SEC - S9W6: " My Biggest Challenge "

in RECREATIVE STEEMlast year (edited)

My biggest challenge "C" Designed by Canva

As you grow with each passing year, you experience new challenges. As a baby, you have the challenge of learning to turn, sit, crawl, and then walk. Not to mention copying and understanding the funny noises and faces that come from your parents.

You grow older, you change, and you become wiser, yet those challenges keep on painting your life. Some of them are small, and others are like mountains you have to climb.

Some of us will have to sit and think carefully about which challenge was the biggest, and for others, they will know straight away. I fall into the latter group.

I know what my biggest challenge was. I don’t have to think about it or ponder about it. My biggest challenge starts with the dreadful "C" word. Yes, I was one of those who received the "death penalty", I am a breast cancer survivor.

I have shared my story before in a Steemit engagement challenge; therefore, I was not sure if I should enter this contest and share it for a second time. Then I read the guidelines.

👉Tell us how did you get over it?
👉What advice can you give us from your experience?

In all these years, nobody has ever asked me these two questions. When they hear the "C" word, they immediately become quiet, and you can see the pity in their eyes and hear it in their voices.

Best of all, it is something that is not going to go away. In fact, this morning it was on the news that there has been a 42% growth in breast cancer.

How I got over it

Being diagnosed with cancer puts you through stormy seas. It is totally overwhelming.

You have to see the doctors, you have to take in what they tell you, and you are so overwhelmed with what you are hearing and what is going to happen.

Yes, you have to get over the fear which is by far the most difficult thing to do, and ride those waves with dignity.

As we are all unique and our circumstances and diagnoses are different, we cope in different ways. All my life, I’ve been a person hungry for information. I want to know why, I want to know how, and I want to know when.

  • I got a second opinion.
  • I started a journal. Each day I filled the pages with a positive thought. So often it was not easy, but once I had founded those words and dotted them down, I was a different person.
  • I searched the internet to find as much information as possible, and I wrote it all down in my journal.
  • I learned more about the different treatments.
  • I made the time to pause and slow down in my daily activities.
  • I found other "victims" who were successful with their treatment.
  • I joined support groups in my area.

Cancer is a long process. First there might be an operation, then the treatment, and just when you think it is over, you start your five year plan of medication and yearly tests. For the rest of your life, it will be like a sword hanging over your head.

If I could have a magic wand, or if I could have one wish, it would be for a magic wand. A wand with which I could cast that magic spell to take it away.

My advice

I quickly learned that I was not the only one with cancer.

There are plenty more, from tiny children to the elderly. All of them are fighting for survival. Some survive, and others don’t. It brought joy to our hearts to see the familiar faces back for treatment.

It was with gladness that we celebrated those who finished their treatment. And so it was also with tears in our eyes that we shared when a familiar face was no longer there.

Today I want to give advice to two groups;

  1. Those who are cancer free
  2. Those who might receive the verdict in the future

1. If you are cancer free

  • Go for regular testing
  • If you think something is wrong, don’t wait; go and see your doctor
  • You have to adjust your lifestyle
  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise regularly
  • Stop smoking

It is your body, and if you don’t look after it, nobody else will.

2. If you receive the verdict

  • Don’t hesitate to get a second opinion
  • You have to accept the outcome
  • You cannot let it get you down
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Share with your family. They are there to support you
  • Educate yourself so that you are always one step ahead
  • Get on your knees and pray!

Through all this, I have learned that... life is too short not to wake up in the morning and be grateful.


I invite:
@aaliarubab @ninapenda @nexcis

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available.

Hello ma'am @patjewell,

This is my first time of reading about this dreadful "C" word you had years ago. All my life I have come across just one woman who was dying of this disease. I guess because she lack the proper treatments and not properly taken care of. Good to know that you overcame it through God's help.

To those who are cancer free and to those who has cancer, everyone should just be cancer alert!.

life is too short not to wake up in the morning and be grateful.

I wish you success!

 last year 

Awh thank you for your visit and the kind words. 🎕
I was so lucky as I went to see a doctor straight after I felt the lumps. It is when we don't pay attention to our bodies that the worse happens.
Our bodies are our most valuable item in life and that we must never forget.

I admire people who have overcome a disease, especially cancer, it is a disease that brings many strong changes in people's lives that usually leads to depression. Those who stand firm and face it from another perspective, positivity and most importantly, trust in God, praying with great faith, achieve victory.


Beautiful and wise advice.

 last year 

You know what? It is true. It does change our lives.
Previously I was always the strong one in the family. Through my cancer journey I've learned that I cannot always be strong. That I am also human and it is okay to be weak with times.
Thanks for the visit and kind words! 🎕

 last year 

Hello my dear friend @patjewell
It was necessary for you to tell us here your story of survival of breast cancer, since it is a case that other patients could be experiencing today and your testimony would be very useful to be read again and again to prove that it is possible to get out of this if it is God's will.

