It is Women’s Day? - Inspire Inclusion

in Steem For Ladies5 months ago (edited)

Ontwerp zonder titel.jpg

International Women's Day.

Is it a day to celebrate, to think, to reach or to stand on the barricades for equality?

According to wikip, Women's Day has been 'celebrated' since 1912 in the Netherlands but I never heard from it during my childhood and I doubt my parents and grandparents did. If you ask me wikip made it up to make us dutchies look better.
If you believe women and men are treated the same, women earn the same if doing the same job you are wrong. If you believe the police believe you if you are molested or raped you are wrong again. Perhaps if you are lucky they won't laugh in your face.

While many women in Europe worked Dutch women stayed home and raised their children. This changed for about 30-40 years or so due to campaigns of the government. By now many are overworked, depressed and the number of heart attacks among them increased. Women their lives didn't improve since they had a job next to being a mother and housewife to many it is a must, the only way to stay alive.

There's a huge difference between a housewife and a houseman I know all about it and so did our housekeeper who switched with her husband and became the breadwinner. All he did was drag himself out of bed, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee.

Pastel Pink Simple Women's Day Quote Instagram Post.jpg

I live in a society where everyone is confused.
It's clear men and women can't always do the same. We no longer know what is expected and no matter how hard we try in a men's world it is never good enough. This is what centuries of feminism have brought us. We are no longer female because we have to buckle up and be a man.

March 8 is not the day I celebrate and if it's with the entire family, men included.

As a mother, friend, neighbour and so more it's my duty too to make people aware of the world we are living in, a world filled with stress, depression and worries in many cases women have to take care of Ladies, ask for help, delegate tasks! Ask, ask, ask and do not care if that task isn't done as perfectly as you had it in mind.

A better life for women is worth fighting: less violence and stress
Abuse, dear ladies, starts with us. We are the ones who give birth to criminals, rapists and all those men who mistreat women. I ask you ladies how can this be, what has happened to you to accept such behaviour? What went wrong, but also why is it you point at other women and drag them through the mud?

If we want a change we have to ask ourselves: what role do I play? What can I do to make the lives of women (and men) easier, acceptable, better?

I can't help noticing that if it comes to women they are rarely loyal to females.
Too easily we blame men for all the misery done to women. But if you look down on housewives, single mothers, women with a career, sexual workers, women exploited by their fathers and brothers, those who are satisfied with their 'old fashioned' role as wife and mother only, the servant, maid, poor farmer's wife or that young girl that tries to better her life and call the elderly women useless, point fingers, gossip about and scold at them.

I ask you: What do you expect to change on a day like March 8, 2024?

Pictures: Canva
I am a mobile phone user only


I invite @eveetim @blessedlife @shiftitamanna

#steemexclusive #club5050 #holland #steemladies-s16w1 #inspireinclusion #kittywu #burnsteem #lifestyle

 5 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

Thank you for supporting the women with your entry. A better life for women is in deed worth fighting for! Women are building blocks of our society hence needs to be given adequate support. Success!

Club Status#club5050
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
AI Free
Score (quality/rules)8.5/10
We invite you to support @pennsif.witness for growth across the whole platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available
 5 months ago 

Thank you 🍀❤️

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

If you believe the police believe you if you are molested or raped you are wrong again.

There is nothing more shameful than that. When a woman declares herself molested or raped to the country's law enforcement agencies, the accused should be brought to justice immediately. I believe, this time and society will one day disappear completely.

I will answer your question that you left for us in my participation of this contest. I will mention you there to let you know your answer. Good luck!

 5 months ago 

The result is that most women will never report it. First they told women to not fight back if raped to not make it worse, next/now they say: you should have fought back.

The police does rarely go after rapists they do not care and if the judge sends them away meaning crime pays.

If family or the victim goes after the rapist they end up in prison. ☹️

I'll read you, thanks for tagging me.


