✍️ Where Do I Go From Here?steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Once again, it's been a long time since I've posted anything and I keep saying to myself "you really should get back and share something".

Some days I wake up and search for some inspiration - there's a lot happening in the footballing world but I look at the sports content across Steemit and it looks like everybody's gone. @frafiomatale is still holding the baton though and I'm pleased that he is - I've always enjoyed his content. But it makes me think "there's no audience for this any more"...

Source + Photoshop

...and whilst I really enjoy a footballing ramble, I don't want to spend my time writing something that most of my followers won't enjoy.

So what do I write about?

I thought about writing about the stress of Christmas (Bah Humbug!) but a bout of COVID straight after put paid to that idea (and writing about Christmas in mid-January doesn't feel right). I could write about losing my sense of smell and it's very slow return (I can just about smell the-baby-gorilla's 💩 which are more than capable of clearing a room). It's weird not being able to smell. But again, this doesn't feel like the most interesting topic.

I've watched a couple of box sets but don't see myself as much of a critic. Especially when the box set itself is fairly uninteresting.

I frequently log in, browse for a little while and then slink away again, wondering where my place in this blockchain is now. I look at Ich Spiele Scrabble, find nothing and quietly give up.

I don't know if it's lack of ideas... lack of motivation... lack of energy... or lack of time. Maybe a little bit of each.



There should be something like a Retired Steemians Club where users who have almost left or are on a break can catch up and hang out whenever they feel like. XD

 2 years ago 

The "Comeback Club"... like a halfway house before returning home... a gentle reintegration back into society 🙂

We're always looking for contributors in Popular STEM. ;-)

I look at Ich Spiele Scrabble, find nothing and quietly give up.

I do that too. A lot.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the invite - I often read what you’re up to and hopefully you’ll discover that billion dollars you’ve forgotten about 😉

I think my being lost is content related rather than community, WOX is a good home 😊 Every time I stop posting for a while, I don’t know how to get back into the flow again. It’s strange. Maybe I will write about Christmas!

I look at Ich Spiele Scrabble, find nothing and quietly give up.

That's just lovely... 🥰
@remlaps and you - I really appreciate he effort you guys are making. Rest assured that there are also a lot of native speakers who are screwed at this stage of the game! Get back to me a bit sooner - then I'll know I'm not just writing for five people... 😉

Otherwise, all I can tell you is that I'm no different. When nothing works, nothing works. Posting for the sake of posting is not something we need! Still, nice to hear from you, to know you're doing well - sense of smell or not.

Better times will come - I'm thinking of you!

 2 years ago 

then I'll know I'm not just writing for five people... 😉

Now you know that you are writing for seven 😉

Having no smell is so weird. It's not like when you've got a cold and you can't even inhale through your nose - I could inhale and had absolutely no idea that I couldn't smell anything. It was only when the-baby-gorilla was wandering around with a big poo in his nappy and I had no idea that I realised. Poor baby-gorilla. I still pretend that I can't smell him so that the-mrs-gorilla checks (and changes) his nappy 😁

 2 years ago 

I read your posts about football. They are interesting. I can only imagine how much time and work went into them. But the realities in which I live now do not allow me to enjoy football. I don't remember when I watched the last match.

Any of your posts are always interesting, so I patiently wait for your inspiration.

 2 years ago 

I can only imagine how much time and work went into them

It never felt like work and the words would always flow really easily. You know that feeling when you starting writing something and the mind's buzzing with what you can write next....

I don't remember when I watched the last match.

Is there any football in Ukraine at the moment? I vaguely recall Shakhtar Donetsk playing in Europe.

the realities in which I live

It appears that everything you predicted around this time last year has come true. Hopefully 2023 will be a better year 🙏

 2 years ago 

Is there any football in Ukraine at the moment?

The championship of Ukraine continues, but the matches are played in empty stands. However, you yourself understand that the level of the game has dropped very much. Almost all legionnaires have left the clubs, many clubs have financial difficulties, some have ceased to exist. For example, Dynamo Kyiv is selling players like at a fair.

