Low-fat diet could kill you, major study shows

in #health7 years ago

Low-fat diets could raise the risk of early death by almost one quarter, a major study has found.

The Lancet study of 135,000 adults found those who cut back on fats had far shorter lives than those enjoying plenty of butter, cheese and meats.

Researchers said the study was at odds with repeated health advice to cut down on fats.

Participants eating the highest levels of carbohydrates – particularly refined sugars found in fizzy drinks and processed meals – faced a 28 per cent higher risk of early death.

Fat is super super important to brain health. The brain is two third by weight made up of cholesterol and that is why these cholesterol lowering drugs are actually causing more harm than good to your body. If your body doesn't get enough cholesterol then over time your brain starts to actually shrink and the neural fibers get jumbled up and all sorts of problems occur like Alzheimer and Parkinson.

Meat, dairy and eggs also have other essential nutrients like ammo acids that are the building blocks for all sorts thing in the body and you miss out on all that good stuff if you're eating mostly carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Humans need meat and animal fat to stay healthy. Stay away from all the products that say low fat and vegetable fats like margarine that stuff has chemicals that are unnatural and hard for the body to process.

The more natural your diet the healthier you're going to feel.




And yeah, I'll never take cholesterol drugs...

I went paleo 12 days ago with the goal of a 30 day plan. Thus far, I feel lighter, my gut almost never feels bloated and my mood has improved. I am also avoiding alcohol for this period, which is certainly contributing to these things as well.

Meat, specifically from a pasture raised animal, is incredibly nutritious, even red meat. When I eat sausage and eggs or bacon and eggs to start the day, I feel amazing. Complex carbs tend to lead me feeling bogged down and sluggish.

We are omnivores. There is no evidence of any primitive vegetarian cultures existing. Can you be healthy without any animal products? Well, you can certainly be healthier than many people eating the standard American diet. But is it the ideal diet? I don't think so.

I also think pastured raw dairy products have a place in a diet as well, and I plan to reincorporate them after 30 days.

Great comment, I'm sure it's possible to get all the good fats and fatty acids from plants but who wants to eat several bowls of nuts and seeds a day just to be healthy when you can eat 2-3 eggs a day.

Thank you for the post.

The healthy, non-oxidized fats with the right omega 3 to omega 6 ratio (grass fed) seems to be the way for me to go.

Vegetable fats are dangerous when it is the wrong kind (canola, cottonseed, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated, adulterated with pesticides, herbicides, harvesting agents, processing agents, such as hexane, and oxidized by light, heat, and exposure to air). There is much more than this, but it is a start.

Add to low fat a low salt, high grain diet, and watch the death rate climb.

Following, glad to see there are people on Steemit into WAPF and dr Wallach is awesome although I don't like his supplement pushing scheme, whole foods all the way!

Thanks, very important information.

I think the last line is perhaps the most relevant:

The more natural your diet the healthier you're going to feel.

You won't just feel healthier, you will be healthier. Eat food that isn't processed, doesn't come out of a can or out of a plastic package and your health will immediately improve.

That's for sure.

Thanks for this info. Fat is critical to our health. I'm currently shifting to a keto diet. Check out my post on it: https://steemit.com/health/@voice-of-apollo/keto-diet-low-carbs-and-high-good-fats

From what I read and my personal experience I have to disagree on that one. The best diet I've experience is raw frugivore. Some frugivore eat less than 10% of their calories from fat and are super healthy.

I know you are really onto so many things, but five years down the track, this often leads to some horrible outcomes - starting with teeth - you have to go with what works for you, but I think if you applied your research skills to this it might be a game changer for you - this is a good intro -



I've read Weston A Price. The guy died of a heart attack if I'm not mistaken but that's beside the point.

There is many super fit people who have thrive on frutarian diet for many decades and had healthy kids.

I don't know what Price was reporting on or if he was misinformation but this is a complex subject on which I will touch upon at some point. Eskimo died very young but again that's beside the point.

I won't go into much detail here as I plan on talking about this in a future post but the lecture below is a very incredible talk and I mean this from the very bottom of my heart. Watching this is a life changing experience.

His book "how not to die" is a New York Bestseller and has 148 pages of scientific references on all of this.

By the way the calories of the perfect human food aka human breast milk has 17% of its calories coming from fats.

Thanks I'll check this out.

I hesitated to say anything to you of all people because I think you are one of the most on to it people on Steemit, and I know how good your research is.

We are a local WAPF chapter and run a business selling supplements such as probiotics and cod liver oil.

Like vaccinations this is a highly controversial subject with huge amounts of misinformation. Wikipedia for example do nothing but anti-WAPF propaganda - but that's what you get if you publicly say vaccinations are a scam.

We get a lot of emails from people who essentially say variations of "I went vegetarian three years ago and now my teeth are all rotten"

I think most people go best on a full range of foods, (humans are omnivores) and the one that we are always recommending to ex vegetarians is bone broth (a quick way to rebuild some of the missing nutrients).

Some sources claim Weston A Price died aged 58. He didn't - he was 78. But I suspect it's true that his cause of death was a heart attack. Nobody really seems sure.

Nothing is certain with diet because we are all so different. @kiwideb does this for a job, and it's all like some sort of complex puzzle. All I can say is that from all the stuff we see, I would never recommend a diet with no animal products - even one mug of bone broth a day can transform some people's lives.

When I first read the book of Weston A Price I was really convinced but then I learned more and my research and personal experience convinced me vegan and even more so raw frutarian are the best diet.

We agree there a lot of disinformation about nutrition and vaccines. That is very saddening.

We'll agree to disagree on diet and still learn a lot from each other even on the subject of nutrition.

Thank you for your input. You share what is valuable to you with your comment and I did the same and we both learned.


greatt poost!!

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