"Achieved 3 by @FredaIG - Assignment: Content Protocol"

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)



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"Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations." Source

There are lots of reasons why plagiarism should be avoided at all cause, for one you don't learn anything by simply copy and pasting someone else's work, another reason being that its a form of dishonesty and you lying to the world. But you presenting an original content emplys and shows how well you are progressing.

There are different Types of plagiarism

  1. Direct plagiarism: It's the process of passing off specific words or paragraph of another's writer's words as your own without acknowledging the author

  2. Complete plagiarism: Similar to Direct plagiarism the only difference is copying and pasting the entire paper of another writer's work as your own, in other words it's a form of borrowing or stealing someone else work and submitting it as your own

  3. Self plagiarism: It's the act of reusing your own words from a different content, that is plagiarizing yourself and your own work It's fine to use the same source from your work but cite them properly to avoid plagiarism.

  4. Paraphrasing plagiarism: It's the process of reusing another writer's work or idea and changing a few words or phrases in your own words

  5. Source-based plagiarism: "Source-based plagiarism can be a tricky one to understand. With this kind of plagiarism, the writer might cite their sources correctly but present the sources in a misleading way. " Source

  1. Accidental plagiarism: "It happens when the writer doesn’t realize they are plagiarizing another’s work. " Source
  1. Patchwork plagiarism: Is the process of taking a clause from a source and embedding it in a sentence of your own. " Source

Plagiarism can be detected using a software the common one used is the plagiarism detector

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Have a beautiful day steemians!.

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Hi @fredaig, good that you have successfully completed achievement 3 corresponding to the program "500SP Minnowsupport"and you are proving to be a steemians with the potential to add value to the steemit platform, in this way I want to congratulate you and encourage you to take those final steps to achieve your goals within Newcomers' Community and show that you are 100% trained.

I want to invite you to complete Achievement 4 that will bring you closer to your goal and provide you with better knowledge.

The title of your publication should be "Achieved 4 by @yourusername - Slogan: Applying formats"

Please tag me / your mentor: Add tags, such as # achievement4 and a hashtag for the country you are currently residing in

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Greetings 👍

 2 years ago 

Hi, @fredaig,

Your post has been supported by @wilmer1988 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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