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RE: Effects of Bullying

in #health7 years ago

Thank you for this entry, it's very important to write/speak about things like this.
I'm a victim of bullying and agree with every single word in your entry. I was a victim of offline bullying as well as online during middle and high school and I struggle with it even now. Now after school I have the anxiety-depressive disorder, even tho I have graduated from University where I was not a victim but the past affects me every day. I try SO hard to be a normal person but, unfortunately, seems that I just can't. And it is happening because of the cruel children in the past and teachers who encouraged these cruel children. I asked my parents to transfer me to another school but they didn't care about my psychic state, they just avoid to hear from me suicidal thoughts. And now I have also physical problems, huge eye problems, which prevent me from earning money.
So yeah, I think bully is a crime because it affects other person's life, it could even destroy it, as we can see in my case.


Oh my God! I am so sad for what happen to you its really injustice it breaks my heart when I saw and heard people being bullied. But despite of what happen to you I admired you because even though your past experiences is not really good you stayed strong and faced your problems.

I agree with everything you said. I've been bullied physically and verbally through all ten years of school. Even now, 20 years since the graduation, I am still struggling to overcome long-lasting psychological damage that those ten difficult years had caused. I am working on it, though, step by step, learning to live a fuller, healthier, and happier life. I hope and wish that you will be able too, @anastasiabusko.

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