SmartPhone's and Physical Stress On The Body.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

There are many Negative Impacts that Smartphone's have had on our lives and this article is on just one in particular of this now every-day (maybe every-minute) item that we now all have in our lives, accept for a small percentage in the world.

I just got back from the third visit to a chiropractic clinic, and now I have a "new" back!

I was having since many years a very stiff lower back which was caused by many things. The first was from being a tall person. The world around us seems to be made with some kind of "Average Human Height" in mind because let's say all the kitchen units all around the world have near on the same dimensions, and a kitchen work surface for example is the same kind of height in every house. I was a chef after school for 4 years, and spending each day with my back slightly bent forward because the work surfaces were too low. These were also my days of sitting slouched in a sofa, smoking endless amounts of weed and playing an Xbox for evenings on end. My back was becoming banana shaped. After the catering years, I went to collage for carpentry and then 12 years from then on was always a lot of heavy manual labour, very demanding especially on the back. Did you know, that I never once had done yoga or even 5 minutes of some kind of stretching in all those years, apart from those hazy morning laying in bed stretches where it feel's great just because your still laying down in bed. Since a few years I have been doing Yoga especially working on the lower back, but when I stopped working I would start getting Sciatic Pain and would be sometimes literally paralyzed for a day or 2, which is very unsafe if your living alone somewhere far from civilization with no phone.

I walked out the clinic and felt my body posture was now newly in line like in my teenage years.

Walking to take a tram I felt a centimeter or two taller and as I got on it. I sat and saw the usually view of everyone looking at a screen, it was like I had walked into a church and had sat on a pew in the middle of the praying time. I saw that sometimes the people would place a hand on the back of their necks, in a firstly subconscious gesture of having a discomfort there. Some will look up for a few seconds most to check they haven't missed their stop, and then the head tilts downward again to look at the screen and the natural alertness of the discomfort being caused at that moment is very quickly dissolved as the concentration goes back to the screen.

(Image is from a youtube video)
You see old people in the street on some occasions and they are literally bent at a 90 degree angle forward, with a walking stick or some kind of walking aid that holds the front part of the body up like this example here to the Left. Did you ever wonder how they ended up like this? I certainly do, although I haven't looked into it yet its already very obvious that this generation had no screens in the hand and neck aches beginning to form, or I doubt they were sat on very soft sofa's whilst getting stoned and playing video ages for hours on end... But this is were we are all heading when we are older, and not even as old as that young lady up there in the picture.

Is it really that extreme, just from looking at out phone's the way we all do?

Yes. How often do you think you look at your phone just to "check it"? A survey was asked and people actually believed they checked their phone just 20 times a day. In reality most people are checking the phone up to 80 Times daily! When we are sat or stood and we look at our phones, we damage our posture which then is snowballing into a much bigger problem as time goes on. Did you know that your head is in general the heaviest part of your body, weighing roughly the same amount as your skin does?

The neck pains people are beginning to have are because the angle of which we are looking down whilst holding and using out smartphone's. It isn't that new though, its just becoming more regular and extreme since smartphones because before them we were always "texting", bringing birth to the phrase among therapists as "Text-Neck"

Now lets move on to the Smartphone and see its physical stress shown perfectly well in this diagram Below



I find it astonishing that these are true fact's, and that we have all been given Smartphones and are over-using them exactly how drugs turn into a drug addiction. I'm sure after reading this that you might soon realize what angle from the diagram fits your angle of viewing and then you can see how much weight is added to your spine, thus causing huge problems later on with your back, if not already.

There's a slight problem though even if you want to start to change the way you hold your phone - a social set-back if you like - If you are in public holding the phone correctly up at eye level as shown here (Right) then it seems your recording or taking selfies constantly, which freaks people out because your not taking selfies all the time. Imagine sat on the tube and the person sat facing you has the phone up at eye level with the camera in your face - It would freak me out also! image

Your spine whilst holding a Smartphone.

So would you like to see the effects that this added weight from a small act such as tilting your head forward is having on your spine? The left side is a correct shaped spine, and the right is very bad and would cause suffering.


