Walking Will Get You High

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Isn't An Instant High

Sorry You Also Need To Eat Healthy Foods Too

Walking every day has been documented as a way to stay youthful in vitality and looks. Regular daily walking has been found to trigger an anti-aging process and help repair old DNA. If you think about it, humans have been walking everywhere for millions of years and suddenly we don't have too. Our body is saying, "What Is Going On?" and starts falling apart from lack of use.

Studies have shown, which are linked below at the end of this article, those who walk daily look 3 to 7 years younger. People say I look like I am 47 instead of 57, but I also eat well and have a good attitude through meditation, which disciplines the mind. So I may feel awful, I have fibromyligia but I still go for my walk instead of saying, "screw it, I give up."

Walking 20 minutes or more every day has shown to be the minimum for health benefits. I hurt my back and lost the use of my right leg due to nerve damage and limped my way back to health. I know pain and how far I can push myself so be careful if you have an injury or are suffering from chronic health conditions.

The human body has used walking as a way to maintain and clean itself. Walking in the past was not thought of as an exercise, it was a way of life, just like eating and sleeping.

Walking Helps You Get Out In The Sun

You need sun exposure to manufacture vitamin D I call it the sunshine vitamin. Walking burns the same amount of calories as running. I have problems running because I am an older woman with back injuries. I suffer from a chronic immune illness called fibromyligia, which causes the body to attack itself. My joints and muscles hurt all the time if I don't watch my diet and I don't exercise. Walking helps relieve the pain and the sunshine helps my body reduce inflammation through manufacturing vitamin D.

Walking Helps The Body Clean Itself

The lymphatic system is a network of glands that are positioned throughout the body over our muscular structure. The system looks like a climbing vine with little lymph glands positioned at key points throughout the body. As our muscles contract and expand with the movement of our muscles pump a fluid called lymph throughout our body that brings nutrients and white blood cells which protect the body and also collects debris from our body flushing it out through our kidneys. If you want to keep this key system healthy you must eat whole foods in moderation, exercise and give it a rest once in awhile by fasting.

I Can't Eat For 16 Hours?

Yeah I said fasting, but you don't have to go off food for days, you can limit your food intake to a 6-8 hour window. When you eat is important, I have read it is very important to go to bed on an empty stomach to give your digestive system a chance to do it's job and rest. Human's didn't evolve with food sources available 24/7, heck even cows take a rest from eating during the evening to chew their cud. I eat anywhere from 9am to 10:30am and take my last meal, usually a small one around 4-5pm. I was totally surprised how well I felt within a month. Not only did my inflammation issues decrease but I slept better and had more energy through the day. Fasting kicks the body into several processes that are something like maintenance mode and also burn fat instead of carbohydrates. If you are interested in this processes I will leave technical notes at the bottom of this article.

Humans Didn't Evolve With Unlimited Amounts Of Sugar Or Highly Processed Foods

This is just common sense. Food is fuel for your body and secondarily it is also for pleasure, and surprise it can also be used as medicine. For millions of years we ate what our environment could provide and nowhere in our history have we evolved to eat pesticides, herbicides, food addictive, 100s of man made chemicals in our foods that have all their nutritive value taken out for long term storage. That is right, our food has been manipulated for profit not for health. A good way to fight back is eat whole foods that are high in nutritional value. Also our bodies are struggling to remove 1000s of man made chemicals dumped in our environment. So help your body out, eat healthy foods, do a little walking, and don't eat so much all the time! You will be helping take care of yourself, your community and your pocketbook.

The search for anti-aging interventions: From elixirs to fasting regimens, Rafael de Cabo, Didac Carmona-Gutierrez, Michel Bernier, Michael N. Hall, and Frank Madeo

Walking, Your Steps To Your Health, Harvard.

Lymphatic System

Red Dust's Morning Walks Towards Health

The Best Ways To Clean Your Lymphatic System.

Vitamin D Is a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet by Dr. Hyman

some_text A link to My Blog


Okay - this is good inspiration to motivate to go out for a daily short walk - my computer work is very sedentary - so easy to let proper exercise slip by the wayside!

