Business Activity || Invitation to entrepreneurs - Work-Based Empowerment ¡Welcome!

in Business Activity2 years ago

Steemians from all over the world are about to start a business, they already have a business, others are business promoters, they are dedicated to the world of finance and cryptocurrencies and in this case, we also have users who carry out a summary of businesses, to bring the consumer closer with a positive assessment and thus satisfy a good demand.

The business community invites each new or old steemian to be part of the community, since whose performance in each one has been seen in their publications in their businesses, in the new ways of seeking financial solutions and how to promote that great interest in others, therefore , a call is made to join the #BusinessActivity community where empowerment through this opportunity will allow you to change for the better.

The assertiveness in terms of being in Steemit and even more in finding the ideal place in the community for companies, entrepreneurs and promoters, is available to work as a team to increase productivity, to be that ally in the middle of the road and future of each of those who decide to be with us in this project.

Users can choose to share different topics but always in the related ones for which the call to be part is made, in business terms, because it is a community:

Business, Blockchain, Crypto & Investment.

Which is open to issues that are relevant to these and in favor of improving finances and a positive change in terms of the economy of each member.

This announcement in invitation to those who will be mentioned by username according to their activities and interests, is also for the general public who is interested in being part.

So that can find within the many categories to share about: Cryptos, finances, strategist issues, business impulse, productivity, improvement, empowerment, technology as a means of helping companies, how it encompasses the importance today, business sectors that are part of the economy that want to take to the top, of each member in the community to be part of the empowerment.

As many know this community is for companies and entrepreneurs, new accepted topics have also been incorporated, always with the same purpose of promoting businesses. It is emphasized that new and old users can join, in case they still do not know the community or do not know how their publications can contribute that added value and fundamental to the ecosystem and in personal and professional growth.

Every day new desires arise to make changes, to emerge, to lead, to empower oneself, to grow, to undertake, and to show more current businesses, so @BusinessActivity is the ideal place for profitable projections in current and future finances.

To make this even more interesting, part of being in the community also has its reasons within what advertising is, and it is merely important to accept payments through steemit, with TRX, Sbd and Steem, which is favorable for each of the members, thanks to this, the businesses will be able to receive profits that will help them to support themselves immediately and in the future.

Make assessments, demonstrate how Marketing has enough power for change, how with Steemit businesses around the world increase and become known, share issues of feasibility, finances, impulse, business promotion, opportunities that only occur in steemit and through this business community, where the future is in the hands of those who know how to take it.

Steemians from all over the world, what are you waiting for to join? Increase profits, get noticed, give points of view that help the investor to improve and empower themselves like never before.

Week #7 - Special invitations to:



An invitation to the steemians to join the business community with their business, the changes begin with the increase in the services to be required. The initiative has been taken in inviting her since she has a beautiful job in fashion design, unique garments and with which she makes her business known and the most challenging designs. The business can be in the community and in this way increase clients that may require through steemit and increase finances, as a basis for the future of the business manage.



Dreams come true and aspirations are becoming greater, we work for dreams that are realized; That's why an enterprise from home arises as the person wishes, the invitation is made to the steemians graduated as Professional Pastry Chef, and with which that entrepreneurship grows day by day, cristy's sweet pastry shop . By accepting to be part of the community, for companies and entrepreneurs, you can make yourself known even more in the world and thus accept payments through steemit, advertising your most outstanding desserts and your new creations in the community.



The work that is emerging or is causing people to have the need for changes is also favorable, so we invite the user to join, since he has had extensive performance as a Freelancer and editor, which is something very interesting . In the same way, his knowledge as a reviewer and proofreader of academic texts and, of course, an advisor, means that he can offer services for profit. Undoubtedly you can also join according to the accepted methodologies in the community.



The invitation to the user is due to his extensive experience in Administration and Marketing, as well as his career as a business consultant and entrepreneurial advisor, which is a great success and a good opportunity to be in the community and share everything related helping others to undertake and improve in the different business sectors. Also if you want to undertake the possibilities are open.



