Little Confidence Boosters (Day 14 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge)

in #happiness6 years ago (edited)


When you think about the happiest times in your life, chances are that they are times when you felt confident.

When I think back to my happiest times, they include days like my children's birth, my wedding day, also my university days.

What is interesting about the uni days is that there are lots of things I did that I'd cringe about having the confidence to do now. I had a job as a university warden and I'd go and tell people to be quiet in the university halls in the dead of night when I received a complaint, in an ever so polite manner, mind, but I'm not sure I'd like to do that again!

What were those times for you?

Maybe it was a project you excelled at.

You produced a piece of writing, art or photograph you were really proud of.

Maybe you are good at sports...

As you can see confidence is a big happiness booster. And you don't have to wait for big good things to happen in your life to feel this way, why wait when there is something that you can do now?

You can build or boost your self-confidence, which will increase the feelings of happiness in your life too.

Well there are lots of things you can do and I can only list a few here as its an extensive subject, so I encourage you to read more on the topic.

The first thing you can do is start to pay attention to the times when you do feel most confident- what are you doing? We can use this as a basis to create a plan based on your own experience and research.

Boosting confidence is a hard subject to tackle as we all tend to respond to different strategies, events, and triggers.

(Kind of the reason why I am giving such a selection of happiness tips, as some may resonate more than others)

Some of us thrive on encouragement from others, some of us thrive on getting results, or rely on kind actions from others.

Do you put more meaning on kind word from your boss, a promotion or a raise?

Or public recognition of a job well done?

The trick is to find your confidence triggers and work out how to get more of them in your life.


Common Confidence Triggers

These things are quite common confidence triggers:

Listening to uplifting or motivational music
Cranking out some uplifting tunes can be a great way to raise your spirits.

Words of encouragement
If you are the type of person who responds well to compliments, give a friend or someone who makes a great cheerleader a call, as getting those verbal affirmations will give you a positive boost. Given time telling yourself them could work too.

Seeing How Far We Have Come
We can check our journeys and progress by keeping a journal, so you can look back and see how far that you have come. This is particularly good if you have a habit you want to change, or a project you want to monitor, as flipping back allows you to see how far you have come.

Going for a Run
Heading outside and exercise is a great confidence and mood booster.

Learning to Deal with Failure in a Positive Way
When things go wrong and at some point they always do, you can either choose to let it get under your skin and undermine your confidence, or look at it as a learning experience. Which point of view is better for your confidence?

Why not give each of these a try and any others you find after doing some research. I'm sure you will see how much these little confidence boosters benefit your happiness levels.

If you take this advice, it is likely it will not only make you a happier person, but you'll get more done and be more successful in the long run.

(Pictures from


Previous Days

Day 1 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: How Happiness Is A Choice You Can Make Daily
Day 2 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Make Happiness Your Best Friend
Day 3 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Start Your Day With Gratefulness
Day 4 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Start Your Day With Gratefulness
Day 5 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Time to Get Busy...
Day 6 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Know Your Onions About Dealing With Stress
Day 7 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: The Connection Between Happiness and Exercise
Day 8a of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: The Human Connection
Day 8b of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: The Human Connection 2
Day 9 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff. Savour It Instead
Day 10 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Surfing the Sea of Sadness
Day 11 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: The Good Fight Against Our Brain’s Bias To Negativity
Day 12 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Form Happiness Support Groups
Day 13 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Why Getting Enough Sleep May Be The Key To Happiness





I've been in my happiest when I was in College, it was fun and I was full of hope. I am also a bit confident with myself, the way I look and present myself to others, it was just cut short by my current problems in health. @hopehuggs

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