Presentation for Project Hope at Steemit

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


First of all I want to thank the Project Hope community (@project.hope) for receiving me in such an amazing way. Many thanks to @crypto.piotr

I think it is very good that content with good intentions and originality is rewarded, as well as the appreciation and participation of users. Learning from each other is the most enriching thing there can be. And we have a lot of interesting people here to share and learn with.

How did I find Project Hope?

I got to know Project Hope just by googling communities and rewards on Steemit. And I found several, but I think what led me to publish here is their goal, mission and a vision, one that has been shown to me, something which I really appreciate.


My name is Alejandro Aristeguieta, I am 27 years old. I am Venezuelan and currently reside in Caracas, Venezuela. I studied audiovisual arts, but I ended up dedicating myself to the world of investments and trading, a turn I never imagined in my life. I met Bitcoin in mid-2015 and I think that the currency value at that time was about 350$. I remember that the first one who brought me to this was a friend who mentioned mining to me. From there I learned about cryptocurrency exchanges until I ended up in the world of trading. A year ago I decided to train as a professional trader in a Hedge Fund. This to make a short summary of my life.


In short, one can learn a lot from falling and in the process of getting up you get to know yourself and begin to see the world in which one is going to develop with unexpected lucidity. Why am I interested in financial issues and the world of cryptocurrencies? The world of money is one in which many people are seen falling. And I think that in trading many live by deceiving others, more than from the returns of an account. The same goes for cryptocurrencies and the way they are sold to the general public.

My idea here at Project Hope is to offer my knowledge with the hope that others can enter this world of crypto and invest in the right way. That they can have a different vision of the market and, most importantly, a sincere point of view on a space of much speculation. I hope to form little by little an information library that will be able to grow with the help of all of you and your interactions, which I consider very important to me. I also hope to get to know more authors, since I am interested in learning from those who come together here.


I am really very grateful to participate in the community and very excited to see where the project can evolve from here to the end of this year. Greetings to the entire Project Hope community.

Alejandro Aristeguieta

editing and translation: instagram: @ja.lanz.b

 4 years ago 

I always feel joy when I see Venezuelans so talented that they join the great Project Hope family.

My idea here at Project Hope is to offer my knowledge with the hope that others can enter this world of crypto and invest in the right way.

I would like to read your post with many investment tips. In my particular case, I am rehearsing with trading and I am a neophyte.
Maybe with your experience, I could find the inspiration that I need.

Welcome to PH appreciated friend @ale.aristeguieta.

Your friend, Juan Molina. Project Hope's Co-founder.

Friend @juanmolina thank you very much for your comment and for taking the time to read this publication. As I have responded to others, I hope to build this small library of knowledge. I am preparing good things for PH and all its users.

And I know that all of you also have amazing content to share with me from which I will learn a lot.

Thanks again for the warm welcome.

First of all I want to thank the Project Hope community (@project.hope) for receiving me in such an amazing way. Many thanks to @crypto.piotr

You're welcome to @project.hope and we are also happy to have you here with us 😊. Our thanks also keeps going to @crypto.piotr for his great impact on the platform too 😁

I think it is very good that content with good intentions and originality is rewarded, as well as the appreciation and participation of users. Learning from each other is the most enriching thing there can be. And we have a lot of interesting people here to share and learn with.

This is actually some of the goals of @project.hope. The community loves it when content creators are being rewarded for their quality content on the platform and this is why Project Hope will continue to support good content creators on the platform. The platform has also promoted the act of sharing, learning and earning amongst it's members which makes it very easy for you to share your knowledge through creating valuable content and earn cool upvote in return.

I met Bitcoin in mid-2015 and I think that the currency value at that time was about 350$. I remember that the first one who brought me to this was a friend who mentioned mining to me.

It's really great to know that you've actually been in the crypto space for the past 4 years from now and I must say you're really doing great 😁.

My idea here at Project Hope is to offer my knowledge with the hope that others can enter this world of crypto and invest in the right way.

I've actually been looking for great users like you who can put me through great crypto investment strategies to avoid loosing much funds and to help me earn more from my investment. I think I may have to keep checking your blogs for important tutorials about this and I hope I'll also be able to learn great things from you 😊.

I am really very grateful to participate in the community and very excited to see where the project can evolve from here to the end of this year. Greetings to the entire Project Hope community.

You are welcome once again to Project Hope and I can confidently tell you that you won't regret your decision.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕💖❤️❤️💕💖❤️💕💖

Thank you so much for your time reading me and giving me this answer, I really appreciate it.

I think the Project Hope initiative is really good and that's why I decided to get on the boat to sail with everyone present.