Yeah, I packed on 10lbs this summer from sitting and painting all day, I had to up my walking time and cut out my fruit intake. sigh.....

Hmmm, cut out fruit intake? You sound so angelic beside my chocolate intake!!!

I made a habit of eating alot of food before going to bed, I know i should stop doing that :) great post reddust :)

Who says you look 47? You look younger and i'm not kidding!

I take naps like a baby now and I don't give 2cents about what other people think of me, I used to be all tied up in body image, must of been my reproductive hormones lololol....It's amazing the freedom old age gives one...I may look young but I don't feel like it...thank you @luckysteem!

yep she is soo pretty <3 😍😍




Walking helps a lot and its good to see the points you mentioned i will try to walk as much as possible

@blazing, you will find walking does make you high...it is a mood lifter but the effect is subtle and accumulative.

Walking is the most effective way to exercise. You do not overstretch those vital muscles but keep them healthy. Diets devoid of chemicals and other additives are the best (think of Paleo). These are healthy and help you live your life to the fullest. Thanks for sharing with the entire Steemit community.

@gigpen, I found this out when healing my back and bringing back the reflex I lost in my right leg, I did walking meditation and regained all my reflexes and can walk normally now, no more limping.

very informative article @reddust, full of knowledge, i just like to say that walking is a cheap fun a very safe and acceptable exercise.

Yes @adnanrabbani, that's one of the reasons why I walk, I am living with a cheap Dutchman....(it's known throughout the western world the Dutch pinch pennies until they cry). But walking is so much fun as apposed to working out in the gym, which from experience, is incredibly boring.

hey reddust hows u <3 healthiest post hehe keep it up <3

@hassanabid, lets keep steemit healthy! lololol

hahaha great <3

Kung fu walking
is a daily ritual

keep it up
till we reach...
"the Center"

There is no center lololol but I will keep on walking, just call me the wayfarer, just teasing you a little @universalway.

Excellent advice for us all @reddust. I was aware of fasting being very good for the body and have heard that eating one big meal a day is best for giving your body time to digest and recover but also what you say makes sense with the 14 or 16 hours of fasting. I am not a big eater but I do eat a lot of snacks. I am a vegetarian and have been for over a year now so eat a lot of soups with lentils etc but I could definitely eat a lot healthier. Of course when giving it thought, food is indeed for sustenance, pleasure and health and I have long said that water is the fuel for a healthy body, if it can be found in a pure state, which is very difficult these days. I wasn't aware of just how beneficial walking was for anti-aging and repairing DNA. We have definitely been led a long way away from our natural environment. Food, water, pharmaceuticals, deoderants, aftershaves, vaccinations, lotions, creams, powders. Not to mention the radiowave communications zipping through our bodies every day and set to increase in a potentially dangerous way with the introduction of 5G.

It's a full time job just trying to stay healthy in the modern world! :(

Great post my friend! Hope you're doing well! :)

(btw, this is the second time today I have made a very similar comment. The other was on @benjojo's post about vaccinations which relates a bit to this one. Thought you might be interested in checking it out) :)

@tonyr, I used to eat to relieve stress but with the change of diet I don't do that anymore. It's strange because I thought my constant cravings were do to stress but now I think I was suffering from nutritional deficiencies.

When I was very sick back in the 1990s I was on all sorts of medications from anti-depressants to deal with pain and panic attacks, antibiotic rounds dealing with bladder infections, and asthma medication. I found out that both antidepressants and antibiotics kill the little bugs that do the bulk of our bodies work regarding digesting our food. I stopped taking antibiotics and antidepressants back then because they made me feel even worse. I started eating healthier, even stopped eating sugary food and wheat products for a while and I felt better plus my asthma cleared up. (A warning to those on antidepressants, don't go cold turkey, do some research and slowly stop taking them or you may feel a little or a lot crazier for a while.)

Over the years I slowly started eating sugary foods and wheat and because I felt so good I thought I had recovered from what ailed me. All my symptoms slowly came back but so slowly I didn't notice, I even went vegan in the early 2000 and I was working out at the gym 5 days a week lifting weights and running.

