Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W3| What I bring for travel?

in Traveling Steem7 months ago


Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin menceritakan tentang kontes yang diadakan oleh steemit yaitu Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 - Week 3, di komunitas yang dipilih ini adalah Traveling Steem yang di buat dengan tema What I bring for travel?.

Jenis tas apa yang Anda sukai untuk menyimpan barang-barang untuk bepergian: ransel atau koper?

Saat berpergian ke suatu tempat aku lebih sering menggunakan ransel karna ransel salah satu tas yang yang paling nyaman aku bawa, kemudian ransel ini juga memiliki manfaat yang sangat banyak untuk membawa setiap keperluan yang kita butuhkan, beda dengan berpergian ke luar negeri yang harus kita gunakan koper karna bawaannya yang banyak serta barang yang kita bawa tidak ribet agar mudah dalam perjalanan. Aku menyukai ransel karna tas nya cukup bagus dan tahan lama kemudian ransel juga tahan banting.


Sumber Gambar

bahannya juga sangat bagus terbuat dari kulit dan lain sebagainya. Tergantung harga yang kita beli murah atau mahal. Akan tetapi manfaat dari tas ransel dan koper tersebut memiliki kegunaannya masing-masing, contohnya seperti naik gunung kita akan menggunakan ransel dan tidak mungkin untuk membawa koper dan untuk pergi keluar negeri kita pun bisa menggunakan ransel itulah sebabnya aku lebih menyukai ransel karna simpel.

Barang-barang dasar apa saja yang tidak boleh Anda tinggalkan sebelum perjalanan: pasta gigi, sikat, masker, dll

Mungkin hal yang paling penting saat berpergian yang harus kita bawa yaitu sarung, baju dan celana dalam. Alasan ku harus membawa sarung kemana-mana saat waktu solat tiba aku bisa menggunakan untuk beribadah dan menyelimuti tubuh saat dingin karna aku tidak tau celana ku ini sudah bernajis atau belum.


Sumber Gambar

Maka dari itu sarung hal yang paling penting untuk dibawa kemana-mana. Kemudian soal makanan dan lain sebagainya kita pasti membelinya saat ingin pergi dan yang pasti kita tidak akan pernah lupa untuk membeli kecuali sarung yang membuat kita lupa untuk membawakan nya.

Jenis makanan dan camilan apa yang ingin Anda santap untuk perjalanan yang menyenangkan?

Soal cemilan mungkin kita mempunyai selera masing-masing sehingga kita akan membawakan cemilan sesuai yang kita suka. Makanan yang paling aku suka saat berpergian jauh maupun dekat seperti pocky, popcorn, taro, oreo, chitato, kacang garuda, kuaci serta beberapa jenis makanan lainnya yang tidak mungkin aku sebutkan satu-satu. Jadi seperti itulah makanan yang sering aku belikan karna makanan tersebut sangat menyenangkan bagiku untuk menikmati nya sambil menonton televisi dan lain sebagainya.


Sumber Gambar

Ambil gambar deskripsi koper atau ransel Anda dengan beberapa benda yang akan Anda bawa untuk perjalanan yang menyenangkan

Soal gambar mungkin aku akan menampilkan foto yang pernah aku upload jikalau dia masih ada karna untuk sekarang aku belum pergi naik gunung atau camping di samping lut tawar, aceh Tengah. Karna target kami liburan tahun ini di tanggal 29 sampai 1 Januari, jadi di saat tanggal tersebut tiba maka aku baru bisa menampilkan tas ransel ku dan barang apa saja yang akan aku bawa. Jadi mohon jikalau hanya bisa menampilkan foto dulu. Mungkin saat berpergian barang yang sering kita bawa seperti baju, celana dalam dan luar, minyak rambut, sisir serta bahan-bahan skincare cowo lain nya.

Demikian postingan saya hari ini, sampai jumpa di postingan saya yang lainnya.

Saya ingin mengajak teman-teman saya yaitu @pelon53, @chant, @dasudi


Tentang saya - Klik Disini

 7 months ago 

Hello dear friend, @rahmat31

  • The backpack you use to travel. He also mentions that it gives you a lot of comfort and relaxation due to which one you use. Yes, of course, if the trip is outside the country, it is better to use a suitcase. Of course, it is obligatory for all Muslims to pray. Which is why I think it would be best to take a Jainamaz to pray like you do. Some of the delicious foods you eat while traveling are popcorn, taro, oreos, cheetahs, garuda nuts, sunflower seeds. Very nice way you have presented your post I like it. And so I wish you all the best in this competition.

Best regards from @robin42

Thank you, friend!
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 7 months ago (edited)

What Will I bring for travel? Huhmm this is a very interesting topic in this week's challenge of SEC! I'm glad to see your entry dear friend...

Yiur publication has clearly showed how you answered the questions related to the theme and enlightened the readers how you want your packaging to be when traveling to avoid baggages...

Using the backpack has been like a hobby to mw when I go on any trip, be it a long or a short one. I don't really care, all because it has been comfortable, easy and reliable to use. It was nice seeing you choose the same bag as what you'd love to use whe traveling... Many people loves using I too... Although choices are different!!!

Of course, we need food to survive in this world, so the essence of having a snacks when on trips is very crucial for enjoyment, relaxation, fun and sustainability. You also ha e good choices too...

Most importantly, no one would like to firget his or her toothbrush or paste or even mobile charger befire traveling. These are the most needed things on a trip...

Thanks for sharing and good luck with the challenge..

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your visit which means a lot to me, I really appreciate your review, nice to meet you ☺

 7 months ago 

Glad to know that you keep traveling to different places and you prefer backpacks because they are easy to carry, we can carry them on our shoulders and travel and we don't need any. It does not present any difficulty and in it we can keep our necessary items which we may need at that time and you are right that if we go on a trip out of the country, we need a suitcase and it's nice to know that when you travel, you carry a sarong with you so that when it's time for your prayers, you can pray on time and you like to carry snacks with you that require no frying and no refrigeration so you can eat them whenever you feel hungry.

 7 months ago 

Hello traveler! 👋🏼

Thanks for sharing your post in the TS Community. Here you are the feedback and evaluation results:

Lol 😆 Friend, is that you the one in the collage made by yourself? It's really nice to see that smiling face. I guess you enjoyed a lot creating the article for the contest. I wish you the best success. Regards from my part in Latin America.

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Curated by @alegnita

 7 months ago 

yes, that was me when I was 17 years old hahaha, thank you for correcting my post

 7 months ago 

A backpack is very simple to travel with and it feels comfortable. But do you think your items will fit in the bag? I love snack a lot when traveling but when I am traveling with my family, we cook from home and eat while in the vehicle but when i travel alone, I feed on snack. We'll be waiting for your traveling kit.


 7 months ago 

Hi, trips when they are scheduled as I see you do are usually a lot of fun, you like camping, exploring, hiking which indicates to me that you are a practical and positive person.

I hope you will soon be able to do other trips for your enjoyment because when we do what we like we feel happy.

I wish openness of travels for you and lots of enjoyment, see you soon.

 7 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good.

You said you like a backbag. The reason is because you are used to, to it. I really like a rucksack too for traveling. You are right it's too much comfortable and very easy to be carried.

Yeah on a trip eating food give another level of taste. It's always very good.

I wish you very best of luck here in the contest.

I wish you very best of luck here in the contest.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for Reading

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