The Real Truth About Six Pack Abs (Can Everyone Get Them?)

in #health6 years ago


It was December 23rd, 2017 and I leaned over to pick up a Ledger Nano S and my gut was so big it got in the way and impeded my movement. I had been going non stop looking at crypto and making content about crypto oftentimes eating food from Taco Bell. It was a real low point. Around that time I went to go play basketball and got super out of breath and was a step slow and had no bounce. I weighed myself and it said 223 and I thought the scale was legitimately broken and went to another scale on the other side of the gym and it was confirmed.

223 lb. I was like, "What in the actual FUCK?!?!?" And that wasn't a solid jacked 223 lb. That was a severely Bloated To The CORE 223 pounds. :-(

The point is we can get out of shape extremely fast before we even realize it and getting back in shape is extremely painful mainly because at that point you are going to have to put yourself in a caloric deficit.

In doing that you will feel like you are starving and you will be hungry.

You will see cupcakes and other treats and it will be brutal to stay away from them. Your best bet is to eat clean, drink a lot of water, wear yourself out at the gym by lifting weights and doing something like playing basketball, and sleeping a bunch.

Lifting Vs Cardio

A lot of people make a lot of mistake when trying to achieve their fitness goals. Usually people have a certain person they are trying to look like or a certain physique they are trying to obtain. Oftentimes I see them doing something totally different than what it would take to obtain that look. Before I go any further there are a lot of physiques that aren't obtainable without the use of drugs. I know how to spot these people pretty well. People that haven't lifted a lot or been around athletics get a super skewed perception of what is naturally obtainable.


Here is an example of a physique of someone who is on drugs. This is Bradley Martin who is on performance enhancing drugs but it becomes an unspoken thing and then his whole brand and YouTube channel revolves around being inspirational but in reality he would never pass a drug test for the NCAA or any professional sport. He simply isn't an athlete. Bradley doesn't claim to be natural so at least the lie doesn't go that far. So whether you are a guy or girl you shouldn't shoot for a look that isn't obtainable without drugs unless you are willing to go down that road of spending all the money on performance enhancers and risking the side effects. You don't need that stuff. You can get a good physique naturally it will just take longer.

Back on topic! To have a muscular physique you are going to have to lift weight or use your own body weight in many different ways to build muscle. If you only do cardio all the time like run on a treadmill you are unlikely to get the results you are looking for unless you are training to run distance races and look like a distance runner. That is fine if that is what you are trying to do but if you are trying to look like a sprinter then you have to train like a sprinter.

Sprinter just don't sprint. They do cleans, snatch, plyometrics, squats, lunges.....etc. You can't get that type of muscle structure if they just ran on the treadmill for 30 min a day.

So keep that in mind and be realistic. If you see a physique you are aiming for you can't be super far outside the realm of what a person would have to do to obtain that.

My Go To Exercises To Get Lean / Jacked

  • Cleans (Power and Hang) Cleans take so much energy and are a whole body movement that if you are doing enough reps and sets you will break a sweat. That is sort of key when you are trying to get lean but still be powerful. If I just bench press and take a ton of time in between it is unlikely I'm break a real sweat.
  • Front Squats - These take so much effort to engage your core and maintain form that they really are a lot of work.
  • Pullups - It takes so much energy to do a couple sets of pullups

Everything else like bench, bicep curls, tricep extensions....etc is just high reps and almost going to failure on everything. Like sets of 12 or 15 on bench and just really making my muscles burn. I mainly just try to keep up the intensity and not cool down too much in between exercises when I'm trying to get lean.

If I'm tying to build my power levels way up it is totally opposite. I take a ton of rest in between sets and it is more calculated to ultimately lift larger amounts of weight on a future date.

Can Everyone Have A Six Pack?

Actually the answer is no. People's abs are sometimes configured differently and no matter how lean they get they might not be able to show what people would consider a symmetrical six pack. Also some people's abs never seem to develop as well to really show all the separation. Mine are pretty well developed so I don't have to be super lean to start to show abs. I have seen people who are way leaner than me and weren't showing hardly any definition in their abs. It was more like they had a flat stomach but not a six pack.

George Rush St. Pierre is a good example of someone who is lean with abs but he doesn't have the symmetry that you would typically expect.

It is an odd subject for sure because you would think in general people's abs would be fairly similarly laid out. Also race doesn't seem to matter when looking for the symmetrical six pack configuration. The symmetrical configuration seems to exist in all races of people around the world.

