Engagement and the new photo session.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear Steemians,




My post today has two parts, the first just my thoughts about blogging and engagement.

The second part is the new photo session of my hubby @myskye.




With this post wanted to reply to @pixelfan’s post about the huge cruise ship that is passing through the city and that is in Antwerp in Belgium. First I thought that there is a channel but it is in reality river Scheldt. Actually learnt a lot and looking at that wonderful photo that can raise two different emotions:

  • Either, we are jealous because also want to live there and see this show, or
  • We feel sorry about the people who suffer from normal traffic on one hand and such huge traffic on other hand


As to me, I find it interesting and this is something to discover later on when there is no lock down in Europe anymore.


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Engagement as a foundation of friendship


Why looking through the posts of different users, on and off I come across interesting people. Unfortunately, we are all very busy and do not really pay attention to the content. If there is an interesting photo, that stops us and makes us to read what is behind.

When I read posts I try to comment interesting one and actually discovered many very good bloggers, they are all different, with different interests, hobbies, living in different countries but they all have one in common they are very good and communicative if you drop the a comment and maybe start up communication.




We all enjoy if our posts receive attention and comments and also curious about what other people will think about our posts. On other hand we forgot that other people the same like us, also very keen have the attention. I remember saying to my son when he was little that he should treat the other kids the way like he wants to be treated himself. That simple rule sometimes we forget.

Just to draw your attention to following users, who are real bloggers in their hearts and always happy to answer the comments:


I am pretty sure there are many and many others, but with those users I have had chatted lately and I must say it is always a pleasure to have them as a company and I would like the others to discover these users for themselves.


Good luck!


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I hope you enjoyed my post and thank you for viewing :-)


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CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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When a person does something with the soul, it is always noticeable. He likes to take pictures and that's why all these pictures are amazing.

Thank you for mentioning my name, although I am not at all sociable, just your pictures and posts leave me a very pleasant impression and a positive response :-)

I like what you draw and write, and not all users will be able to say the same...

Когда человек что-то делает с душой это всегда заметно. Ему нравится фотографировать и потому все эти снимки потрясающие. Спасибо за упоминание моего имени, хотя я совсем не общительная, просто твои картины и посты оставляют у меня весьма приятное впечатление и положительный отклик :-)

Мне нравится то что ты рисуешь и пишешь и далеко не обо всех пользователях смогу сказать то же...

Привет @singa мне очень нравиться твоя компания, хотя не всегда естьвремя на ответ, но всегда и удавольствием читаю твои заметки. Я совершенно согласно как говориться как аукнется так и откликнется. Я стараюсь быть просто собой и немного поддержать людей вокруг меня :)

Thank you so much for your kind mention, dear Karly.

Yes, I always try to treat others as I would like to be perceived. Perhaps that is the key to the many comments under my posts. Admittedly, this is not always easy, because sometimes users have somewhat distorted expectations. Especially when your stake is bigger than theirs. Well, I try to always remain polite and I'm very happy that you manage to do that as well.

The photos by @myskye are really great. There snaps a very good photographers eye with the right eye for artistic values!

Liebe Grüße,

Absolutely, agree, that is the feature we have in common. I actually enjoy writing but not always time for that. That is why I enjoy my holiday, but again do not like to spend too much time at computer. On other hand I see only the way how to keep Steem at live is to engage others, new or old users. Especially if we decided to invest in Steem.

Stefan is getting better with his camera and learning a lot of new features too. So hope to share them on and off :)

Liebe Grüße,


I see only the way how to keep Steem at live is to engage others

Write this in big letters on a giant, bright poster and pin it to the front page where it will immediately catch everyone's eye!

 4 years ago 

Thank you for your great support, @stef1 :)

You are welcome, nice to have you around :)

Wow @stef1... That was a very heartfelt post and I am humbled by your words. I thank you for being there from the beginning with your support and encouragement. You told me not to be discouraged and put the time and effort in. I am glad I listened! Much respect and admiration dear friend.

Hi @alaeddin, I am very pleased to see you hear, I remember reading your "the Hermit" story and really was impressed with the quality of your writing. Such people like you have to communicate and open up yourself. That actually reminds me the writers because there are always some who can write great stories and no matter what you read you just love it. But we need to be able to know that those authors are existing. I was glad to be able to guide you and hope that you will find more interesting people around :)

 4 years ago (edited)

Your husband’s photos are beautiful. They remind me of my wife’s work. We live along the shoreline of Lake Ontario (United States). Her skies look like his. I received a projector for my birthday. I cast her summer photos on the wall in winter and winter ones this summer.
Thank you for sharing!

P.S. I think @denmakrguy is a broken link.

Thank you for the tips about misspelling :)

I looked at the map Lake Ontario area looks gorgeous, There are many similarities in such landscape. I can understand what you mean, we love winter in summer and another way around. Although my hubby would be glad to swap that with Australia or New Zealand without any problem. He usually say that he does not need winter :)

@tipu curate


What incredible photos friend, transport me for a moment to that place. thank you for sharing your amazing work with us

Thank you for your feedback, and such lovely words to the photography :)

 4 years ago 

Now I'm blushing 🤭🤭🤭
You know what's funny... at first, when I saw @Stef1, I thought you were... a man 😂
Stef is often used here in Flemish Belgium for Stefan... Thank God I didn't use any typically boys in the mancave language 😉

Anyway, I checked your husband's feed but it appears he doesn't post a lot anymore. But the pictures are fantastic. I especially love the mood of the first ones... is it in Scotland?

I know what you mean, actually the account was created by my hubby Stefan, but slowly and surely I have taken over. So he created another one but due to @art-venture, he is mostly active as that account now. Actually when you mentioned that I immediately recalled another Stephan, the singer Stephan Eicher with his amazing video. I am attaching it:

 4 years ago 

Oh, yes...I know him...👍
Our favorite here, when the kids were younger and we used too sing all together in the car was:

Great memories, thanks for bringing them back 😘

Absolutely, the same with me, I love to sing but my hubby never does that is a great contrast. I was pretty sure that you also know and like Stephan Eicher :)

Its perfect ...

Thank you :)

extraordinary scenery that is very beautiful and amazing, and filled with snow, while in Indonesia it is summer, and good luck always friends in the beauty of photography, and I hope you are always healthy @stef1

Thank you for your lovely words. I can imagine how it is in hot countries, not to be familiar with something like our four seasons in Europe. But on other hand you have such beautiful nature and warm climate :)

thank you for encouraging me, I really like it and it's true what you say @stef1

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