Photo contest: post processing #5 - Creators of red lines.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

The red line, the red thread, is the boundary between the prohibited and the permitted.

Once, in the Old Testament times, for the first people there was only one red line created by the Creator, which was supposed to protect people from sin.

But, Adam and Eve, having tasted the forbidden fruit, stepped over this red line and found themselves outside the second red line between paradise and the wild world.

One could step over these lines only once, there is no way back.

From that moment, people decided to create their own future and create their own, red lines.

The walls of houses, the perimeters of land plots became such lines. surrounded by fences, borders between countries, borders between the desire to buy food and having money in your pocket, a lot of red lines.

The upbringing of children, even the upbringing of dogs and other pets, is built on the red lines of what is permitted.

Your rights and obligations in the legislation are thick, red lines.

People are different, and someone tries to avoid these red lines, and someone tries to create as many of them as possible, especially when this person comes to power.

Rulers, often, they appear out of nowhere, before that, they were called "convenients people."

They were convenient for the previous ruler, because, over time, when dandruff pours out of every skin pore, you want to transfer your affairs to another person, a successor, but you need guarantees that retirement and old age will be happy, and not behind the red line in the dungeons of the prison .

Such comfortable people grovel so low before someone who is ready to transfer power to them that they slip between every red line on their way.

Having come to power, such inconspicuous, small people do not start building roads, schools and hospitals, they do not build communications for small towns, no, they begin to build numerous red lines between themselves and the people around them.

There are so many of these lines over time that the world becomes like a web in which everyone is entangled, even the ruler himself, who is now afraid that, one day, these red threads will be woven into a thick rope with a loop at the end and tightened on his skinny neck.

He is looking for a way to retreat, but there is none, because it is so difficult to step over the red lines created by himself, by himself.

I put such thoughts into my photo work, created for my participation in the Photo contest: post processing #5, authored by Dear @bambuka.


The starting point for this competition was a photograph provided by Dear @ty-ty, in which we see a palace, a government building, the territory of which is surrounded by a red fence, we see a red pillar on the left hand.

Any mortal cannot cross this red line, most likely, if this happens, a guard will run up to him and point out his place in history and in society, lol.


The idea of the picture was born gradually, step by step, having started work, I did not know what the final version would be.

To begin with, I decided to move the red pillar as the heaviest part of the picture under my right hand, so it was more convenient for me to work.

I removed the blue, clear sky first of all, I wanted to show the cold relationship between the government and the common people.

Later, I will cut the grass and window openings, I need depth.


The photograph of the palace, or what was left of it, became the second layer, and the first layer, the basis of the whole plot, was a photograph taken by me in rainy weather through the glass of the bus window.


Probably, at this stage, the idea of ​​red lines appeared, or rather, it was fully formed.


Even, there are red lines in the vertical of power, therefore, it is not surprising if the territory of the palace is dotted with red lines.


I needed a person who is moving to power and I used one of my photographs.


For simplicity, I peeled the onion from the husk and left what I needed.

I used this layer twice, the second time not at the final stage of work.


Further, the palace and the one who aspires to it are united.


I thought that the work was already finished, but suddenly I remembered that I was working on an interesting web, clearing it of everything superfluous and this web was perfect for my plan, it remains to change its color to red.


Now that the web has found its place in the picture, it remains to cover it with a second layer with a walking person and we will see what we see on the finished work, in the first photograph of this post.


Yes, the red eye is the eye of the one who, once, for the first time, pushed a person to cross the red line and begin to create new, red lines.

Author @barski.

 2 years ago 

Congratulations, you've done a great job.

I see a certain philosophical and theological message here. I will only add that the thickest tangle or network of red lines runs inside us. Society is interested in this. The question is how much we need them ourselves, in what assortment and what quality :)

I note that your picture corresponds to your thoughts. However, without explanatory words, I would most likely have other associations. But after reading it... you asked me a couple of dotted red lines :-))

Поздравляю, вы проделали большую работу.

Я вижу здесь определённый философский и теологический посыл. Добавлю только, что самый густой клубок или сеть красных линий проходит внутри нас. Общество в этом заинтересовано. Вопрос в том, насколько они нужны нам самим, в каком ассортименте и какого качества :)

Отмечу, что ваша картина соответствует вашим размышлениям. ОДнако, без пояснительных слов у меня скорее всего возникли бы другие ассоциации. Но после прочтения... вы задали мне пару пунктирных красных линий :-))

Probably, the goal of any picture is to provoke some associations, reflections,and it doesn’t matter at all, the associations of the viewer and the intention of the author of the picture coincide most importantly it should start the thought process.
And as for the dotted line, then the thread with red flags stretched between the trees in the forest can be considered a dotted, red line that can protect us from hungry wolves. :) Thanks!

