Do depression and anxiety always need medical treatment? I say NO! Part 2.

in #health7 years ago

As you all know by now, I’m a nutrition consultant and natural therapist, so I have great faith in the body’s ability to heal itself, if it’s given what it needs.

First, to be really clear, nothing I’m going to say in this post is to be taken as medical advice. There are some things you can safely try yourself, at minimal or no expense, which may help a great deal. But this doesn’t mean we never need medical treatment, or other professional help. So make sure to keep your options open and be responsible for your own wellbeing. And remember that this is an overview, just to give you some ideas of the potential approaches.



A couple of weeks ago, we looked at depression caused by physical issues


Sorry it’s taken a while to get this finished, but today, we’re going to address the mental / emotional aspects.

First, I want to distinguish between the type of situations it’s probably safe to address on your own, and the type where you definitely need professional help.

Normal Stressors

By normal, I mean the types of things that everybody is likely to have at some stage in their life. This might include:

• Something as simple as an argument with your spouse
• Or something as impacting as a bereavement
• relationship break ups
• work stress
• family stress
• financial stress
• moving house
• overwork and overwhelm
• illness
• having to give a speech
• exam stress



This might include:

• Accidents
• Abuse
• Severe illness
• Anything that might cause you to be re-traumatised if you started thinking or talking about it


While some of these techniques can be very helpful for these types of trauma, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go there on your own. You need to have the guidance of an experienced practitioner, who will know how to work in these areas gently, and who will know what to do if you go into a tailspin.


There are a lot of therapies that come loosely under the category of energy medicine.

I had a phone call from a new client the other week who said she wanted to see me for some kinesiology as she had much better results from it than she had ever had from talk therapy. This is not uncommon. Many people are reporting that they get much better results from energy techniques than from talk therapy. This is because the energy work releases the traumatic memories from the body, including the physical tensions that arise as a result.


I’m not going to go into each of these in depth, or we’d be here all day. I’ll just give you an overview of some possibilities. If there are any you want to know more about, let me know.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

This is also known as Tapping or Meridian tapping. It was originally developed by Gary Craig, based on Thought Field Therapy, developed by Roger Callaghan.

I’m not going to go into too much detail on EFT as I have written about it quite a bit before:

Overcoming my fears
Emotional Freedom Technique Part 1
EFT Part 2 – Getting started
EFT Tapping videos for Xmas stress

But just to recap, it involves tapping on certain acupuncture points while focusing on the issue you want to release. These are part of the energy system that runs through our bodies, much in the way that nerves or blood vessels do.

As well as the videos I shared for releasing Xmas stress, there are tapping videos on Youtube for any number of situations. Finding something you can relate to and tapping along with the presenter is a good way to get some practice (after reading my Getting Started post above).

We also have another very experienced EFT practitioner on Steeemit, @eftnow. Check out his [article about using EFT with Matrix Reimprinting]

He is also keen to do some group tapping sessions with Steemians, so follow him, and ask him about it.

Energy Kinesiology

This is the type of kinesiology my client was coming to see me for. The modality I use most often is Touch for Health (TFH). This involves gently stress testing different muscles in the body to see if the client can hold them. If they can’t, it doesn’t mean the muscle is weak (as an exercise kinesiologist would be testing) but rather it indicates that the energy that should be flowing through the muscle has been disturbed in some way.

Once we have a picture of the imbalances in the body, there are a number of techniques to correct the energy flow.

With TFH, we always balance in the context of a goal. For example, if you were feeling anxious about a speech, we might balance for something like “I am confident speaking in public and easily communicate with my audience.” At the start, this is patently untrue, so will cause an energy disturbance and a “weak” muscle. By the end, we are looking for the muscle to be strong, indicating that the client has lot more energetic resources to meet the goal.


This is just one of the ways kinesiology can help a person. Another way I often use it, is to help a client identify food sensitivities.

Two of my previous posts about kinesiology:

Quick & Easy calming tip, from Touch for Health – while this is part of TFH, it is a very useful stress release tool, that anyone can use themselves, so please do go check it out
Six days training in a new natural therapy



Back in 2016, whens @sift666’s dad was in bad way, he wrote about it and talked about some of the ways he was dealing with the stress. One of the techniques, which we wrote about together, is Ho’oponopono. Rather than reinvent the wheel, here’s what we wrote:

This is a Hawaiian healing technique, brought to mainstream attention by the work of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and his workshops with Dr Joe Vitale.

It’s based on the premise that we are responsible for everything in our world, including everything we perceive to be outside ourselves. By accepting that responsibility, and using the healing emotions of repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love, we can heal our perceptions from the inside out.

You simply focus on the thing that is upsetting you and say these four phrases:
• I’m sorry
• Please forgive me
• Thank you
• I love you

When I’ve been in bad states of mind, I’ve found this technique very powerful and comforting.

You can read more about it here

Other techniques

These are the three that I have used most, but there are other similar therapies about. Techniques that target and dissolve specific incidents seem to have better results than techniques designed for general relaxation.


