Coronavirus: Taking Over the World

in Deep Dives4 years ago

The time has come. After the psyop propaganda devastation, plutocracy is now coming to pick the fruits of the great global coronavirus hoax. Their minnows, presented as saviours, have just come up at the light of the day…

New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo, has named plutocratic ‘executives’ who should reimagine New York after the Covid-19 crisis. Who could guess – they are all leaders of megacorporations and billionaires!

Duration: 5:14

Imagine that! Bill Gates to take over… oh, sorry, to ‘revolutionize’ education IN THE NEW NORMAL! Google CEO Eric Schmidt was chosen to ‘reimagine’ New York despite the fact that their credibility is long time below zero, thanks to the secretive projects like Project Nightingale, or their $2.1 billion Fitbit acquisition. So, they are in data stealing business long ago, and now Mike Bloomberg wants in. Look what is his task: He has volunteered to ‘reimagine healthcare’ by creating – a human contact tracing network!

Of course, Andrew Cuomo could never think of putting some taxes to those ‘philanthropists’, and then help some of 33 MILLION people left out of the job during last month. Stealing data and controlling their movements will be much better help, right? Fine reimagining it is.

New Yorkers are not stupid not to see it, and they reacted with angry tweets, but… as long as they are stupid enough to react only through tweets, plutocrat minnows will continue their job unabated.

For the globalists, neither New York, nor U.S. are enough. By the middle of April, the European Commission published guidelines on contact tracing, in an alleged attempt to avoid sleepwalking into a permanent expanded surveillance state. Even before that, on March 19th, European Data Protection Board has issued a Statement on the processing of personal data in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. And so, in the attempt to protect data of the EU citizens, EU will engage the only two corporations that can provide such services – Google and Apple! If you want a second opinion, you can look here or here.

An Apple iPhone running a test version of the ‘Next Step’ smart phone app using Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP-3T) to trace COVID-19 infections, in Darmstadt, Germany, 26 April 2020. Germany has changed its course in the debate over a coronavirus tracing app, favoring decentralised data storage over a centrally managed server. Photo: EPA-EFE/BEN WENZ

Speaking of ‘decentralized data storage’ under the governance of Google and Apple sound like the greatest oxymoron you have ever heard…

And what about UK, which just exit EU? Are they any better? You wish. Despite the simple fact that Neil Ferguson’s model was grossly exaggerated, an infamous Coronavirus Act 2020 was not retracted, but instead, surveillance is proudly improved!

And guess who is most progressive and already has the most advanced technology, able to microchip children like livestock?

Duration: 2:51

China has already demonstrated full power of surveillance technology on their own citizens, and is preparing new advancements thanks to 5G technology

Duration: 12:57

System with QR codes is already installed in Moscow, and India, second most populated country in thge World, does not want to be left behind…

Meanwhile, one of the richest wretches in the world, a psychopath who lectures on public health without a single minute at medical college, a Harvard reject who got his wealth stealing works of other people, a WHO owner, an ‘eugenist visionary’ who can guess when the pandemic is going to strike, is now ‘expecting’ pandemic 2.0 in 2025 as a bioterrorist attack!

Duration: 4:27

This bunch will not stop because of your angry tweets and facebook memes. The only thing they would understand is – force.

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@lighteye, Good work! I kinda wonder if the U.S. is going to go ahead with a push to "chip" people since we already carry around a voluntary tracking device willingly. in the 1980's there was a suggestion to "chip" everyone that drew such outrage the idea was dropped. Then came the TOC and everyone began using cell phones, then the "Smart Phones' which tracks your every movement and even who you have interacted with.
Ah Well, I had to bitch about something today, This is still up there in the top tier info(something,,) Thanks for this!!!

You are welcome, @mitch94541.

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