Well, I hope that as I upload articles and build this library of knowledge, I will contribute to each and every bit of my experiences, knowledge and errors so that they do not comment the same as I do in this financial world. Because it is a lie that there are only successes and gains in this, of course there are losses, the key is to make those losses always be the least possible and never affect you irretrievably.

Again I say that it has been a pleasure to read your answer @hardaeborla Thank you very much and happy weekend.

Well, I hope that as I upload articles and build this library of knowledge, I will contribute to each and every bit of my experiences, knowledge and errors so that they do not comment the same as I do in this financial world. Because it is a lie that there are only successes and gains in this, of course there are losses, the key is to make those losses always be the least possible and never affect you irretrievably.

We will surely be expecting your great content and I can't really wait to read them 😊. I also love your idea about making losses at a very least measure since there is actually no how there won't be losses in any business or trade.

Thanks for your great reply

Again I say that it has been a pleasure to read your answer @hardaeborla Thank you very much and happy weekend.

You're welcome and I wish you the same 😊

Hello dear @ale.aristeguieta, very good presentation brother.

Welcome to Project HOPE, thank you for being here, your knowledge and the contribution you can make to this community is welcome and will be well received.

I am very happy that you feel comfortable in this community, our commitment is to receive and welcome all those who want to share their knowledge with us to grow and develop together

Euclides Villegas, I am in the Monagas state.

Welcome and enjoy this trip.

Thank you very much @fucho80 I have felt very comfortable also thanks to you who have participated in my publications from the beginning and I really appreciate it.

I hope that my contributions can be of help and interest to you for your interests in this financial world.

We are already on the journey, now we only have to navigate.

Greetings and happy weekend.

 4 years ago 

Hello Friend @ale.aristeguieta

I give you a warm welcome it is a great pleasure that you participate in our project, I greet you from Barcelona, and I really like the idea you have of sharing your knowledge in crypto investments. That is very important nowadays, I hope to see many publications of yours soon.

What do you think about IOTA.

By the way who is @j.lanz.b does not appear listed the instagram.

Hola amigo.

Te doy una cordial bienvenida es un gran gusto que participes en nuestro proyecto, te saludo desde Barcelona, y me gusta mucho la idea que tienes de compartir tus conocimientos en las inversiones de crypto. eso actualmente es muy importante espero ver pronto muchas publicaciones tuyas al respecto..

Que opinas de IOTA.

Por cierto quien es @j.lanz.b lo busque y no aparece listado en instagram.

me dio curiosidad por que tiene mi apellido.

Hello friend, how are you? Thank you very much for participating in my article. I am sure you will have the opportunity to read many articles of mine here. I am and organizing good content for Project Hope.

I want to maintain an active publication of market analysis on different crypto, investment experiences and diverse opinions on the market, I hope to gradually build a library of knowledge for everyone.

IOTA is very good Blockchain, if you are interested in it, very soon I will mount a market analysis article for this company.

Jesus Lanz is my writing partner and a brother, the instagram was wrong, a typing error, I apologize, it is, ja.lanz.b

Thank you very much for your support and greetings from Caracas

Bienvenido a la Comunidad Project Hope - Welcome to the Project Hope Community.

I'm also from Venezuela, I live in Caracas. I'm glad you decided to join this Fellowship. There are many people who have dedicated themselves to the world of investment. Could you tell me what's the best way to learn? I'm interested.

Have a great weekend

Hello @jadams2k18 I'm glad to know that there are neighbors around here. Yes, I think that lately the situation has led many people to enter this world of investments and trading. In fact today the question of trading is becoming a kind of trend or fashion. Just as it has happened to other disciplines at the time. The delicate thing is that here there is money involved and more people looking to make you lose money than really showing this as it really is.

Little by little I will dedicate myself to the part of teaching in this community. It is a material that I am preparing, because I really hope to offer a vision of trading and the world of investments outside the box. If I am constantly making money in the financial markets, why can't others do it? the point is that to win there is a long process. That is why I want the information that I present here to be truly for the benefit of those interested who are going to venture into this world.

I have suffered scams and losses in my beginnings, that is why it seems to me a delicate subject if it is not treated well, you can really have an unrecoverable loss in the market if you do not know how to approach it, or rather, face yourself, This is a mind game, but you have to know how to play it first.

I am pleased to know that you are interested in this and that you really want to learn well. Please follow me or be on the lookout for my posts within Project Hope, I know they will be very helpful, some may be intermediate or advanced knowledge, but I assure you that a basic guide on how to get into this is on the way.

Thanks for participating, happy weekend.

Thank you for your support and sincerity and I will look forward to your publications on Project Hope

Thanks a lot for this ! this is excellent project and i be proud to be a part of this!

