How Goal Setting And Delayed Gratification Has Brought Me This Far In Steemit

in #goalsetting7 years ago (edited)

I am thrilled that I'll be six months old in steemit this weekend (17th of September, 2017). time flies! From the day I found steemit accidentally, while surfing the internet, and signed up, it was clear in my mind and head where I wanted to be after a set time. Today, I'm glad to be among the 1,187 steemit dolphins as seen clearly on the steemitboard designed by witness @arcange. The steemit journey or ride has not been an easy one, I must confess. I've spent so many hours sitting, creating content for my blog post, reading and commenting on blog posts of other steemians, responding to comments on my blog post, sleepless nights etc. Some of you have mentors today. I had none, so I wallowed in ignorance not knowing many things in steemit. I still do not have a mentor. However, there are people who have helped me a great deal to get to where I am today. I am talking of veteran steemians, who inspire me. They have helped me, through my reading their blog posts, watching their youtube and now dtube videos, interacting with them on their blogs. I am very grateful to all of them. Some newbies today have the luxury of being mentored by veteran steemians. They should count themselves lucky!
The art dreaming big/envisioning something big, goal setting and delayed gratification has brought me to where I am today in steemit. I read a post by recently by @surpassinggoogle about dreaming again. This brings me to goal setting.

Goal Setting

The Merriam Webster's dictionary defines goals as the end toward which effort is directed.@ . They are the little steps you take towards achieving your objectives and overall vision. Goal setting in itself is a life building skill. I remember vividly when I was part of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) /United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) & HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Project back home in Nigeria. Part of what we were taught during the trainings and refresher trainings that we always had before we were sent out to the field (NYSC orientation camps) to go and implement the project, were life building skills. Being a training of the trainers (TOT) project, whatever we learnt, we were told to train youth corp members in the same manner and these corp members were in turn going to train 7th, 8th and 9th graders below 15 yrs of age (In the Nigeria Educational System, they are children in Junior Secondary School, JSS 1, 2 and 3). So, the goal setting skills that we learnt and passed down to the younger generation, I have been applying in my life, especially when I have projects to handle. We train people to learn how to set SMART goals. I set SMART goals before I joined steemit. Smart goals are those that are

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant & Realistic
  • Time-bound


Note: Any goal without a time line is just a dream or fantasy. Oftentimes, it never gets actualized

Before my first three months ended in steemit (by the 17th of June), I told myself that I was going to first attain minnowhood. There was no week that passed by that I did not power up. I invested by buying steem power (SP) as well as earned SP. If fact, all my posts were on ''power up mode'', so that I could earn my rewards in steem power (SP), instead of 50/50 in SP and Steem Backed Dollars (SBDs). Again, after becoming a minnow, I aimed to become a dolphin, applied the same principles and today I am among almost 1,200 steemit dolphins. I have set a higher target for myself, which is to become an orca with at least 50,000 SP. When I am going to get there is what I cannot exactly tell you, but a reasonable time frame have been set. The most important thing is to keep working on achieving your set goals on a daily basis. I ask you, If you do not have your goals clearly written out, with a plan of action (POA) to back them up, how then do you intend to achieve them?

Some Practical Tips On How Redfish Can Become Minnows In Three to Six Months

I am dedicated to helping redfish become minnows as quickly as they want to, through mentorship and other ways outlined in the introductory post of my pet project, @redfishpillar. The project does not in any way limit the ability of newbies to dream to become whales. No, not at all! It is to help their journey to become a whale easier, more fruitful and pleasant. Like @surpassinggoole usually says

You are a whale. You are the CEO!

These words are very true. Of course, I've always had a whale mentality, even before joining steemit and finally when I started out. I think you should have same whale mentality too. However, it is not possible to get to 9th grade, when you haven't finished from 1st to 8th grade. In the steemit of today, although it might be easy to buy 500 SP to become a minnow, it would be really difficult to ''buy your way'' to dolphinhood (about 5000 SP to 50,000 SP). So take it easy and go step by step. Be consistent. That is key.

I believe that it is very possible to become a minnow in 3 to 6 months in steemit, with hard work, smart work and determination. Excuses don't work! So, please try not to tow that path of giving excuses. Let me show you practical steps on how a redfish can become a minnow in 6 months

  • Generate and save 3 SP daily

  • Make sure to power up 21 SP weekly (In 4 weeks, there'll be 84 SP sitting in your steemit account)

  • In six (6) months, you'll have 504 SP, following this piece of advice and you'll become a minnow!

Meanwhile, if a redfish wants to achieve this aim of becoming a minnow faster, then he could just invest about $750 to buy SP. In my country that would amount to investing about 270,000 NGN. We all know that there is economic recession in Nigeria and it is biting really hard!

Now that I've revealed practical steps on how to set SMART goals, the SMART goals for redfish might look something like this

  • To become a minnow in 6 months (11th of September, 2017 to 11th of March, 2018)
  • To power up 3 SP daily or 21 SP weekly
  • To power up all my posts for one month
  • To post at a good content every day
  • To interact with at least 10 steemians daily, by reading their blog posts, voting and leaving useful comments there.

In another blog post, I'll narrate how delayed gratification has helped me get to where I am, at the moment, in my steemit journey. So stay tuned...!


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Do you have clearly stated SMART steemit goals? Share with us in the comments section below. I would like to hear from you again.

resteem, upvote, comment.jpg

Your friend,


Thanks for taking time to read!


