The Interview Showcase #66- Exclusive Talk With A civil engineer/ blogger

in Hot News Community11 months ago (edited)

Hi there,

Welcome to the 66th edition of “The interview showcase...." and my 36th show for 2023. Stay calm and follow along as I unveil this interesting edition of the Interview showcase.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of top users/users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

On this week's show, I had the opportunity to speak with one civil engineer from Venezuela. She is very creative and her page is always very attractive with her creativities, I bet you won't leave her page without feeling tempted to press the upvote button, of course in a judicious/professional way.

There are more interesting stories about her which are not revealed in this interview. However, in the coming weeks, you would be delighted to read those stories here in the interview showcase...😊

Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome @carlaisl from Venezuela.....🎉
On this week's show, I had the opportunity to speak with one civil engineer from Venezuela. She is very creative and her page is always very attractive with her creativities, I bet you won't leave her page without feeling tempted to press the upvote button, of course in a judicious/professional way.

There are more interesting stories about her which are not revealed in this interview. However, in the coming weeks, you would be delighted to read those stories here in the interview showcase...😊

Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome @carlaisl from Venezuela.....🎉

: Hello Carla, it's nice to have you on my show today, a lot of people would like to know you, how would you describe yourself?

🔶Carlaisl : Hi, friend! It is a pleasure for me to participate in your show, thanks for your consideration. I would describe myself as a creative person, a lover of animals, art and music.

I also tend to be a funny person, 😁 I like to make my loved ones laugh since that makes me happy. I am a hard-working, lively young woman who likes to share with her loved ones.

: How would you describe your experience on Steemit since you Join two years ago?

🔶Carlaisl: A great and unique experience in my life. Steemit has left me many lessons and good friendships around the world. I've always really liked the topic of social media, but I never thought that I would be a blogger on a platform like this. These two years have been full of growth on the platform, I'm even close to my first dolphin, which I'm excited about. For me, at the beginning, everything was so new and exciting, that I decided to invite my family to join, specifically my parents and older sister, who currently have also progressed and learned a lot in Steemit.

: You post mostly diary games and sometimes engagement challenges, why have you chosen these publications as your main kind of content?

🔶Carlaisl: The reason is that it is the most acclaimed content on the platform, it allows you to obtain higher rewards and thus obtain greater account growth. In the case of the diary games, I usually publish them when they are unique and special days, such as those referring to my final presentations at the university. As for the challenges, I participate in those that catch my attention, especially those that are creative because they are some of my favourites.

: What has been your biggest achievement since you joined the Steemit platform?

🔶Carlaisl: My biggest achievements have been growing on the platform, getting my current reputation of 71, and winning first through third place in the platform challenges. Coming soon, I'll be celebrating another great achievement: My first dolphin.

: What is your favourite song?

Carlaisl: This question is very difficult for me, since I am a lover of music in its different genres. However, if I had to choose one of the ones I listen to the most these days, they would be:

  • Like Crazy by Jimin
  • The Rose - Alive
  • Harry Styles - Late Night Talking

: What is one specific thing you would like people to know about Venezuela?

Carlaisl: My country is a place with very kind and hard-working people. Despite the fact that recent years have been a great challenge due to the economic, political and social crisis, I must express that Venezuelans have managed (for the most part) to get ahead. We all want a change, a country as it was more than 25 years ago, where you could live with a great quality of life, we hope that God will grant it to us soon, amen.

: Describe a typical day in your life? What makes your heart smile?

Carlaisl: A typical day in my life is based on creating content for Steemit, listening to a lot of music, drawing digitally, talking with my family and sleeping, . My heart smiles when listening to my favourite songs, drawing and appreciating the final result of the art, when I go for a walk, enjoy a delicious meal or sweet and share with my family and friends.

: What is your greatest fear?

Carlaisl: Death, failing in life, not reaching my dreams and not having freedom.

: If there was something you could undo on planet Earth, what would it be?

Carlaisl : Evil. I would love that we could live in a healthy and happy world, where people do not have evil in their minds and heart but love for their neighbor. I would love for wars, murderers, lying politicians, corruption, among others, to not exist.