The only way you can find out if you can have a six pack is to get that lean for them to show up. A lot of people have never been that lean in their lives to see any kind of ab structure show through.

How Low Does Your Body Fat Percentage Have To Be?

There is no definitive answer for this. There are all kinds of misconceptions about what people's body fat percentages are. I used to actually think my body fat percentage was 7% based on skin fold test which aren't accurate. In the after picture above I could be anywhere from 12% to 16% if I had to guess but the only way to really know is to do a DEXA scan. I have never had one of those. Now some of you might be shocked that I'm saying that is 12%-16% but even though I'm fairly lean where I have some vascularity I'm not really shredded like I would be if I tried to dehydrate myself or something.

That is more of an athletic weight. The lowest I have weighed in at is 208 lb and I'm 6' tall. 205 to 210 seems to be a pretty good athletic weight for me. If I tried to cut down more I would feel scrawny and I would probably be dehydrated and just pull a muscle trying to play basketball.

The X Factor

When I work out real hard I have to sleep a lot. Sometimes 10 and even 12 hours. During that time I don't eat so I'm not stuffing myself full of cupcakes. I also drink tons of water. I don't force myself to drink water I just always feel like I'm thirsty especially here in Arizona where it is so dry.

My resting heart rate is only 36 beats / minute so when I sleep I'm more in a coma state. I honestly think that if my body only required 6 hours of sleep that I wouldn't be as lean because usually if I have too much food around the house I'm always grazing on something before I realize that I just ate 7 granola bars in the course of 20 minutes. So I try not to keep as much food at the house. If I'm asleep I can't eat the little bit of food around. No fun right? Honestly sometimes it isn't. If you have to go in a caloric deficit it can be painful. I'm not going to pretend it isn't.

Really when it comes down to it I'm more concerned about athletic performance and I know what weight my body is powerful, explosive, and quick. Once I feel that slipping usually the way my body looks is slipping as well.

Good luck in your fitness goals. I hope this post helped!

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Personally, I try to do at least 2000 pushups a day. In the video above I'm just showing off for some friends. Go head, try counting how many I can do...

Tell you what, just stop counting at 1000 and take my word for the rest!

Looking great man!

Hahha, I counted 3,614 and then I got a text and lost count. lol

The human body needs about 30 minutes worth of walking a day to pump the lymphatic system. It amazing how many people don't even get this minimum amount of exercise.

And i agree, most people have no clue about what to do at a gym. The really need to know what body type they are (endomorph, ...) and then learn what that body type can get to. Why aren't we taught this important stuff in school?

Well and they don't get that minimum amount of exercise for years and years on end which is insane.

I will admit if a person really didn't play sports when they were younger and never was taught anything the gym would be an intimidating place and I understand why a lot of people then just get on an eliptical or treadmill. That is all they can come up with in their head. It would be almost like me being in a ballet studio or something. I wouldn't know any of the moves and I would just try to replicate what I had seen in moves or tv over the years and I would fail hard.

In school I feel like they try to teach something depending on the state and the school system but really when it boils down to it I'm sure most people would agree that they "should" do some level of exercise but a high percentage of people don't get hardly any exercise because it isn't easy and they are exhausted with work and all that.

Even I don't want to go to the gym sometimes even though I know if I do certain things during the day I'm going to feel way better. If I jump in the pool, listen to music, go to the gym..... I will feel better but even I get lazy with stuff. So I can't imagine it almost feels like and impossible task for some people and then they get more depressed all the time.

Using steroids will make bodybuilding faster but it has to be done in a correct and safe way because a body builder might suffer a heart disease and something that is called a "roid rage" because of the imbalances that the steroids causes if it gets abused or misused.

There is one savage that tries to play basketball where I do and he is on roids and he gets pissed off and kicks the ball and trys to get into fights. I have seen the roid rage from that guy first hand. LOL

I have to come in to be sure this 6 packs is not referring to Budweiser

Some people here in the United States are able to drink Budwiser all day and still have Six Pack abs! LOL

haha.... but actually perhaps it boils down to whether burning more calories then you take in which case I guess theoretically it may be possible.

Nice article man, I would have guessed you were under 10% as well. This is good motivation to hit the weights harder, I've been slimming down since I stopped drinking completely 5 months ago but can't do abs because I have a messed up back. Any suggestions on how to work abs without decline situps or situps at all? Every time I try to get into situps and give it another shot it just sets me back another week or so since my back will start hurting to the point where I can barely walk.

