Digging Deeper Into What Makes You Happy (Day 3 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge)

in #ecotrain6 years ago


Yesterday, we started to put some thought into what makes us happy. We started to create a list of the people and things that make us happy. It was part of our commitment to happiness.

Its funny, but all morning I have thought about more things that I add to this list. My mind is already choosing to think of happy things.


Time to Dig Deeper...

So today, we are going to dig a little deeper into what makes us happy…

When we stop to think, there are lots of little things that put a smile on our faces. Sometimes in the throes of life we forget about them.

So today’s task is to think about the simple things that put a smile on your face. Think about things like, a smell, a sight, a song, and experience, a person, an action that makes you happy. Things along those lines.

So an easy way to increase our happiness is to make a point of doing something that makes us happy every single day.

During the entire challenge, this is something you can work on. To make it as easy as possible, lets come up with a list of what makes us happy right now. You will be able to pick something from it each day, or use the Happiness Jar idea, I will outline a little later.

This list will be of course be different for every one, as its different strokes for different folks. I can give you a few ideas to think about and share my own list for inspiration.

So grab a notepad and pen if you want to do the old school way, or the notes option on your laptop or mobile device. Get ready to create a list.

The key is not to overthink this, write whatever comes into your head that makes you happy. brainstorm and jot things down.

The list doesn’t need to be well organised or categorised, or anything special. Get the ideas down in whatever form they come out of your head.

You don’t have to sit down and do it all at once. Just start it.

When your mind starts whirring, it could let you know what makes you happy whilst you are driving, in the shower or in the middle of dinner. Save it in your head to note down later.

In fact, when you start to think about things that make you happy, your brain will start to look for them. This is how a good habit forms as you start to notice more things that make you happy.

This list doesn’t even have to be complete ever, it can keep growing and growing with you, beyond this 30 days challenge.


Big Things That Make you Happy

Let’s start with the big things that make you happy…
(My childish side is giggling hard at this sentence)

  • So what people in your life make you happy?

  • What things that you own bring your happiness or joy?

  • What activities or hobbies do you do that bring you joy?

  • What actions and gestures put a smile on your face?

  • Where are you happiest - the beach or in a forest, or somewhere else?


Little Things That Make You Happy

Now the little things…

What little things make you happy?

It can be as simple as sipping that first cup of tea or coffee in the morning, or seeing a pretty flower in the garden. Or maybe having a couple of moments to yourself (even if that means locking yourself in the bathroom to get it).

Next, make a decision to become more aware of what makes you happy. When you smile or feel happy, make a mental note of what it is that made you happy and add it to your list…

…and keep on adding.

It will become a great resource to you throughout this challenge and beyond. As an added bonus, it helps you feel grateful and more content every time you read through it and do something from it.



The Happiness Jar Idea…

Think of 30 or more things that you like to do, or things that make you happy. little things, like happiness treats.

Just the act of doing this is beneficial, as it makes you think of happy things…

Write them all down on separate pieces of paper and put them in a jar. If you find that many happiness treats are weather dependent, it is a good idea to write outdoor ones on a different colour of paper.

Then each day, pick one out, like a happiness cookie, do it and savour the moment, like the priceless piece of happiness it is.

My list would look something like this

  1. Write a poem that is positive
  2. Help a friend
  3. Leave a favourite book in the park, with a note “I hope you enjoy this as much as I did)
  4. Feed the ducks and let them take the seed out of my hand
  5. Tell someone who much they mean to me and that I appreciate them.
  6. A long luxurious soak in the bath
  7. Burn my favourite scented candle and just breathe in the aroma
  8. Bake a cake with the kids
  9. Help a stranger
  10. Get crafting and make a gift for someone
  11. Listen to a guided meditation
  12. Hug a tree
  13. Walk barefooted in the grass
  14. Remember to wear my favourite perfume (pistachio ice-cream)
  15. Finish everything on my To do list (max 3 tasks)
  16. Shut all the windows and sing loudly and badly to Robbie Williams songs (or other favourite songs)
  17. Do stream of conscious writing for a minimum of 5 minutes and use it to inspire a piece of writing.
  18. Walk barefoot on the grass
  19. stroke a cat or dog (its always a pleasure when a random cat chooses you to stroke it)
  20. Go for a nature walk and try to see nature in action everywhere
  21. Go for a paddle in the sea
  22. Do something childish and fun, like have a go on the zip wire
  23. Watch vines on YouTube until I find one that tickles my humour buds so much, I am in hysterics
  24. Get the pastels or oils out and see what ends up on the paper
  25. Read for an hour - a real book, not electronic.
  26. Go to the beach and hunt for small stones that have holes all the way through.
  27. Go geocaching
  28. Watch a film I have never got around to seeing.
  29. Enter a contest on Steemit/Whaleshare/Weku etc: meme, poetry or writing
  30. Write a physical letter to someone in the community to say thank you, even if its anonymous
  31. Make a gift basket for someone I know who is having a bad time and leave it somewhere they will find it.

With <3 and huggs @hopehuggs


Previous Days

Day 1 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: How Happiness Is A Choice You Can Make Daily
Day 2 of 30 of the Happiness Challenge: Make Happiness Your Best Friend





Hi Helen, I'm following this series and enjoying your great tips and ideas as they give me a bit of a boost when I read them.

For some reason we all seem to need a reason to be happy, so if I may throw my tuppence worth in, and hopefully just give a bit of perspective.

Since suffering a stroke in May 2017 my perspective has changed. \one lunchtime after I returned to work I felt a wonderful peace come over me. I survived, and I finally realised - in the words of Jim Rohn, I think - "It's all small stuff:" so really not worth sweating about.

In situations where I'm told I can't do or have things I've found myself being happy, smiling, asking in a charming manner - and getting what I wanted: but occasionally find myself slipping back into old familiar habits and getting frustrated and angry.

God forbid anyone here has to go through a life threatening illness, but it has given me brighter outlook, and I've taken many setbacks and difficulties in my stride; so please, people, take a moment to give thanks for your good health, look up at the sky, and feel that you're in a good place.

Two quick Quotes

Jim Morrison said, "No one here gets out alive."

I haven't got a clue who to credit this to: "The purpose of life isn't to go out looking pristine and undamaged, but totally broken and wrecked, Yelling, 'Yow, what a ride' " so please keep up the great work with your posts. I support you and hope you can spread cheer and happiness, and I'll get off now before it looks like I'm trying to take over.

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