That doesn’t mean activities for general relaxation are not worth doing. It’s well worth adding into your daily or weekly routine, activities like:

• Meditation or Prayer
• Yoga or Tai Chi
• Laughter yoga
• Bodywork such as massage or reiki


Thanks for reading and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Please share your experiences below, so we have a wider range of options for people to investigate.

Check out @woman-onthe-wing’s #makeithealthy project

Images by myself, @sift666 or from Pixabay, unless otherwise stated.

Follow me for more health, nutrition, food, lifestyle and recipe posts.

See my last post of 2017 for a full archive of 2016 & 2017 posts, by category

If you’re from New Zealand (Aotearoa) and are looking for other kiwis, see the list on this post. Let me know if you want to be added, or want to add your location. Remember to use “kiwi” as one of your tag words on posts.

Contact me in SteemitChat to ask about one on one nutritional coaching or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) sessions by Skype. (But don’t just say Hello. Tell me straight away why you’re messaging, without waiting for me to say Hello back.) Steem, other altcoins or Paypal accepted.



I couldn't agree more. Doctors hand out anti-depressants like sweets these days.

I suppose when they only have 5 or 10 minutes with a patient, it's a quick and easy solution. From the doctor's perspective anyway. Not so much for the patient :-( Thank goodness doctors are not the only resource.

thanks dear this post is helpful.need to ask a question is there any relation between muscular weakness ,shoulder pain and stress or mood swings.i mean can weakness cause stress ,anger or mood swings...

Hi @biyanoor's sister - lovely to meet you. This is quite a complex question. I don't think one causes the other, but it's very possible that they are both symptoms of the same problem. It could be something emotional, but I'd suspect it's more likely to be something physical. I talk about those things in my first post, but I'm thinking something like food allergies, or toxins like heavy metals, might be possibilities.

thank you dear i will check your first post for this issue.

Good to hear that you are consultant and natural therapist. I am from Pakistan and here less than 2% people suffers from depression. Here I agrees with you that everytime we never need medical treatment and professional helps enough to come back from depression. And this gonna help out many people. Keep posting more stuff like this which will help others 😊.

Oops, I missed this earlier. I wonder why it is that there is much less depression in Pakistan. Do you think it's a cultural difference? Or is the food better and less environmental toxicity? Any ideas?

A seriously complex subject. I had never heard of Hoponopono before (besides it being a race horses name here in South Africa). My major way to deal with depression is exercise...and avoid alcohol.

Complex indeed. Exercise and alcohol can both have a huge impact on biochemistry, which I talked about in the previous post. When you change the biochemistry, it makes a huge difference, as you know. Do you feel drawn to Ho'oponopono? I was thinking that might be a good fit for you. Might be worth a try anyway. (Personally, I think everybody could benefit from it, and it is pretty easy to do.)
PS What kind of record does the horse have?

I've seen some of the tapping techniques, i might give it ago. Gave me something to think about :)

Go for it. For you I'd look for some of the pain tapping routines. Can't hurt, and if it helps, what a bonus!

I am going to check a few out on you tube, I will give anything a try :)

ok so now i want to come to New Zealand for you to do some of these techniques on me!!!!!!!!!! They sound amazing!!!! can you pick me up at the airport tomorrow? hehehehe

also...i agree.... i won't say that medicine is a "NEVER no never" issue. I would never dream of making a blanket statement like that. But I agree with you - so many things can be handled with good nutrition, good health, good care of our bodies!!!!

Even if they don't fix a problem fully, I think that without good nutrition and self care practices, nothing else is going to work either. Sp for me, that's always a good start.

Absolutely. Start there... That doesn't work? THEN go fishing lol

I love your holistic approach. Yoga has helped me more than anything. The principle of non-attachment is something I find helpful. But I also really struggle with it.

Ah yes, non-attachment makes so much sense, but isn't always easy to do.

Is this true

Haha! Yes, Mike, I believe it would be true in a lot of cases. And those people you probably don't want in your life!

Hi kiwi.. I always benefitid from your posts.. I once tried patting therapy.. But only once.. Actually this topic is so interesting that i ll wirte it soon.. I am resteeming it for taking benefit in future from it.. You wrote a detailled note about all techniques.. Its really helpful and good for a person like me facing stress continuously almost all time even on small things.. I was much busy since yesterday but when my sister @rayaa told me about your good content i specially came to visit it and appreciate you.. @rayaa joined steemit few days ago and i told her about you and sift666...She was excited to talk a good kind and cooprative lady here..
I wana ask you since few days if you are alright as you are communicating less nowadays.. I also did not see you in my blog since long time... I was concerning about your health basically.. Prayerz by the depth of my heart as you are in my early friends here and you gave me courage to stay here

Hiya. Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine, I just don't always have time. If I spend as much time on Steemit as I would like to, I can't fit in much else! I don't know how people fit in so much. So that means I don't get to visit everybody I would like to, as often as I would like. But I will be sure to visit your sister and say hello. I see she has commented here, so will say hello to her next.

This is fascinating. I agree that using different techniques to see what works best for you is the way to approach healing depression and anxiety. Isn't it wonderful that so many options have opened up and are now acceptable to try?

It is very cool that we can talk about and share so many different options now. One of the great things about the internet!

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