I actually don't do any situps for the most part. My core and abs get engaged when I do cleans and other stuff like tricep extensions. If I'm working more on core strength I more focused on stuff like scissor kicks and bicycle kicks in this laying down position.

You have to focus on having no space between your back and the ground. Like you did a little mini crunch the entire time you are doing this to really focus in the right places.

But in the end all of this stuff is good core exercises but really what is going to ultimately determine making your abs show is being lean enough. A lot of men store fat around their mid section so it will be one of the last places to burn off.

Yea i'm losing my ass since I don't do cleans and squats. The stomach is always the last place to lose, agreed. I'm going to try those scissor kicks, thanks for the advice. p.s. the gif is cool to drive the point home.

Thank you Brian for such a thorough post full of great info. and some really good insight.

I have been working out with weights since I was 12 years old in 79'. And got serious in Summer of 87' with powerlifting with my brother.

You make some great points about Bradley Martin. And I too can spot a drug user right off.

Although I have to say there are a few exceptions. Very, very few who do have that look and are ALL natural. It's very far and few between but in my 30 plus years I have stumbled upon it.

I remember Arnold in a interview on Letterman openly talked about his use of steroids in his bodybuilding career. He said that he could have been at the same level of muscularity if he went Natural but it would have taken him much, much longer.

With his genetics I have no doubt about that.

Again thanks for your post @brianphobos. And very impressive photo with your progress :)

I used to be a big Arnold fan because I liked Terminator 2, Running Man, Total Recall.....etc but don't be fooled. Arnold's physique isn't obtainable naturally. There has been a lot of debate about the subject over the past couple of years and a lot of people have looked at a ton of data on the subject and from my personal experience it seems to all add up on the guys who are in the cross over realm and then guys who are clearly using drugs.

In this video they talk about Arnold around 4:00 and 11:40 . They even mention our boys the @hodgetwins in the video as well.

The Rock also said a similar thing about taking steroids when he played football for the University of Miami and then said that they didn't do anything for him and how he is natural but there is no way honestly. Most of the guys in Hollywood aren't natural and a ton of the guys on Instagram aren't natty either.

Yeah I agree The Rock is full of sh@t. There is no way he's natural. If he was just honest people would have a lot more respect. But I guess he does not want to put that $30 mil. a Movie salary in jeopardy by coming 'clean' as it would tarnish his whole persona ( especially to the gullible younger fans). Really Sad :(

Yeah that is the same with a lot of the supplement / fitness industry. They can't come out and say they are on steroids or HGH because they will lose endorsement deals....etc. So a lot of it becomes a sham. I think that all major sports have a huge drug problem, MLB, NFL, NBA, UFC, Track & Field.....etc. A lot of times their bodies are getting beat up over the course of the season that I would find it hard to think that they can recover. I almost feel like the NFL is certainly a huge pain killer / steroid sport. You don't hardly ever hear about the guys getting suspended for that either. I think a lot of it gets swept under the rug.

Good post. I've always been pretty fortunate to have a good metabolism and having always been involved in sports and being active have always had a failry easy time staying in shape.

I used to have a really nice six pack although these days I've slacked a bit and still have the top 4 but the bottom two are much more challenging to get and I also tend to do workouts that workout the top abs and not so much the bottom so something I need to focus on.

I've always been much more so into running and calestetic stuff like pushups, crunches, circuit training much more so than weight training. I've been slacking at the gym lately but trying to get into a new morning routine going early before I head inot the office

I have a hard time working out in the morning. It is proven that your grip strength is weaker then. I just feel sleepy and semi retarded in the morning. Even when I play basketball in the morning on Saturdays I feel like my reactions are slower and I'm not as good as I am when I have been up for at least 6 hours.

It has been very rare that I have felt like I had a better day after I got up and worked out in the morning and it usually was more of a cardio related thing that wasn't super skill oriented. Like jogging.

Part of my problem on being on a better routine is I just get sleepy and can't think later on as well and have to take a nap so either way I seem to have to sleep a lot.

Hey Brian (another Brian here). When I went overseas for the first time, I visited Africa. The first thing we noticed was how thin everyone seemed. Are these people not getting enough food? A local said, "It's not that we are too thin, it's that you Americans are so fat."

I saw this all over the world. "big" has become normal in the US. and unless we get out and see the rest of the planet, we may not realize this fact. America has an addiction to food. I'm so glad you found a way out of that, congrats!


I have seen things that say even if Americans could go back to the average weights people were in 1990 it would cut down on a lot of health issues. It isn't getting any better that is for sure.

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