 4 years ago 

Dear @ale.aristeguieta

Thanks for this optimistic and encouraging post.

Let me repeat it one more time: welcome to our community :) I really think you will fit this place very well.

Learning from each other is the most enriching thing there can be. And we have a lot of interesting people here to share and learn with.

I fully agree with you. And it's definetly a fun process to learn from each other.

I studied audiovisual arts, but I ended up dedicating myself to the world of investments and trading, a turn I never imagined in my life.

That's a huge turn. Perhaps i can surprise with mine. I used to be a programmer, I studied it. And after years working in that profession I turned my life up-side-down and I ended up living 5 years in Thailand and fighting on local rights (thai boxing). Right now my career is over so I've been coaching for past few years.

You cam all the way to audiovisual arts to trading. I did ...from programmer to becoming a boxer. Life is so unpredictable sometimes, right?

Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr

Hello friend @crypto.piotr Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my post.

This is the way life can take many turns and end in situations that you never imagined you would be exercising. Wow, I am a boxing fan and the culture of Muay Thai is extremely fascinating, I really like to hear that you are passionate about boxing to the point of becoming one.

I am sure that with work, effort and discipline (as in the martial arts and commerce) this community will develop in ways perhaps seen before.

I hope you have a happy weekend. See you in a next post

With all the love

Alejandro Aristeguieta

 4 years ago (edited)

Check this out:


Before and AFTER I got married :P

now I'm fully ... domesticated :P

Wow I see that he was literally fighting behind closed hands. I quite like its versatility. Boxing is an incredible sport, well I have already mentioned that I am a faithful follower of the sport.

A hug!

 4 years ago 


Omg! lol.

Wooooow! I didn't know you were a programmer. That's a huge jump! Generally, programmers don't even do exercises even less fight! Or maybe they're changing now? O.o?

Life surprises O.O

 4 years ago 

Well. This programmer (me) got beaten up by 3 drunk guys and then by some nazi skinheads. Both times within period of few weeks.

Something snapped at me at that time and I've decided to learn how to fight. I used to do karate and taekwondo at that time and I just switched it into some more brutal martial arts.

Funny enough - I got injured more during all those years of fighting that I would get if I would be beaten up 10 more times hehehe :) Nose broken 3 times, broken ribs, bruises, internal bleeding, damanged elbow, nasty cuts on my head etc.

I wonder sometimes if it was worth it hehe :P Surely it does give me confidence to know that I look like a nerd and geek, but I can kick ass hahaha


You have a warrior spirit, normally I'd run from fights. But you decided to learn how to defend yourself. I admire you, my friend. You are brave.

Nose broken 3 times, broken ribs, bruises, internal bleeding, damanged elbow, nasty cuts on my head etc.


I'm very sorry that those people hurt you but thanks to that situation you became stronger and I guess not only physically.

Fights have always frightened me, both because of the harm I can get and because of the harm I can do.

Did you ever see those men who attacked you again? Would you get revenge on them?

Surely it does give me confidence to know that I look like a nerd and geek, but I can kick ass hahaha

That's right! :D

Stay in touch ^_^

Hello @ale.aristeguieta How are you? Welcome, I'm also from Maracay, so we're neighbors hehe... Well, actually I am not in Venezuela, but in Bogota, I am very happy that you are here, all Venezuelans are like my brothers! I hope you like being in our community, I also took a turn like all Venezuelans when we left the country

I am a doctor and for the moment I have not been able to practice, I have had to work on many things that obviously have nothing to do with my profession, but that's life, the time will come when everything will change!

Hi @franyeligonzalez Thanks for sharing your opinion and taking the time to read my post.

Good that you are Venezuelan, there are many around here. If I think that something difficult about immigration is the fact of exercising in a job according to the profession studied. Fortunately the change I made I made my profession and what I studied became a hobby.

I hope we don't see here later. A big hug from Caracas.

Yes, it is a difficult subject, but as we know we can handle it and much more! Sure, we'll be seeing you!

Hey! You're a doctor! That's awesome! What kind? I used to live in Maracay, but I'm in Caracas since last year.

Ah ok, which part? Doctor General.!!

Welcome to our community, I hope you develop here and you enhance your skills because we have a wide variety of high quality content.Enjoy, participate in exchange opinions, a liking have you here Alejandro.

Thank you. So be sure. Very complicated by the reception that everyone has given me. We will see each other. A big hug from Caracas.

This post has received a 20.67 % upvote from @boomerang.

Thanks for this!

Welcome to project.hope. I am sure that you will find many people with similar interests here and it is a great community.

Thanks a lot for this! sure i see some interesting articles here. ! thanks

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