scrutiny when there is an agenda at play.

You will note that I am not tagging club5050.


Since we do not have the average man, we have the accuser. For over a week leading up to when she posted and tagged club5050, this is what @daytona475 had for her compliance. She was ineligible to claim club5050.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure that you will) but within this attempt to discredit @daytona475, aren't you unintentionally incriminating Mila and highlighting the exact abuse that should have her stripped of selecting booming support?

Only days prior to this, Mila begged daytona475 not to say anything about the previous booming indiscretions. And then Mila (NOT daytona) submitted a post to booming, when the recipient was ineligible.

Perhaps in an effort to "buy her silence"? (OBJECTION! Conjecture. Objection approved.)

This is exactly the type of abuse that the community is fed up with seeing - Somebody with the power to choose who receives booming support, selecting people close to them as opposed to supporting the wider community.

 2 years ago 





I am not trying to get anyone in trouble. I chose another community daytona475 was in. I looked for a person who had a big payout a week ago. She cashed it out so was no longer entitled to be club5050 yet continued to claim to be (and got the big bucks).

We aren't dealing with crooks. We are dealing with people who are relying on this platform to live. I am sure this person is not always unbalanced; it is just that some days people need to cash out, and it might take a couple more days before they can power up.

I anticipate that you can find issues in every community.

Greetings @dwarrilow2002, I would have liked you to mention me, so I would be aware that I am part of your example before investigating.

I think you should try other tools to find out if I'm complying with the #club5050, for example @steemworld and if you have any questions here I'll leave you my status and you should know what part of my withdrawal is to pay for various contests, it's saying a lot because in the block chain everything is very clear.



If you want to know better how #club5050 works, read the Steemit team's post
Here you can understand that the ignitions will be balanced for a period of one month.

This means to participate in #club5050 you must balance any cash-outs or transfers away with equal or greater power-ups over one calendar month.

We aren't dealing with crooks. We are dealing with people who are relying on this platform to live. I am sure this person is not always unbalanced; it is just that some days people need to cash out, and it might take a couple more days before they can power up.

That I don't turn on every day, doesn't mean that I am doing it wrong, taking accounts I turn on a percentage greater than 50% of my withdrawals.

I also want to make it clear that I have no relationship with the team of curators @ steemcurator01 and @ steemcurator02, and although I am a representative of my country Venezuela, I consider myself one more user who creates content for this platform and I always have a lot of dedication to share my publications, above all lifestyle in each of my diaries, if they consider that they should vote for them, I will only always be grateful for the support and I value that very much. but when I don't receive a vote, in the same way my publications continue without harming others and even more so when they are not committing any infraction, maybe that will help us all, because the votes are not guaranteed, but hard work and perseverance will be our best tools.

I am aware that many things happen that need to be corrected, for my part every day I dedicate myself to improving that in my Venezuelan community.

Before you continue making baseless accusations, please do some more research.

 2 years ago 

Nice to see the post. Hopefully everything will be fine.

It is fine already, actually it was never bad, and we never stopped even one second to support people both with booming and with our own steem power.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @steem.skillshare . Hopefully after this difficult time we will be back to normal.We will always be by the side of this community.

No difficulties at all, we are here to stay, else we will find an alternative, no issue at all my friend

 2 years ago 

I am relieved to hear you.Thanks

Thank you for the time and efforts you spent to write this post

International Dates tend to be tricky. There is an issue with the way dates are handled on the server being used Month/Day/Year, Day/Month/Year, or Year/Month/Day.

Could you please reach out to me on discord starlord2826#7618. The way steemcryptic handles different date formats is that the client-side sends the date over in UNIX timestamp to the server. That way, I don't have to actually deal with the conversion. But yea. Thanks again. I'll have a look at this over the weekend and fix this if needed.

Really sorry for the inconvenience.

 2 years ago 

I will contact you tomorrow if you need. The widget I would use would send the data in the style where the month was written. Whether the user's computer was set up in the format of 01-Feb-2022, or Feb-02-2022 the server side function would store it correctly.

How much simpler @starlord28 or @steemchiller would it be for each community to put in a date, and the algorithm would evaluate all the posts on that date for transaction compliance.

So, this is where things can get a bit tricky with the existing setup of steemcryptic. The time taken to process such data everytime someone requests for that would mean that I would need to bump up my server specs considerably. Currently, the website can handle around 5,000 concurrent users without any hiccup. However, if this number increases, the current setup would fail to provide the same experience. I would need to do a complete revamp of the architecture in this case and move everything to WASM to reduce the load on the server. I'll keep this in mind. I'll see if I can figure out a way to partial server just one page through WASM and others through the client-server architecture.🤞

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