My Favorite Diary Author | Contest | My Entry

in Best of India4 years ago

Hello India!

I'm Randula from Sri Lanka. First, Thank you @rishabh99946 for releasing the rules for the contest. I attracted to the concept by first looking and I am so excited to join.

Who is she

Actually I have many favourite diary authors dinoli, sandupi, randula99, sandu etc.. and from other counties as well. But I thought more and selected one favorite diary author to write about.

She is @anusha96. Anusha is my collage friend but that is not the reason I selected her. Will tell you soon.


What I know about Anusha from the diaries

The first thing, she doesn't wake up early if she does not go to university. But when she goes to university she wakes up so early. And specially for clinical, her wake up very early like 4.00a.m. But other days she sleeps till late. What I understood is she does her duty very well in the necessary moment.

And she has a cat, honestly, I don't remember a name, most probably it will be "Kitty" the usual name we all use for cats. She is a cat lover.


She is dedicated to her education and clinical. In her diaries always mention her studies and my favorite part is reading about her experience when working as a Nurse. Being a kind nurse is not easy. I respect her patience. And also I know she does this diary game with much attention. (my other friends also do. that's why I like them)


Another thing I understood, she worships Load Buddha every evening as a regular habit. In almost every post she shares food, my personal believe is foods gain more attention.

Why She is My Favourite

  1. She writes daily even she is tiered with all studies and clinical works. I like the courage of people
  2. She does creative things from time to time which breaks the usual pattern of diaries. No matter how easy or difficult, they break the regular pattern.
  3. Her flow and presentation skills are great. Love to read them.
    source One of my favourite diaries of her
  4. She uses her own structure, which makes her unique.
    source The structure and the way she put image titles unique and clean
  5. She replies all the comments. She doesn't miss any thing, at least say thanks.

I believe I wrote enough. @anusha96 am I right or wrong?


First of all thank you so much @randulakoralage for selecting me as your favorite diary author. 😍 I am so glad to read this post 🙊 You know better about my daily routine and all the things you have mentioned are 100% true 💪

The first thing, she doesn't wake up early if she does not go to university.

Of course. I wake up late if I don't go to the university.

And she has a cat, honestly, I don't remember a name, most probably it will be "Kitty" the usual name we all use for cats.

Don't care about that. Actually it hasn't any special name and I called him different names at different times 😅

Anyway I strongly agree with all the facts that you mentioned here and I appreciate your task very much. 😍 Love you so much Ran ❤️

 4 years ago 

😋😋😋😋😋😋 Nice. So it is fair that I don't know your cat's name. Thank you for approving.♥️

At least there is something that you don't know @randulakoralage 😂😂

 4 years ago 

I play S.H😂😂😂😂😂😂

 4 years ago 

sherlock holmes.😋

Gotcha, very much observant huh😂

Thank you for responding!

Very impressive and well presented post my friend!!! I wonder if even @anusha96 knows that much about herself haha
Really good post, full of details. Thank you for this. I like dedicated peoples :)

 4 years ago 

what a fast CR🙄


Of course. A heartfelt post from @randulakoralage ❤️ She knows everything about me better and has a good understanding about my daily routine.
Thank you so much 😍

hmm, I thought you will say @rishabh99946... just kidding.

I don't remember a name, most probably it will be "Kitty"

hahahha.. exams!

It's a terrific post, I really liked it.

 4 years ago 

hahahha.. exams!


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