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RE: Low-fat diet could kill you, major study shows

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I went paleo 12 days ago with the goal of a 30 day plan. Thus far, I feel lighter, my gut almost never feels bloated and my mood has improved. I am also avoiding alcohol for this period, which is certainly contributing to these things as well.

Meat, specifically from a pasture raised animal, is incredibly nutritious, even red meat. When I eat sausage and eggs or bacon and eggs to start the day, I feel amazing. Complex carbs tend to lead me feeling bogged down and sluggish.

We are omnivores. There is no evidence of any primitive vegetarian cultures existing. Can you be healthy without any animal products? Well, you can certainly be healthier than many people eating the standard American diet. But is it the ideal diet? I don't think so.

I also think pastured raw dairy products have a place in a diet as well, and I plan to reincorporate them after 30 days.


Great comment, I'm sure it's possible to get all the good fats and fatty acids from plants but who wants to eat several bowls of nuts and seeds a day just to be healthy when you can eat 2-3 eggs a day.

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