So we face a Dilemma! We have addictions and cravings introduced to us by society and also fashion, which is a huge part of society.. You have no clue the extremity's of which these things were designed to make you physically and mentally sick and also how many of the planets resource's and human sweat and slavery were used to to make a smartphone. And one that will drop and is designed to break to keep you buying more and upgrading to better , newer models, consume consume - what else would you do with your money , apart from go and buy the modern day drugs sold in the shops as a reward or a "treat". I just had the picture of fat hamsters running in wheels flash buy me.

There is also many other factors of which I wont go into now, regarding the stress levels being created from using smartphones. Dam there's so many when I think of one, others are popping up in thought!

Question everything that is sold as "For Your Convenience", and ask yourself why is life stressful anyway when it didn't used to be so?

- Because we had no Smartphone's - That's why!


I don't bother with the damn things at all. I reckon if I got by for the first 30 years of my life without one, I could do the next 30 years just as easily. The only problems they cause me is that people keep walking out in front of my bike.

I am 6’6 & nothing is built to fit me ergonomically. All about understanding correct alignment & strengthening the correct muscles for proper alignment.

I’ve been doing yoga a long time & would be much physically older without it. It’s the best for learning to understand our bodies

Wow! Im 6'2 , I feel for you mate! I made tge cabin where I live no so that the kitchen tops are perfect for my height - very important. Haha i love that then for your username😂

This is a great post. Just this morning I saw a big young guy on his break, staring at his phone with 90 degrees of curve in his neck. Wanted to tell him to be careful, but didn’t want to bother him, his neck will tell him anyways

I tell most people! Even one time at the bus station I saw a guy sat slumped like someone on heroin asleep, but they were dressed smart and clean so I thought to say hi and see if they were old, and they had the phone resting in the crotch area, not even holding it, and looking at it!

Spread that awareness with no hesitation! Thanks man :)

Have to tell you, I just saw a lady at the store standing in the middle of the aisle with her chin on her chest staring at her phone. I said be careful of your neck as nicely as I could & she got pissed, “did I ask for your advice?” As she walked off. You can’t take the crack away from the crackhead without some anger & pushback

Hahahahhaahahahha thats well funny! Yeh some people are so stressed and causing more stress each minute the head is down, poor woman, so she didn't want a hug then?!

Her body language looked like she wanted to stab me. Just before I saw her two different people almost walked into me while walking & staring at their phones. Next time I will lie & say “be careful, I’m a spinal surgeon” & see what kind of reaction I get. People are trained to respect titles much more than content in my opinion. Would be an interesting little expirement

Haha! Yes! Thats a great experiment to try out :) and you need a plastic card around you neck and you would also instantly become a spinal surgeon with those words spoken lol

Lightbulbs are fitted at your ergonomic needs 😁

Ya, I can touch the ceiling standing up 😂

This post has received a 34.9 % upvote from @boomerang.

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This is so smart. I mean smart phones can really do a lot of physical damage. Never have thought much about it. Will from now on I promise. Thanks for a great read. 🐓🐓

Thankyou, its something that is literally crippling the human race!

I will soon do more posts on this because that was just one thing they are doing to our health, the next one will be about how our stress levels are effects by using them. I would upvote but i need to regenerate power !!

I'm very passionate about this I even posted something similar recently.
One thing is as a fellow cow (taurus) u will feel those bodily sensations more and u will physically put urself under more physical stress by lifting or doing back breaking work or the opposite being really lazy and not moving enough. Yoga is perfect and u must keep it up. Our head is very heavy and you d ppl need to be taught to hold their phones probably I saw one young lad rubbing his next whilst bent over his phone if its starts so young now what are we allowing to happen to these poor kids. Protect yourself with shungite crystals from emfs aswell because these shitty but useful mobiles cause cancer and just generally mess with our mood

I have started to tell people that they will cause damage later, but they are so stupid that they dont even get it lol.
I dislike all these devices. And the health risks we have from using them , to go online ect and this is early days yet. Go to depopulate us somehow slowly, cancers and aids didnt work good enough apparently!
Im happy im 50m away from a smart meter..

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