I personally just learnt a lot from this carrier-focus post of yours. it's of more additional value to an individual who set goals or target for his/her carrier. I am happy to see you grow massively on this lovely platform. I wish you more successful growth, not only on steemit but in every aspect of life.

steem on

Oh, I'm happy that you've learnt a lot from this post of mine!

I am happy to see you grow massively on this lovely platform. I wish you more successful growth, not only on steemit but in every aspect of life.

Thank you so much, @ajala, for your kind words and goodwill. I really appreciate them. Keep steeming!

Good to see how far you have gone here @maryfavour. Cheers. More long term and better service here.

I appreciate, @turpsy. Amen to the prayers and good will. We all hope for the best in steemit and everywhere. Thanks for stopping by, brother.

congrats @maryfavour to be among the top Nigerians here.

Hold_the_vision_ Trust_the_process.

Am starting an interview blog series called the Rising. basically to spread the testimony of steemit and to share people's story on their "Rising" so far, I would like to have you on the show.. can i get your steemit chat name to brief you more. thanks sorry I wrote it here.

Thank you, @arizonawise!

Hold_the_vision_ Trust_the_process.

Hmm...I like that quote. The interview blog series-Rising sounds like one that would be quite interesting. Contact me on Please, note that I would really have a challenge with long text chat interviews. The shorter, the better. My preference would always be voice interviews. Steem on!

At first i started the 100%sp post, but i had to stop cos i needed money, all thanks to the economy, once i cash out i will face my sp.. Ma'am its not easy in this journey, thank God we have people like you as you stated above as our mentor. We are greatful for the love, wow, i could imagine being all alone in this journey.

You're an inspiration and soon i will follow your foot steps. More blessings🙏

Happy 6months anniversary and many more years!

I like your sincerity, @sweetestglo-eu . My family is back home, so I understand. However, I still think that one can set aside something, no matter how little every day in other to achieve one's goal. I would like Nigerians to have a paradigm shift of just taking steemit as a place to earn, but to take the platform as a place to add the kind of value that transform lives. Posterity will thank us for that. I see you, with the responsibilities of a wife and mother, still pushing foward to succeed. You've got my back, dear! We thank God for granting wisdom for mentorship. I am grateful too to you for your support. Greater you, my sister.

I digested this well,thank you ma'am for taking out time to tip us with this.
Truely the journey here isnt easy ,but with determination and work ,we will all make it.
Tanks once again and happy 6months in advance

Thanks, dear @jeaniepearl. I'm glad that you have digested it well. Enjoy the steemit ride.

Happy half anniversary to you madam on steemit. Your blog really help me to learn more and grow how to write article. Thanks for your appreciation madam.

Thanks, @piyushkansal. I appreciate your good will. Glad to know that my blog was of value to you. Cheers.

After reading your blog i was motivated by writing good contents articles in my blog so that many good steemians visit my blog. From Today i have start writing my fist article by writing my own experience in my life. The title of article is Time and Tide wait for none. Now The article got less response but i know one day i will success and achieve my aim of getting 3 SP daily and become minnow. Nothing is impossible if we work hard.

After reading your blog i was motivated by writing good contents articles in my blog so that many good steemians visit my blog

Stay motivated, @piyushkansal! That's so important. And yes

Nothing is impossible if we work hard.

I promise to go check out your blog and that article. Don't worry. Sooner or later, you'll get there. Cheers.

Your each word, your writings and your blog have million dollar value for me. You have now change my mind of writing good article earlier i was just copy paste from net some gifs and pics and post and become happy that i have earned so many dollars. Now i totally changed my mind i will post one article daily or two days but with good content. A big thanks to you and somewhat one more person @surpassinggoogle for motivating and change my mind. Because @surpassinggoogle suggested your name to talk you and after that i was impressed by your blog.

Your each word, your writings and your blog have million dollar value for me.


Now i totally changed my mind i will post one article daily or two days but with good content.

That's the spirit! The time interval in-between your posting times, don't waste it! Use that time to communicate well with both veteran and new steemians. After a while, you'll begin to get the needed attention.

I've read many books on goal setting and they seem to come at the right time, like this post, I have just realized that I need to write down my goals on steemit.
Meanwhile, I can relate with the sleepless nights😎

Thanks for your contribution, @sussan. Please, write your steemit goals down in a place where you can see it every day and keep track of your progress. You'll be glad you did. Something else that helps is to celebrate your baby steps in this steemit journey. I've been doing that myself and for others. It helps you to be happy that you are making progress. Hmm...the sleepless nights...let's no even go there. Steem on!!!

I devoted this poem to you days back,seems you didnt see it

Thanks, dear! That was very thoghtful of you. My main comment are on the blog page of the poem. Well done!!!

Congrats. I see that you and your influence are growing in the steemit community.

The tips that you gave here are very useful.

Thank you, @nenio! Well, for me it's more about the growth of my community members and I. Growing influence is not a bad thing either. If I am not up, it would be difficult to lift others up. Glad you liked the tips. Cheers.

its great to see how time just flies away you have a long far in journey i wish you all the best for the future just keep going on :)

Welcome to my blog, @blazing.

its great to see how time just flies

Very true. I appreciate your goodwill. Thanks for stopping by, friend. Steem on!

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