It appears that everything you predicted around this time last year has come true.

I'm even scared of my predictions :)

 2 years ago 

I've seen that lots of players have moved abroad and been amazed by how much money some of them have gone for - Mudryk for example - an incredible sum of money.

I'm even scared of my predictions :)

It's a good thing that your government shared your thoughts for the future, otherwise the war would have gone very differently. Fingers crossed for 2023.

...lack of motivation.

I think it's this, my friend. Ive always enjoyed your content. I don't usually read other posts but yours, it's a must for me and I like it. I keep peeping in your account, checking friend posts to see if youve written anything new but its been a long while.

I know you, you're a great writer, you can turn anything at all into a delicious post and that's so cool. I think if it was about votes, you wouldn't have a problem so that's not even the reason for the lack of motivation... i just think, like most people, your interest in this isn't like before. It's no more fun, it's not really exciting again and that's what I think it is. But hey, you'll always have minions like us always willing to read your posts and giving our little supports too even if we have no clue about what the post is really about😅

 2 years ago 

Thanks, it's nice that you look out for my content...

...even if we have no clue about what the post is really about😅

Ha ha, yeah. I thought that as I was writing it and then I reached the bit about "lack of..." and I had absolutely no idea what to write next. So I searched for a picture instead 🤣


I guess the beginning of my statement didn't make a lot of sense. I made the corrections ✌🏽

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @the-gorilla

Don't worry, even great writers have an empty moment in their lives, you just have to relax, follow the post-Covid recovery and keep enjoying the smells of the baby gorilla lol, until the inspiration comes back.

 2 years ago (edited)

Ha ha, thank you - the smells are very enjoyable 😷

 2 years ago 

Sometimes it is not easy to understand why one loses motivation.
But I think it has something to do with being burnt out and losing interest in almost everything.
As for steemit, I really think you got burnt out
You wanted too much, you wanted to help everyone and started developing to give steemit a new front-end. + all the other projects you started.

I'm glad to see you posting again, your posts are rich in content and a pleasure to read

 2 years ago 

There's plenty of truth in what you say - hopefully it's just a bit of winter blues which a spot of nice weather will help with! (And a good night's sleep 😴)

 2 years ago 

I sometimes feel the same.
In my website people find my tutorials while searching for it.
But this blockchain thing works different from what I am used to.
There is the WoX trail, maybe it is a good solution? You probably understand better than me what it means, but basically you do not have to post and you still get some SP or Steem. I think :o)

 2 years ago 

I know the WOX Trail and it's well run 🙂 It's not really about the rewards though - I've always enjoyed writing and the process of writing, especially thinking of something that I'll find interesting to learn more about. But when I started this post - I just drew a complete blank. Even at the end, no words came so I just finished with a picture!

 2 years ago 

I know the feeling. That is what I do.
As a blogger, I write from 1, up to 3 articles a year!
Sounds very little, but it is a long process for me, almost like a small book, accompanied by drawings, which take time.
Here (Steemit) it is easier, the system is well built for blogging, but not enough audience, and no way to search. And a post is mostly good for 7 days.
These are a lot of things for me to get used to. But you master the platform. The ideas will come. Sometimes they come just by writing.

Hi man, thanks for your mention, I appreciate it! In your post you pose an ever-present question among those who like to blog or write professionally: do I do it for myself or for others?
It is a question that has no definite answer, and depends on personal feelings. I have tried both ways, but only when I do it on topics that really interest me do I feel satisfied. This often means having fewer readers, or perhaps none at all, but re-reading your post and smiling with satisfaction is priceless... 😇

 2 years ago 

I understand what you mean. ..

do I do it for myself or for others?

The answer's both - I take pleasure in writing and researching specific elements within a post (and finding amusing pictures) and I also take pleasure in knowing that others read it, enjoy it and interact with it. I think that if either of those things was missing, I wouldn't have the motivation to continue.

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