HAPPINESS CONTEST 01 - Official Entry for @zen-art: Energy

in #happinesscontest6 years ago (edited)

Challenge Accepted.
Contest hosted by @zen-art.


My Happy Face.

Happiness comes in many forms, it can be drinking a cold glass of water or seeing the birth of a child. Maybe falling in love for the first time or achieving a major goal. Some people swear they are never happy and that happiness is a fantasy, something people make up to feel good. I for one have found happiness in this life and it was not always easy.

I grew up as an only child and I was always a happy person. I found ways to find happiness through reading books about fairies, hobbits, and magicians. A smile and a laugh was always ready to be shared and given to anyone that would share their story with me. I can honestly say that laughing and being happy has lasted throughout my life, regardless of whatever hardship came my way.

As with any average person, I was not given the easy way out or everything handed to me. I have always had to work hard to get whatever I wanted in my life. I had to fight for my education and pay for it myself, I had to fight for jobs and beat out competition, and that included the fight for happiness.

In many ways happiness is a mental state, it takes a strong person to ensure that the sadness and bitterness of others does not take away ones happiness. It is not always easy to keep that sad bitterness from permeating ones own state of mind and stealing our happiness.

A few things that have kept me happy is knowing that this life is only temporary. Some people may feel this to be a morbid concept, but in actuality it is positive. Just think about it, we are here to share our soul with others if only for approximately 80 years if we are lucky. Then our soul wanders off to to the next assignment, or if we have left some unfinished business, or made life contracts we come back here to earth.

Well, I had decided long ago that while I was here that I would live the best possible life with integrity and happiness. Mind you, this is not easy and it takes a lot of work. A few pointers I can share is this, to always make sure you are giving yourself time just to be you. Give your soul the opportunity to do what it needs to do to live here on in peace. For some that may mean writing a book, for others it could be playing tennis, training for a marathon, creating a new invention, traveling the world, and so on.

For my happiness, this means that I will continue to grow in my Native American medicine practice and sharing with anyone who is interested. That sentence seems so easy, but it is actually very difficult. I must ground and center every day. I must lead a balanced life and that includes giving myself energy work daily, diet, exercise, keep my energy centers unblocked in order to remain open to give to others. An unhealthy body and mind cannot give to others fully. I must always keep updated on the knowledge I share with others to ensure that I am imparting the proper teaching. As a human we are imperfect and do not always know everything.

Even if we think we know, odds are we barely know anything at all. I think that may be a quote from someone famous (yes I am laughing.) Some people are able to trace their soul knowledge back to its beginning, I have my doubts about that but some people swear by it, so I can only shrug my shoulders and agree. Who am I to say they cannot, even though intuitively the red flags are criss crossing each other like the Indie 500. Maybe those are checkered flags in the Indie 500 but you get my point. Anyway, I do not have that gift to go back to my entire beginning.

I have had some readings and personal visions as to who I am and where I come from, and because of that this has helped me on my course. This also has helped me to maintain my happiness because at the very least I know I am on the right path and doing what I am supposed to be doing. There is something very satisfying about just that one aspect alone.

Reiki Master Teacher Day.

Core Happiness

To get back to the subject of my daily happiness, and what gets me to that excited feeling is energy work. The first time I was able to truly help someone through their illness was amazing. I knew I had some kind of gift as a child because everyone wanted me to rub their feet or give them hugs and love all the time. You may not know this about me, but I provide energy work to assist people with vital diseases on a voluntary basis. This takes a lot of work due to the serious nature of the illnesses. I have to take care of myself and ensure that the other person is given the choice to stay or move on (transition to the next life.) No matter how difficult this work can be, it brings me much happiness to impart positive vibrations to someone going through a very tough situation.


Reiki Share with Fellow Reiki Master Teachers.

This coming up weekend will give me more tools for my toolbox, in that I will take a Birth Doula training at my local hospital. I will be able to use this positive energy to actually see life being brought into this world. There is nothing more beautiful in my eyes. I am so exciting for this new opportunity that I am beyond happy, I am ecstatic.

The photos I have shared with you above were on the day I became a Reiki Master Teacher and that day was beyond happy. As you can see, I could not wait to get to my Pacific Ocean (I was born there, give me a break) and celebrate my most precious moment with one of the places I could share my newfound energy full on.

Eagle Feather Day.

You would think I had a Native American wedding by looking at the photo while holding my Eagle feather. This was a momentous occasion, since only those of a tribe are gifted by a Chief with an Eagle feather. True, anyone can just go pick up a feather even though it is illegal in North America except by those of tribal affiliation. I had been praying for this feather for a very long time, and I admit I cried about it for a few years because I wanted one so bad. It is so very true that everything happens in its own time and if we work along with what we ask for it will be given to us.

I write about this moment because it was an energetic moment that I felt I created and my prayer was very specific. I wanted a Chief to hand my Eagle feather to me, and for that to happen it had to be earned. This was one of the most happiest moments of my life. As you can see I could not write this piece without sharing my happy experience.

If you are now feeling my happiness and energy then I have done my job.

Whomever shall read this post, I wish your soul a life filled with happiness and love. Peace.


Pacific Ocean Beach at Sunset.

To find out more about this beautiful contest click here.


All photos are the property of @eaglespirit, do not use without permission.



Love this post and this pic especially :

You are so wise and powerful! Wish we were closer so I could get some of that Eagle Spirit power flowing from your hands :)
Becoming a doula is going to be amazing, two of my close mom friends are doula's and they love their work. How could they not! Being there to welcome a new soul into this world must be truly momentous <3

Hi @amymya! Thank you for reposting my pic! Buahahhahah
I am honored by your words and humbled. Yeah you did love some of this girl! LOL
Ooooo I need stories from your moms friends. Do they make good monies?
A new soul. Awwww I can’t wait!! ❤️

This brought tears to my eyes. What a beautifully delivered piece of the soul, Eagle. You're a tremendous woman and it's wonderful to share in this energy with you. Yes, I feel much happier after reading your post and seeing your gorgeous pictures.