I was recently talking to my stylist, she is also a breast cancer survivor and is still undergoing treatment to eradicate this disease from her body.
Your advice to start a healthy life and always be positive even though everything looks bad, is very encouraging, you were able to overcome it.

I thank you very much for sharing with us your great story of the biggest challenge you have overcome in your life.
It gives me peace to read you and know that today you are well because of God's grace and infinite mercy for you.

 last year 

I am a survivor and I am proud to wear that pink ribbon!
I was a bit in two if I must share or not but reading your comment makes me glad that I did. If there is one other Steemian I can help and encourage with whatever they are going through in life I am more than happy.

You know, we always hear these things but we never think that it can happen to us. Then one morning it is there, uninvited but with one hell of a bang at your doorstep. You are never prepared for the curve balls of life. BUT you can learn how to handle them.

Tell your stylist that I say; "Pink is stronger than you think!"
Then give her a big hug! 🤗

Wuaoo amiga me conmovió tu experiencia.
Y me identifico contigo como mujer aunque espero nunca pasar por eso pero si tengo muchas amigas que lo han vivido y lo están viviendo y de verdad afrontar una enfermedad como esa es un gran desafío 😞

 last year (edited)

It is a great challenge but even greater is to be able to say "I am a cancer survivor"
Thank you for the visit, the engagement and the kind words! 🎕

Hey @patjewell! I just read your post about your Biggest challenge & I wanted to Reach Out & offer Some encouragement . Its not Easy to confront our biggest challenges but by acknowledging them and sharing Your journey youre already making significant progress. Remember challenges are opportunities For growth and self discovery . Keep pushing forward with determination and resilience. I believe in you and your Ability to overcome this obstacle . Stay positive & focused and you'll come out stronger on the other side . Youve got this!

 last year 

Oh yes! In all these years I have grown as a stronger person. I have learned to believe, I have learned to share, and I have learned to be extremely grateful. In this whole process I have discovered who.
Thank you so much for your beautiful words of encouragement. I means a lot to me! ☕

Indeed, life is too short not to wake up grateful in the morning. That road you just narrated is a difficult way to follow and not every one gets too lucky to tell the story.
I have a friend that is also a survivor and i must tell you that the resources, encouragement, support and love at those moments were huge.
Your advice is top-notch as prevention is alot better than cure.
Thanks for sharing...

 last year 

If I look back at my cancer journey, there was always someone who had it worse than me and this is what keeps me motivated. I was lucky, it could have been me.
I am so glad that your friend received the support, love, and encouragement, as it is all that carries you.
Thank you for your visit. ☕
It is appreciated and makes me glad that I did share.

Saludos mi estimada amiga

El Cáncer sin duda es la peor de todas las enfermedades en el mundo, y un desafío bastante grande para superar, porque involucra tanto tu bienestar físico como el mental, y es un desequilibrio total a la vida, nada fácil .

Grandes consejos y recomendaciones nos dejas no solo para quienes están diagnosticados sino para los que aparentamos bienestar, es importante cuida de nuestra salud porque al final es lo único que no podemos darnos el lujo de perder.

Mis mejores deseos para usted y para que este libre dea C por siempre, y por supuesto la oración constante para hacer que se logre la cura para tan terrible mal.

Mis respetos y buena suerte

 last year 

Whoa! Thank you! Your kind words mean a lot to me.
In the end there are thousands of diseases out there that takes lives every day.
We can all be so lucky that we are still alive... and kicking (•ิ‿•ิ)
I am in complete remission and can only pray that it will stay that way.
I wish you all the best for you and your family.

I have never read your article about cancer. So, your post took me by surprise. Some of my friends are also cancer survivors. At first they were shocked, but like you, they later made peace with the situation and continued to live until now. Their enthusiasm and belief have killed the cancer virus.

Several years ago, I read a biography of Lance Armstrong, an American cyclist who was sentenced to a short age due to testicular cancer. He defied all medical analysis and won the Tour De France seven times in a row.

Warm regard from Indonesia @patjewell.

 last year 

Indeed, there is victory for many of us!
It is a challenge, but you get used to it. What also motivated me were the little ones, who never complained about their treatment. Week after week, they sat there with smiles on their faces.
I learned a lot from them.

Thank you! I appreciate your comment.. a lot!

Very inspiring @patjewell, live a healthy life by absorbing energy from the passion and love of those closest to you. I can feel your beautiful and happy life from afar.

 last year 

Hola amiga 👋

Wow te toco enfrentar un gran desafío, no me quiero ni imaginar lo duro que pudo haber Sido tener esa terrible enfermedad l, es una bendición que la hayas superado Dios te ayudo en todo momento.

Éxitos en el concurso 🤗

 last year 

Our Heavenly Father is awesome!
He is always there when we knock on His door and believe me, I knocked more than once.
Thank you for the engagement with my post and the good wishes.
It is appreciated! 🎕

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