: Recently, you graduated as a civil engineer in your country, which sweet memories of your school days will you like to share with us?

Carlaisl: Yes, thank God I can say that I am a Civil Engineer. One of the most beautiful memories for me is the moments I shared with my friends. Thanks to the University I met great people who are now part of my circle of friends. They are not many but that is not important, because their friendship is important.

Although some had to leave the country, we are still in contact and the love remains the same. For me, a world without friends is a sad world, they are very special people to me, each one with great personalities, dreams to fulfil and appreciation for me.

: If steemit was to be your own, what do you think you can do to improve its growth?

Carlaisl: Wow, it would be very strange for me if Steemit was owned by me, . To make it grow, I would promote it on social networks, I would make videos for more people to join, and of course, I would support quality content that is shared whether they are from new or old users. Quality is the most important thing, before quantity.
On the other hand, if I could create a method for the STEEM coin to increase its price and the rewards to be higher, that would be great, however, I don't know much about that topic.

: If you were to handle SC01 or SC02 account for a day, what would you consider before voting?

Carlaisl: I would consider:

The quality of the content (Writing and contribution for the reader).
Good use of HTML codes for the format (Justified, centred, bold...).
Good images (Clear, of adequate size, creative covers and about the theme in question).
The interaction (Number of user votes and comments).

: What do you like doing in your leisure?

Carlaisl: I like to check my social networks, draw, listen to music, and watch TV series, especially K-dramas, . I am currently carrying out a project as an independent digital drawing artist, that is, I will open my digital drawing commissions or orders to whoever wants it. As some of you know, I have a great passion for art and I believe that the time has come to be able to work with it.

I recently had the pleasure of making a digital drawing commission for my friend @vivigibelis, it was a great experience, the first of many in God's favour. I am available for any order.

: Whose blog do you enjoy reading most?

Carlaisl: The publications of the friend @paholags are very good and entertaining, their contents are of high quality and educational, I enjoy reading them. It also excites me when my relatives create content, it makes me feel proud to have invited them to the platform, they are @casv, @gabylazarde and @alessgsl.

: Now, you are beginning to reveal the remaining part of you that I wanted to reveal in the coming weeks...

: Which user/users will you like me to interview on my show?

Carlaisl: I would love to see my friend @camposart on your talk show. He is a very talented Venezuelan plastic artist, I really admire him a lot.

: Many users don't vote comments, do you think something is missing there?

Carlaisl: Perhaps the culture of voting for comments should be encouraged, since users usually respond to them but are not used to voting, generally using that voting power to support the publications. It is possible that voting on comments will further promote interaction between users.

: As a very active Steemian, how do you contribute to Steemit's growth both in your country and the entire blog?

Carlaisl : To contribute to the growth of the platform both in my country and throughout the blog, these two years I have carried out the:

  • Constantly create content, and support Burnsteem25 and the good users of the platform with my voting power.

  • Promo Steem videos, through which I briefly explain what the Steemit platform is all about and how to join to start this great journey.

: What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

Carlaisl: Currently on the Tiktok social network, users are earning large amounts of money for imitating NPC (video game characters). Practically what they do is repeat phrases throughout their live, without leaving any contribution to whoever sees it. They can even earn more money than a professional person.

: Do you have any messages for the Steemit team?

Carlaisl: I want to thank you for the creation of this platform that has provided a better quality of life for people, allowed creativity to be exploited, and improved aspects such as writing, social interaction, among others. I hope we can all continue to grow together.

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase, do you think it is interesting and should be continued?

Carlaisl: I think it is a very interesting and entertaining program, which allows users to meet others and also allows the interviewee to make himself known as a person. Of course, I want it to continue interviewing many more users. Thank you very much again for taking me into account, a big hug from Venezuela.

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better daily. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Contact Me

Please note that users/guest's privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

⭐⭐⭐ Announcement⭐⭐⭐


Multisig Wizard is now available on the blog, read here to know more about it and how to use it:

My message to all is that everyone should accept this new tool to avoid this Warning to all communities The STEEMIT TRAVEL Account has been compromised, it will reduce the numbers of complaints like this, it's that simple.

The Previous Shows:

Click here to read my previous Shows..

