Naturalista’s Key’s to Success in Healing, Fat Loss, & Detox!!!

in #health8 years ago

I like to make things as simple as possible to read, especially since I am currently still working a lot, though I am transitioning away from the "9-7" lifestyle.

  • Replace main intake of carbohydrates with carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables
  • Chew, Chew, Chew! Most do not chew their food well enough. This wreaks havoc on the digestive system, and if you have a leaky gut… yikes!
  • Don’t eat right before bed! Just because you can, doesn’t mean your body likes it. I personally wake with pains and don’t sleep as deep when I eat before bed.
  • Movement!!! Stretch-Yoga, body weight exercises, and twisting are my personal choices. Twisting helps release toxins in fat and throughout the body. I believe a variety of all is important. It’s also how I lost 60lbs in a mere 10 months! But honestly go at your body’s own pace. I started off with just stretching, wasn’t until after I lost 40lbs that I really started doing more movement because that was what worked best with my body.
  • Bath’s with ACV and Sea Salt
  • Supplements
    o MSM, Bio Immunenzyme Forte, Iodine, Magnesium (Mg-zyme), Buffered Vitamin C Powder, K, B12
  • Sunlight, we cannot forget about our Vitamin D!
  • Massage, I know from personal experience that massage has done wonders for me on my health journey! Our bodies hold onto fat to store toxins to protect our brains! We can help our bodies eliminate toxins from our fat through massage! I use to do it before or after exercising, and while taking my ACV- Salt baths. Works wonders!
  • Healthy Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio, best to stay close to 1:1 ratio.
  • Fermented Foods and bone broth- both helping heal the gut!
  • Honey!!!
  • Listen to your body, your cravings, analyze. This will help you better understand how your body feels and why. If you have awareness, you can treat the cause!
  • Love yourself, no matter! Take one day at a time, and have patience!



Good article....great picture

Lots of great help and hints in this post. I everyone would put the time into health that they put into texting and talking on their cell phones, they would reap great rewards. Great job on sticking to your lifestyle changes.

Thanks, it hasn't been easy, but nothing worth while is.

This is a cool post,
I will check the links.

Thanks Anns!

Upvoted and followed, great blog!

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