Gridcoin - State of the Network - 04 September 2018
Report #21 - September 04th, 2018
Welcome to the 21st Gridcoin State of the Network Report. The SotN Report is a fortnightly report organized by @parejan and @jringo. It compiles useful news and statistics for the Gridcoin community.

There is a new leisure release! While it is technically a leisure, it is highly recommended to update your wallet to version 3.7.16. The update fixes the 162+1 phantom GRC bug that occurred late last week. There are no security issues from the bug, but it can cause a failed transaction when trying to send GRC from your wallet (including sending beacons and voting). Head over to for the latest version. You can read more in the update linked below.
Gridcoin Leisure Update Released

GRC has been listed on SouthXchange! Both trading pairs BTC/GRC and BCH/GRC are available on their website.
Every other week we bring you the most up to date statistics regarding the operation of the Gridcoin blockchain and Gridcoin BOINC projects. The information is gathered from Thursday to Wednesday on fortnightly basis and compiled from the getblockstats RPC command in the Gridcoin wallet, BOINCStats, GRCPool, Gridcoin Stats and from individual project websites.

Blockchain statistics from 19/August to 01/September
The table below contains the blockchain statistics and covers blocks 1,338,794 to 1,352,138.Blockchain charts
The charts below contain the longer term blockchain trends.

Team and pool statistics from 19/August to 01/September
The table below contains BOINC team and pool statistics of the last 2 weeks.Team and pool charts
The team and pool charts contain the longer term team and pool trends.

Project tables from 19/August to 01/September
The table below contains the project statistics of the last 2 weeks.
Project charts from 19/August to 01/September
The charts below contain the project contribution breakdown of the last 2 weeks.

(Source: BOINCStats)
This concludes the 21st Gridcoin State of the Network Report. We’ll see you in two weeks. Happy crunching!
SotN 20 | SotN 19 | SotN 18 | SotN 17 | SotN 16 | SotN 15 | SotN 14 | SotN 13 | SotN 12 | SotN 11 | SotN 10 | SotN 9 | SotN 8 | SotN 7 | SotN 6 | SotN 5 | SotN 4 | SotN 3 | SotN 2 | SotN 1
This post received a courtesy vote from @gridcoin-booster! Thank you for your contribution to the #gridcoin community!
HEY, thank you for your article, i like grc projekt very much. do you know other trading places than poloniex? or something about this (old) spark now DCC tokens?
GRC can be traded on Poloniex, Bittrex, C-Cex,, and SouthXchange.
I'm not sure what you're asking about Sparc/DCC.
o thers realy good news for trading
i just ask i haven't heard much about it, just its kind a merged mining with grc
The decision of having the SPARC as a token on the ETH blockchain was unfortunate, as this meant high transfer fees.
Thanks for the info. Upvoted and following.
Check my project :