Years later I found out my iron count was low and I was suffering from nutritionally deficiencies. Women lose iron every month because of their monthly cycles and children need iron because of their growing bodies. Plant iron (non-heme) is chemically different than animal base iron (heme).

It's been proven even through you will read arguments asserting this is not true, humans can't digest plant heme easily couple that with my destroyed gut microbiome it's not surprising I was lacking in iron. The lack of iron is hard on a woman's body because we lose blood every month. I didn't know this at the time either, I found out from a Ph.D nutritionist that I need to eat red meat and animal organs or I will continue to suffer the symptoms of anemia.

Extreme fatigue, Weakness, Pale skin, Chest pain, fast heartbeat or shortness of breath, Headache, dizziness or, lightheadedness, Cold hands and feet, Inflammation or soreness of your tongue (I didn't have this problem), Brittle nails, Unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as ice, dirt or starch (I chewed ice like crazy when I was pregnant), Poor appetite, especially in infants and children with iron deficiency anemia (not a problem for me)

I suffered from all these problems for years until I introduced beef liver and steak back into my diet. When I look back I see from my research most of my physical and mental problems where related to nutritional deficiencies and stress made everything worse. What makes nutrition complicated no one digest their food the same, take me as an example because of the medications I was on. I also suffered from migraines but mine are related to my gallbladder and pancreas so I eat foods that help both these organs which could become a book or at least a large article. The 3rd most common surgery for women is removing the gallbladder. Both these organs are harmed by high sugar intake and processed refined foods. My people ate large amounts of animal products and fat through the winter months and if we survived childhood illness and death we lived to over 70 years old. One side of my family were American and European farmers the other side of my family were hunter gatherers (Piegan Indians-The Blackfoot Tribes). We were healthy until modern medicine and grocery stores full crap food were easier to access compared to our traditional foods and medicines.

Because of the drugs I took my gut was a wreck and I am sure I couldn't and still can't digest plant heme very well. I do a lot of homemade pre and probiotics making fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut which help my gut microbiome reestablish itself.

There are 2 types of dietary iron: nonheme iron, which is present in both plant foods and animal tissues, and heme iron, which comes from hemoglobin and myoglobin in animal source foods. Heme iron is estimated to contribute 10–15% of total iron intake in meat-eating populations, but, because of its higher and more uniform absorption (estimated at 15–35%), it could contribute ≥40% of total absorbed iron (4, 5). Nonheme iron is usually much less well absorbed than heme iron. All nonheme food iron that enters the common iron pool in the digestive tract is absorbed to the same extent, which depends on the balance between the absorption inhibitors and enhancers and the iron status of the individual. It is important, however, to note that not all fortification iron enters the common pool.

@reddust please accept my apologies for taking so long to reply to you. I have been extremely busy these last few days and have had minimal time for steemit other than to post my daily contest. I have a lot of comments to catch up on but yours is rightly the first. :)

Personally I don't really know what to make of the meat/ no meat argument. I know that I have been without meat now for over a year and feel no positive or negative effects either way so as such I can choose to eat meat or not, which I choose not to. You may well be right about the plant heme but I still can't believe that humans were designed to eat meat despite the abundance of evidence to the contrary. I ate meat for 36 years, loved it and miss the taste of it every day but something clicked inside me that told me it was wrong and that it was doing me more than physical harm. I don't preech to anyone because I'm in no position to and leave everyone to live their own lives and make their own decisions but I think the reason we eat meat is for the same reason we do most things in life these days and that's because we don't know any better and exist in a world created by others in their image to suit their agenda. I think as humans we are far from our natural intended state and our diet is just one area of our lives where we are allowing harm to be done to ourselves.

I also think that data and scientific research in the main is flexible to whatever outcome or result is desired and although there are undoubtedly many excellent scientists doing excellent research, the fact that there are so many scientists for hire makes it really difficult to know which information to trust.

I am really confused on the matter so for now I'm 'going with my gut!'' :0

I hope you are well my friend! :)

Most of my friends are vegan 😁

Thank you @iamwne, I will check out your articles.

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