ADVICE FROM PAPA - VIDEO 15 - Tips For Newer Users on Steemit

in #help7 years ago

How can we increase the potential that we will succeed?

The best way is perseverance. As long as we continue, there is a chance that we can succeed, if we give up or quit, we rob ourselves of that possibility. Personally, I'd rather give myself the opportunity to succeed, which is why I opt for perseverance.

Once I began a series on steemit and the first post in that series originally earned 7 cents. Yup, not exactly a stellar payout. At that point, I stood at a crossroad. Should I persevere and continue the series even though it may not get much support? Or, should I give up and do something else? I continued the series and by the 7th post in that series, those posts totaled over $300 in potential payouts. Obviously, I was pleased that I had made the correct decision.



When I continued after making that 7 cent post and wound up seeing what happened, I made a post about it to encourage others. I had no guarantee or promise of anything, but I allowed myself to continue to have that opportunity and it paid off. Below, I have the link to that post and also to another one with a good message from @luisucv34. Enjoy!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



We need some more killer apps @papa-pepper. I am looking forward to seeing zappl when it launches.

Do you have a video, information or a link that shows all the latest projects people are working on and how many people are?

I naively think, we need a Youtube, Snapchat, Instagram, Linkedin, FB and more for Steem.

I have no idea how hard that really is to do or how many people are needed. But those platforms on Steem would make it worth a stupid amount of money!

I actually do not know. Others like @ausbitbank are more in the loop on stuff like that. You could try him, or maybe he could point you in the right direction.

Thanks will start looking there first!

It's all in the work, @steepshot @steemQ @zappl

That is what I was looking for! Thanks a million :D

my god that is exciting - do you know the guys behind steemq? any eta on the project or information on the team?

@furion is the lead dev I think, not sure about other devs in the team.
The post I linked said we will be able to publish videos soon so my guess is a couple months, could be sooner...

Cannot wait!

I forgot about chainbb too, which is very promising


I Follow all the advises, they are easy to understand and handy for starters. In this last trailer i think the most important is what steem will be worth in the end. Remember that a post that is now worth 0,50, will easily be worth a lot more in the future. Thanks papa.

Well this is just an abundance of info!....great stuff for noobs such as myself.
Annnnd the massive Steemit chain is sick awesome.

Let's not forget about consistency...elegantly simple premise, and a real bitch to instill in your life.

Yup, consistency. Like this video in the series about being consistent that I made at the hospital the day that our 5th child was born. That's consistent!

I haven't seen this vid yet...five children!!?!!?! Wow....and I'm weighing the responsibilities associated with getting a dog right now! ha.
I'll give this vid a watch as I poke around your blog!

LOL - Sorry to laugh about responsibilities of dog ownership. I know that they are real, they are just different. Thanks!

Oh I was being heavily sarcastic. I think it makes parents shake their heads when people compare owning a dog to that of a child! ha. After 5 kids tho, you think you could put together a parenting template of sorts...what you figured out from the first couple...and then how you put the process into a structured, reusable form for the last couple, etc! ha. People would love to have something to do half the work for them. I'm overtired, but I hope that sarcastic situation made a little sense.

Yeah, that's fine, I got it.

I know people call their kids their "children", but we don't sterilize our children or put them down....

...only in some parts of China!....crickets

Well, the necklace is awesome! :) Thanks for the videos.

It is a classic piece! Thanks!

Another gem @papa-pepper - thank you for sharing

A great man once said

The greatest investment you can make is your time

ok, I admit it...I just made that up - but reading quite a few posts these past few days on the subject of how to succeed on steemit they all agree on this one point.

LOL! -

Here's to @gmuxx - the GREAT MAN!

Very encouraging as usual. Thank God you persevered and never gave up. I've learnt a thing or two from this clip. Thanks again @papa-pepper

Glad to hear it! Keep it up @timoshey!

Both myself and my wife @flowerpowerart are really benefiting from your videos. Thanks Papa!
Upvoted and resteemed.

I am so glad to hear that!

Wherever the heart is the, the mind follows!
Just do what feels good and don't forget to have fun in the meantime!

Steem over'n out!

The best advice that would assist in safe landing on steemit for any newbie. I appreciate the advice @papa-pepper.

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