 5 months ago 

Ada perbedaan besar antara ibu rumah tangga dan pembantu rumah tangga. Saya tahu segalanya tentang hal itu,

Hanya kita yang mengalaminya yang mengerti akan keadaan itu. Artikel anda sangat menarik dan saya sangat tersentuh dan terhanyut saat membaca tulisan anda. Anda menulis berdasarkan fakta yang terjadi dan sering kita lihat dalam kehidupan ini, begitu banyak ketidakadilan bagi kaum perempuan dan mereka yang tidak mengerti keadaan seseorang begitu dengan mudahnya memberikan tanggapan dan memvonis perbuatan yang menimpa mereka.

Salam temanku....

 5 months ago 

Menurutku, tidak mungkin merasakan apa yang dirasakan orang lain. Sekalipun dua orang mengalami hal yang sama, setiap situasi berbeda karena setiap orang tidak sama.

Saya telah merawat, membantu orang, baik perempuan maupun laki-laki, dan setiap situasi berbeda.

Menurutku buruk kalau kita sebagai manusia mudah menyalahkan perempuan, terlalu mudah. Yang menurut saya paling buruk adalah perempuan berpartisipasi dalam hal ini dan menilai perempuan tanpa bertanya.

Saya harap artikel saya menjangkau beberapa orang dan memberi mereka bahan pemikiran.

Terima kasih telah membaca.

Salam dan berkah


 5 months ago 

Greetings to you 👋.
How are you. I hope that you are fine and I'm fine too Alhamdulilah by the grace of Allah almighty who is the most merciful and beneficent. The woman plays many roles in her life as a mother, as a teacher ,as a wife and as a neighbor to make aware people of the surroundings. Best of luck for contest wishing you success 🙏.
Best regards @jannat12

 5 months ago 

She does indeed. I wish younluck with the contest as well.

Blessings to you.

@wakeupkitty.pal Your candid perspective on International Women's Day resonates deeply. Your reflection on the complexities faced by women and the need for genuine unity is thought-provoking. It's commendable how you call for self reflection and action to create a better world. Best of luck in the contest!

 5 months ago 

Thank you very much for reading and commenting.

If women can't unite and take care if themselves, know their needs, treat each other badly why blame men for it?

All the best to you.

 5 months ago 

#steemit please, let us know what is going on!

Each one of my twitter links are gone! Same for comments, upvotes and so on. It's not great to promote Steemit this way.

Greetings friend,
I understand that you feel frustrated and disillusioned with the current state of gender equality. It's true that women often face unequal treatment and discrimination, including in the workplace and when reporting incidents of harassment or assault.

The societal expectations placed on women can be overwhelming, especially when trying to balance multiple roles. It's disheartening to hear that the efforts of feminism have not brought the desired progress. It's important to raise awareness about these issues and strive for a more equitable society.

While March 8 may not be a day of celebration for you, it's crucial to continue the dialogue and work towards a world where everyone is treated with respect and equality.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your answer. Personally, I do not not feel frustrated. My lifenimproved 200% since I took my lifebin own hands which I've never regretted.

It's good to fight for equality but it is also good to admit women and men are not the same and there's no need to.

What I advocate for is the right to live life the way it suits each person the best.

If you read till the end you've noticed that I said women should not always blame men for their misery. Women can be very mean especially if it concerns women!


Oooh, that's good to know, so sorry I misunderstood your thoughts, however I'm more than happy to hear that you're not feeling frustrated.

 5 months ago 

No worries if it comes to misunderstanding. These things happen and we cleared that up. 🙂

 5 months ago 

Hi @wakeupkitty.pal When I was watching Steemit in the morning, I saw this post. I liked this post very much because it should give women all kinds of rights for women, because we have seen bums in our society. and we should give them that status too. So when I saw this post, I thought I should write something about it. It is a part of our society. We are incomplete with women.Women have a beautiful right in the society, they have to make a place for themselves in the society. It is completely wrong. They should treat women as equal with men. Give tomorrow a chance so that they can do their jobs with their rights 💯

 5 months ago 

As long as women have a place and are free to do what they like and use their skills this world will be an even better place especially, if women help eachother. Nonpointing fingers, gossip, envy afterall we are one bird of a feather. Thank younfor reading me and leaving such a sweet, thoughtful comment. All the best to you.


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