 2 years ago 

Probably, the goal of any picture is to provoke some associations, reflections,and it doesn’t matter at all, the associations of the viewer and the intention of the author of the picture coincide most importantly it should start the thought process.

I agree, the red pillar started your chain of associations and led to quite deep conclusions. Your surreal result actually reflects the existing reality. Different interpretations are possible, and this is normal, everyone has their own life experience.
By the dotted line in my head, I meant that you set one of the vectors for solving a competitive problem and now you need to somehow discard it :-))

And as for the red flags... with their help, a free wolf is driven into places where a hunter with a gun is waiting for them...

I was a hunter, but I never used flags. Maybe that's a good thing. I preferred hunting "from the approach".

Согласен, красный столб запустил твою цепочку ассоциаций и привёл к довольно глубоким выводам. Твой сюрреалистический результат на самом деле отражает существующую реальность. Возможны разные трактовки, и это нормально, у каждого свой жизненный опыт.
Под пунктирной линией в голове я имел в виду то, что ты задал один из векторов решения конкурсной задачи и теперь надо как-то его отбросить :-))

А что касается красных флажков... с их помощью загоняют свободного волка в места, где их ждёт охотник с ружьём...

Я был охотником, но никогда не пользовался флажками. Может быть это и хорошо. Я предпочитал охоту "с подхода".

As they say, a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar :).
That's why the wolf goes along the corridor of red flags, because it cannot cross this line, which means that standing outside this line is safe. I prefer hunting for pheasants and ducks, in extreme cases, for a hare, zhigans and buckshot have lain in my bandolier for many years without work, lol.

 2 years ago 

When I was a hunter, but my goal was wild boars and moose. I didn't hunt for sport. I was interested in food... :)
But after meeting a moose (I didn't have a gun) and communicating with her at arm's length... we looked into each other's eyes, I still remember it.

Since that meeting, I have never gone hunting :)
But I have my own account with the wolves, they killed my dog. I remember...

 2 years ago (edited)

I sympathize with you, it's sad to lose a dog, but what does the wolves have to do with it?
As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, we are responsible for those we have tamed. Wolves are on their territory and it's perfectly normal for them to consider anything that moves as potential food and even if they slaughtered a dog for fun, that's their rules, that's their nature. You will not find in your secretary a dusty invitation from wolves. Even if people live in the taiga for hundreds of years, then wolves live there for thousands of years, this is their land and you can’t treat them as those who insulted your daughter or sister, for which they become blood enemies in the Caucasus. But, never, a sister or daughter will find herself in a strange village, or in a strange house, where she can be offended. As far as game is concerned, I have never taken more game than I can cook at one time.

 2 years ago 

I understand the psychology of the wolf and all your reasoning is correct. There's not even anything to argue about.
But I am so arranged that if I meet wolves in the forest (as if even on their territory, although we have a common territory), then there will be one less wolf. If I had seen those wolves then, I would have shot to the last bullet. This is not according to the laws of nature, I understand. But that dog was my friend. And these are the laws of human existence.
Alas, I am not perfect.

I understand that my words will not change anything, but I will say that the statement about the common territory is erroneous.
You, me, someone else will always be a guest in the forest, this is the domain of wolves and other inhabitants of the forest. They have their own rules of the game, in which you interfered, received merit and, as a result, remained offended. Understand this, get yourself another dog and do not take it where there is a danger of losing it. Yes, as an option, get your own livestock, pigs, rabbits and chickens so that you don’t have to go to the taiga in order to replenish meat supplies, and fence the yard with a high fence so that the wolves don’t take away what you grow with your labor. This is something that can change some outlook on life.

Deeply impressed! From your words and your artwork. Congrats to this excellent interpretation...!

Thank you so much! Have a great day!

Excellent work, Congratulations!

Thank you!

Very interesting and thoughtful your participation @barski. So was the round of comments with @bambuka. There is a whole twisted world behind power, that's why, I try not to think about politics, although I know I can't ignore how it affects us wherever we are. Now I try to breathe, see the other side of the coin, not get involved in anything that bothers me enjoy nature and life while I can. I also know that doesn't solve anything, but I'm jaded with the way the world is set up.

No one promised that it would be easy for us on this path :). Thank you!

Very theological and introspective.

Thank you! Have a great day!

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 2 years ago 

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Thanks for support!

Paah, barski, this is an absolute masterpiece 😍🤩
The thoughts written are grandiose wonderful.
There shouldn't be so many red lines, we are not free.
We should be free.
But the main thing is that there is no war 😭 and one are not locked up.

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