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Una excelente invitada que tiene hoy en su entrevista. Carla es una niña encantadora y muy creativa. Siempre anda buscando la manera de crecer como ser humano y como profesional.

Ellla hace excelentes contenidos en la plataforma Steemit y ha dejado muchos tutoriales en la comunidad de Scouts y Steem kids. Esos son los post que dejan huella y debe ser valorado por todos los steemians.

Muchas gracias por compartir tan excelente contenido 👍

Saludos cordiales 🌺

 11 months ago 

Thank you so much for that great response. She is creative and needs to be known!

Hopefully, I could have you on my show in the future...

Thank you very much mom for your support and great words! I love you very much

 11 months ago 

Awwww que maravilloso es leer sobre Carla, una Colega Ingeniera, además de creativa, tengo la fortuna de tener uno de sus trabajos ambas lo disfrutamos, me atreví a darle la oportunidad porque me encanta su trabajo. Me siento feliz de poder haber creado una conexión entre ambos y que disfrutaran de esta amena entrevista. Un abrazo a ambos

 11 months ago 

Vivi thank you for creating the connection. Carla is creative and I loke her work. It's even interesting that she is also an engineer like us...

Muchísimas gracias amiga bella, fue una grata y divertida experiencia. Dios te bendiga!

Excelente entrevista con una de mis mejores steemians, con gran talento y creatividad.

¡Saludos, bendiciones y muchísimos éxitos¡

 11 months ago 

Thank you for appreciating, hope yo have you soon on my show.

Muchísimas gracias papá, te quiero!

Good night friend! It was really great to be able to participate in your interview show, once again thank you very much for the opportunity!

It was something new for me and very entertaining, also unforgettable for two reasons: It's the first time I've been interviewed and it's the first time I've had a conversation with someone who speaks English very well!

I really enjoyed this interview, you did an excellent job friend! Thank you for all the support, greetings and blessings!! 😄😄🙌

 11 months ago 

Thank you so nuch Engineer Carla..., I was impressed during our interview, good to hear you speak the English language, it helps our conversation flow...., trust me you spoke like a pro with your charming face.

Keep up with your creativity, keep engaging and keep powering up and that dolphin would come soon.

I wish you all the best.

Thanks a lot friend! It really was a pleasant experience. Happy and blessed day friend !

 11 months ago 

Que entrevista tan fantástica👐🏻... Carla es una blogger súper extraordinaria y leer su trabajo, siempre es un gran placer. Ahora bien, si hacemos referencia a su talento artistico, sus cualidades la hacen brillar aún más por lo que, es una persona con un potencial extraordinario.

Sé que vas a seguir creciendo como artista y blogger porque, tienes todo para vivir en la cima y disfrutar del fruto que emana tu trabajo.

Me alaga que disfrutes mi contenido, eso me impulsa a seguir dando lo mejor de mi🥰. Por cierto, Harry Styles es lo máximo jajajaja🙈

 11 months ago 

Your description of Carla is just right! She is creative.

I'm glad, she also noticed your creativity, ofcourse you are....after all, journalist are creative too.

 7 months ago 

!ask Who is @ubongudofot on steem blockchain?

@ubongudofot is a Steemit user who is an entrepreneur, investor, and cryptocurrency enthusiast from Nigeria. He posts mainly about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as some personal musings.

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!.
!ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

Muchísimas gracias bella amiga! Tu eres una blogger de gran trayectoria y que me inspira muchísimo. Gracias!

Harry Styles es lo máximo, jejeje. Saludos!

This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project.
Also your post was promoted on Twitter by the account josluds

@tipu curate

 11 months ago 

Cuando hacemos las cosas bien y demostramos pasión en todo lo que hacemos, siempre seremos vistos con buenos ojos.

La amiga @carlaisl ha demostrado su disposición de aprender más sobre la web3 y el mundo de las criptomonedas y en ese trayecto también ha aportado contenido educativo para todos en la plataforma Steemit. Sus cursos de Canva demuestran esa disposición desinteresada por compartir conocimiento. 15 lecciones abiertas para todo el mundo.

A penas estás cosechando los frutos del éxito.


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