The Importance of Good Bacteria in you Gut

in #health7 years ago

I have had food issues for a number of years now. I have refined my diet so that I am not eating white flour products and very little sugar. In the summer of 2017, I was visiting my mother in law and we had lunch. She was serving hamburgers with coleslaw. I indulged and ate the whole hamburger, bun and all. About a week later I again indulged in a chocolate bar that I ate when I was a child. Both of these activities cost me. I was in the bathroom all the time. I believe I lost some of my gut lining. I took me months of eating stomach friendly foods. I ate coleslaw, apples, bananas, rice, coconuts and leafy greens. That pretty much was my diet for a few weeks until I could heal enough to be able to eat more items. I went on a trip with @wwf to Windsor Ontario and we met some new friends. They reminded me that kombucha is good for the gut. While drinking kombucha my stomach and intestinal tract felt great. I decided that I need to make more at home. From there I have made kimchi, kefir as well as sauerkraut. I still don’t eat white bread and limit my sugar intake but I am able to cheat a tad and be OK.

I have slowly researched the importance of gut health and here are some of my findings. In our intestinal tract are hundreds of thousands of microbes. These microbes assist us in processing all of our food. However if you have an over abundance of bad microbes this is where problems can come into play. This can produce issues like headaches, food sensitivities and mood changes to name a few.

“Seventy percent of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract.” - Family Medicine
“The good bacteria secrete antibacterial substances that prevent disease-causing bacteria from taking hold in the body.” - Family Medicine

There is research that is coming out now that makes a connection between what we eat and how our bodies function. What we put in we will get out. If we put in bad food then we will not be able to perform as well. Our whole body depends upon what we fuel it with. There is a book out called Grain Brain. The author of this book suggests that what we eat affects that brain and how it functions.

“When our gut becomes compromised it can leak into the body and then into the blood stream. This increases inflammation which is a corner stone of virtually all brain disorders from Alzheimer's and multiple Scleroses (MS) to Parkinson's to Autism” Dr. Perimutter author of Grain Brain

Here are some basic signs of gut issues:

Nourish your gut and it will nourish you. There are two keys to nourishing and protecting your gut health. Limit your use of antibiotics and eat whole, as organic as possible, foods. Foods that are traditionally fermented and cultured foods help to promote the good gut.
I believe that this is right on the nose. We need to really take care of what we put into our bodies. Getting back to good nutritious food is so important. It takes work but the benefits are huge.

Homemade kombucha

Homemade kefir


We live in a very underdeveloped state in the field of medicine.. I thought that was a bad thing because I am in a very bad country (algeria)....
But the positive thing is that we don't use the medicament so much...
We use the traditional medications and call it "alternative medicine"
... For bowel and stomach diseases, we use a desert herb named "chih". I don't think there are any English subtitles for it.

But this herb exists in every house and its use is very simple and very useful...
Thank you @carey-page for your useful topics.
I am trying through comments to share with you our own culture

I am so grateful that you are sharing. I love to see and learn about other cultures. It is amazing how each place can achieve the same thing yet use what is naturally there. I love the picture. It is so good to hear that others use natural substances. Out here there are few of us who use natural alternatives. The group is growing slowly.
You may live in an underdeveloped state, however some of these places are miles ahead in the field of medicine. People in these places may still use natural sources for medicine. I think this is so amazing and wonderful. I guess there are pros and cons to every place.

I never used antibiotic for me or my family unless it was a dire need. Over the last 20 years we as a family changed out diet to more organic, wholesome foods. No more sugar (none) no white bread. Our own fruits and vegetables. Chicken, rabbit, turkey and fish. Free range eggs. Limited dairy products. And we feel better. If we happen to slip up we felt it almost immediately. So we try to avoid instances where we could eat something that is basically poison to our bodies. It becomes a habit and the extra work seems like it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

That is amazing. Wow, we are on that journey. We use natural products if we need antibiotics. We are still working on the food issue. We live in northern Alberta Canada. We find a few months difficult. Learning to raise enough meat and food stuffs for the whole winter and the beginning of planting season, some years is a challenge. However we usually achieve the goal. We have found creative ways to use what we have. Where do you live?

I live on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua now. I grew up in Ontario.

So you do know about Canandian weather. Nice to live in a warm place.

Please do a kombucha recipe some time :)
I am not familiar with kefir?

I will do it within the next week. I will also do a little write up on kefir. Thanks so much

Wonderful post on good bacteria in the gut! I stopped eating white flour and refined sugar and have started drinking kombucha and water kefir every single day since 2 years ago. I have never felt any better with my body in my whole life and never needed to see a doctor! Thank you for sharing.

Thanks. Yes it is amazing when you get your gut bacteria right how much the whole body improves. The first time my son seen a doctor in over 10 years was when he cut his foot badly almost two weeks ago. The doctors were shocked that we have not had to see any doctors for so long. We really can be at home doctors when we take good care of our bodies.

Thanks for your reply.

Congratulations. This post is featured in the week's nunesso's Curation post for the Nutrition and Natural Products industry. You have received a 100% upvote from us.

Thank you very much. I am honored.

I often get tummy issues and was looking for a solution. For the past I have been taking following to get some relief.
Thank you very much. Rarely see very helpful posts such as yours.

Thank you for your kindness.

I think that these are good things to take in. I wonder if you gut bacteria is compromised. This can happen even when we think we are eating relatively well. Have you tried to use items like kombucha, kefir or sauerkraut? These things will put good bacteria back into your gut so that it has more good bacteria than bad bacteria.

Thanks for sharing this @carey-page

I've learnt to understand that most of the problems we are having with our health was as a result of what we normally take into our system. If we will be discipline enough to give our system what it require and not what it desire we will live a disease free life.

Regards @funkylove

Yes you are so right. If we could just stop the signals that encourage us to want all the bad stuff we would be much better off. Discipline is the key. People living disease free now that is something to look forward to.

“Seventy percent of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract.” - Family Medicine"

I did not know that!!
Great article!!
We love kambucha! We keep a scoby hotel for when we take a break from it!

I have just learned about a scoby hotel. It think it is a cool idea. I have just made one myself. Good to have around if you have a batch go bad.


Great article! Fermentation will be the next big health trend for 2018. I wrote an article about the importance of soaking your whole grain flours to break down phytic acid, whole grains can be more dangerous than processed white flours to your intestines if care isn't taken to prepare them slowly in the form of sourdough etc. I use kefir, buttermilk, yogurt for soaking, please read! :

Hey there, thanks for sharing. I will have a read. I love to learn about these kinds of things. Yes I agree fermentation will be a big health trend. People are tired of being sick and want to be healthy.

I have just learned how to make sourdough bread for the guys. They seem to love it. I am glad, the stuff that is bought in the store is not good for them.

Take care

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