Thank you
Anji xxx

Oh no happy tears?!
Thank you for your honest comment and feedback. It’s always welcome.
Yay shared energy. Woop!
So happy you received some love and happiness. Love ya girl, Eagle xx

This was so beautiful to read and you made me very happy reading it. I am so happy you are becoming a doula, because mama's everywhere need more people like you. Being true to yourself and following your path, being open and connected, that is exactly the energy that mama's need. They are so sensitive to other people's energy during pregnancy and birth and having the right people around has a huge impact on mother and baby. I am very excited for you on this next part of your journey.


Hi @trucklife-family!
Yay for making you happy and your support for doula. I’m a bit nervous and it starts tomorrrow. Yikes.
Thank you for confirming that I will be a great support for mother’s. Yay!

have loads of fun tomorrow, becoming a doula has been such a joy for me. would love to know how it goes for you. the most important thing is to listen to the mother and help her feel empowered. because her body already knows what to do.xx

Hey mama it was okay! Too many people jockeying for attention and no talent but that’s okay. A teacher took me to the side and saw my gift like literally white light aura and energy! For a sec she could barely look at me, it was an amazing moment!!
What I learned about the female body today is amazing!! Pure amazing!! Yay

you are on the right path, really glad the teacher got to see your potential. Yeah our bodies are amazing, what they are capable is so awesome and something we need to hear more about. xx

thank you and i can't wait to help other women so very much! xx

there is so much vulnerability here, so much self awareness on display and confidence for the world to be inspired by in your words and your story @eaglespirit.

Your strength is so clearly showcased in your mindframe, your determination to make your own happiness, to craft your own reality and future.

Even with the acknowledgement earlier in your story of time as a great healer and bringer of calm, I'm so excited to the healing you are going to continue to bring to others through your medicine practice, mindfulness, and easing of the spirit.

Honored to know you and be inspired by your story, @eaglespirit, thank you for sharing and so glad I get to share this little corner of the interwebs with someone bringing light to the world.

Way to earn your feather!! and all the best to you in all your goals, both now and in the future.

Hey @carmalain7! Thank you for reading and recognizing the vulnerability in my share. Thank you for seeing me and my strength. Yay for Healing and paths and continuance. So happyand touched that you are honored. Light! Such kind return of love from you and I accept with open arms. Much love and happiness to you sweet soul. Hugs. Eagle

This was a really great post on happiness @eaglespirit! I want to say I am so happy for you and your upcoming new adventure in Doula training. If I wasn’t a homemaker that would have been the profession I chose. I have had Natural labors with all four of my children and I help my family and friends get through their birth experience so they will not have to use any interventions. I wish you well with this!! 😊

Hi @crosheille! Thank you for your read and support. Yay doula and it’s never too late. :)
Wow 4 naturals o m geeeee
How do you help? I’m so intrigued. Share please ❤️

Yes 4 naturals and going for five!!! 😃 It’s funny you ask that. I am about to make a post about it because just recently I was saddened that my friend had to have a c-section. It has motivated me to write another post about empowering moms! I’ll send you the link to it as soon as it’s up!! 😉

you're pregnant now?
interesting because i just posted about empowerment after my training yesterday. that is what it is all about!

Yep! We’re expecting our second girl this June :) Oh wow cool! Yes that’s what it’s all about~

Yay!! Pretty much what you are doing already. The only thing I would offer is Reiki during the birthing since I’m a Reiki master teacher and some natives American practices. So I will have a niche if that’s what people want. So the massages and Rebozo will Be Reiki energized when working with me. :)

Wow that sounds really amazing!! I’m so excited for you!

thank you so much!

Here is the link to my Post. I talk about some labor techniques I share ;)

Nice! Did you say you had a doula or no?

Yes I had a doula for my first pregnancy only. I took quite a few notes and kept some of the tools and used them with my other pregnancies.

Wow that’s amazing!

You have a wonderful idea of happiness... I enjoyed reading this.
And I wish you a happy life.
Thank you @eaglespirit for sharing this meaning...
This can enter happiness in someone else's heart.

Hi @yagoub it’s a way of life for me and I’m
So happy you found joy. 🌺

A person can learn from this. Happiness is a much needed element to get through life.
Last summer I went to a pow wow and asked a healer to help me with my ails. I cried while I asked. I offered him tobacco and he said beautiful words and told me what I can do to continue on the path of happiness. It felt so good!
I feel like I should congratulate you on your events and milestones (I mean the times that are most precious to you). You worked hard to get where you are and to be most happy through it all is huge! What a positive person you are.
The pictures you have shared are beautiful, radiant and full of meaning. Great post my friend. Thank you for sharing ^_^

Hey @foxyspirit!
Thank you so much for your support and kindness. No need to congratulate but many thank yous. :)
I send you a big hug for you sharing your heartfelt appreciation. I feel your genuineness.
Wishing you happiness. 🌺

I feel the love :3 Thank you for the hug and wishes. I need a lot of happiness lately. Have a great evening! xx

Yay!! So glad you feel it ❤️

yes happiness believes all coming many walks of life

huh? sorry, i didn't understand your comment.

I totally agree with you: "happiness is a mental state"! It was so interesting reading about the Native American traditions.

Hey thank you for the read and comment. Glad you found the piece interesting.

Happiness is essential in life, its another factor for living long. I love your post. Thanks for sharing.

Yes it isn’t essential and yes about living longer because of happiness. You are welcome and thank you for reading and commenting.

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