Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff (Part II)

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I know it’s hard to read my long posts on coronavirus hoax. Sometimes, it is better to make a point through meme, and then leave a breadcrumb to the text for the ones who has the time to read and search for the truth. So, here we go…

Everything started as a planned pandemic with usual set of ‘announcements’ which serves satanic psychopaths who want to rule the planet to show their power…

Madona KoronaaeF7gXo.png

Then media steps in with the idiotic advices aimed at concealing true aims…

Just wash handsphoto_20200617_095059.jpg

…using their political and media puppets:


Don’t worry, my Avatar left the job at Muppet News Desk as soon as the reality became more bizarre than Muppet Show. He was not the only one with a conscience. First there were brave guys like John Kiriakou, Bill Binney, Tom Drake, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden… who did reveal a criminal association that rules over the national governments of the World. After that, it quickly becomes obvious that…

Media is the Virusphoto_20200619_222218.jpg

…and that…

Positive for fraud20200601_132517.jpg

So, it’s time for plan B…

Release the hornetsB8ro82ZpZP2DJYqWdv8SjVQiQasiEcGctw3Jrh4b5JpqYUgTm3bMaAX26CEANJibjBVYPt6tAAV44N2T4cxu8DATYo2GsfodzUdDnLsgzgBvYzS.png

…C, D, and E for Extermination…


Come to billy439gv7.jpg

Did you notice how the same people who believe the Earth is overpopulated, say they can save your life with a vaccine?


…and keep your powder dry.

* * *

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Powder is always dry @lighteye!! Great, add a little to the offense here:
"Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free." ~ Eugene V. Debs in 1908 He ran for the presidency 5 times as a American Socialist. I kinda wish he had won.

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