VALLEY OF PLUTOCRATS {Episode Thirteen... First day at work}

in Steem Kids & Parents16 days ago

Episode Thirteen... First day at work



Holland's Bar

In a private vip room, three young men were being entertained by drinks and women. The table was littered with empty bottles and the ladies were dressed provocatively.

Henry rose up from his seat with a bottle of bear in his right hand. He staggered backwards, his cheeks flushed red. It was obvious that he was drunk.

"He thought he was invincible. That nobody was above him but now where is he?"

"The great beyond" his friends laughed out

"I bet he didn't see this one coming" Henry chuckled

With Aiden gone, he had no one to compete with him. Everyone and everything will finally submit to him.

"But Henry, what if Jennie mentions your name" one of his friends who was a little concerned asked

Jennie was the nurse who injected the strychnine. She ruined her live and career as a nurse in the best hospital in the city just for Henry.

It wouldn't be too surprising if she suddenly regrets it after the torture and interrogation she would be subjected to and then decides to betray him.

"She won't, that woman is so obsessed with me. She will never do anything to harm me" Henry's lips curled into a malicious smirk

He was willing to sacrifice any and everything for his desires even the very person whom actually loved him.

The Roosevelt's Family Home

Eliora woke up the next day to her mom's hollering. She slept late the previous night so her natural alarm failed to do it's work causing her to sleep off.

"Will you get up! Your grandma told Elliot to arrange a position for you at the company. You shouldn't be late for such an appointment, you have to make a good first impression"

Eliora felt her head ache, as though having some fellow talking in her head all day long wasn't exhausting enough, she had to awaken to a nagging mother.

If she recalled correctly then she never mentioned the old lady's offer of a job to her mom. Those nasty relatives must have called to rub it in.

"Eliora, you've got to get that job. That's how you can build an image for yourself and finally climb the ladder to the top. Isn't this what we were hoping for?" Joan smiled

"I guess" came Eliora's reply

It is what her mom was hoping for.


'Please park outside at least a meter away' Aiden's cranky voice echoed in her head

The fellow was becoming more and more annoying. He was complaining about literally everything.

"If you have a problem with it, I don't see who's stopping you from going away" she scoffed as she rode in through the company gates

'Are you really being serious! You think I want to be stuck with somebody as tasteless as you. You are riding a scooter to work dressed like a handmaid. You are definitely aiming for some hilarious first impression' he retorted

"Dressed like a handmaid! Says someone who is supposed to be in a coma. It's my fault for even bothering to listen to you"

She was even linient enough to consider what he had to say but the fellow had something to nitpick about literally everything.

He even said to dispose her entire wardrobe. The nerve!

She had a simple top and office pants on but it wasn't good enough for some fussy moneybag.

'Of all the people on this planet, why did it have to be you? Are you sure you have nothing to do with this' Aiden threatened

"Of course not" Eliora replied almost immediately

Yes, she cursed him because he almost hit her but so what. Who the hell believes in curses! She consoled herself. This was purely a coincidence and that was it.

"Eliora dearest" A familiar voice echoed the moment she walked in


Thank you for taking time to read through. Very much appreciated.

To read the previous episodes click on 👇

Episode 1 👉Steemit

Episode 2 👉Steemit

Episode 3 👉 Steemit

Episode 4 👉 Steemit

Episode 5 👉 Steemit

Episode 6 👉 Steemit

Episode 7 👉Steemit

Episode 8 👉Steemit

Episode 9 👉Steemit

Episode 10 👉Steemit

Episode 11 👉Steemit

Episode 12 👉Steemit

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