A business that was born through extensive experience and studies in the field of psychology; We invite the user to join the community, to offer their services and advising in a professional manner according to the terms and conditions of their work. Online consultancies are currently in great demand. Being in the community for companies and entrepreneurs you can offer your services and in this way make yourself known throughout the world with steemians. In addition, other publication methodologies are accepted in the community. The world, although it may not seem like it, is going through a situation in which every day, the need arises to be with a professional in the field, regarding his knowledge and studies, which would be convenient for his venture joining the future of Cryptos.

Activities that stand out

The images below are a demonstration of the work or interests that steemians have in different topics and for which they are invited to the community, due to the purposes of the study that has been carried out in the different communities to determine what they can have the interest to share publication in the business community. Nothing is random, everything is part of an exhaustive investigation of each steemians in the jobs they perform and for the reasons for which they are summoned.

Publication link
Publication link
Publication link
Publication link

Click to enlarge the images

It is an open invitation to each steemians taking into account the three publication methodologies on topics accepted in the community, so that each one finds what they feel most comfortable sharing with. We want to make the understanding of each steemians, that this is a community, for companies, entrepreneurs, promoters, business promoters, for those who are in the technological trends that go hand in hand with the businesses and in their benefits, advertising, services, business advice, consulting, among others. The invitation is for you: @samhunnahar , @dove11 , @revava , @lizbeidamedina Don't limit yourself, don't be afraid to share your posts, get closer to the future that is, if you just want to accept it.

Changes are certainly necessary, new opportunities are also part of change, so why be afraid of change? Everything happens for a reason to which an opportunity like this, in which you support and help empowerment, is within your reach with the community. What do you expect then? Be a member now!

The work in the community is from the call to join, fulfilling consultancies for the presentation and subsequent development in the work to stand out in the community.

You are part of the future!

The intention of this community is that they attend this call in invitation with which their lives will give a change for the better and for their future: This invitation is for you who work as a promoter, you are a great entrepreneur, businessman, where change business and financial growth is urgent today, new proposals are required, new businesses for change, economic strengthening does not come only, it is owed and you need to work on it having to get involved in the business world and stand out, where the related in topics accepted are wide and therefore That's why we invite you to share them.

Links of interest where you can find more information about the community:

Of interest to the user: It is important to mention that many users sometimes have several businesses, and of course they can present them, but not with the same account, we know the breadth of the business world and we know that everyone wants to grow in a way unimaginable. But, we know that each business belongs to a different field in the different Business Sectors, therefore, you must share certain information about the business, first of all, your personal account is used for a first business but not to share another business, you must have a account separately with the name of the business, following the rules of the community, thus helping to expand its current customer base and promote the online and physical business. Dare now, if you are a businessman, do not limit yourself, entrepreneur and promoter, you are evolutionary and you move in the world of consulting, you are a strategist and others; In order to cover the different areas of work, share the related topics. The community has released three types of acceptable methodologies and all of them will be of great interest to steemians. For your peace of mind in the process you will have the support of the founder and/or moderators of the community.

Do you want to be part of Steem Business Activity

Introduction to the community

Welcome to Steem Business Activity | General Rules

Community of business activity

We are now on Discord!

Join to Discord - Business Activity

Would you like to support our community with Steem Power Delegation?

50 SP 100 SP 250 SP 500 SP
800 SP 1000 SP 1250 SP 1500 SP

@Cindycam - MOD Editorial staff 🔹



An excellent strategy for the growth of the community, welcome everyone.

 2 years ago 

With this invitation we hope to strengthen ties with the steemians and become a great community. Up for teamwork. Greetings.

 2 years ago 

It would be nice if invited investors would soon join and cooperate with us in various ways because great interest is big projection

 2 years ago 

We certainly must motivate them and join forces so that the community grows into committed investors. Greetings.

 2 years ago 

This is truly a motivated guides to quality content post. Thank you @cindycam

 2 years ago 

An invitation to steemians to join in such a way that they find the ideal place for the publications. Greetings.

Your post has been successfully curated by our team via @pelon53 at 40%. Thank you for your committed efforts, we invite you to do more and keep posting high quality posts for a chance to win valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote later this week in the Top Seven.

Note : You must enter the tag #fintech for your post to be reviewed.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your support. Greetings

Thanks for the invitation, I already subscribed to the community. Cheers!

 2 years ago 

Hello, @marvinvelasquez we are happy! We hope that soon you can make your presentation. We are on Discord for support:



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