in #gettoknowme6 years ago (edited)

Thanks to @anomadsoul here i am with this cool challenge you can join it at :

This my steemit cv? what thisa will say about me? Someone with a tv series addiction degree or a master in wandering in weird restaurants?
I do not know but it like jumping in old memories and i want jump. I almost forget my first posts here, most of theme talk about art, i was a diligent student in my past not like now :P
These are the rules :

The challenge created by @anomadsoul
Only Steemians with more than 6 months in the platform or more than 100 posts made can join this challenge.
You can only include posts of your authorship.
Avoid crypto, politics and religious posts.
Think of this challenge as your Steem blogging "resume or CV"
Have fun.
Now that you can´t blog, comment or vote, use this time to browse your own blog and pick the 5-10 posts that you would like everyone to read to get to know you a bit more. Perhaps when you joined the platform you made some kick ass posts that got little to no attention and you think they were amazing; maybe you want other newbie Steemians to read that masterpiece you posted 9 months ago but they didn´t read because they joined 3 weeks ago; probably, like me, nowadays you are blogging about something completely different than what you used to blog a year ago and you want people to read those posts or watch those videos.
Select your top ten posts, those that you want everyone to read, and make a kick ass compilation.

What? Did you think the challenge was about reposting 10 posts? No! We are not reposters and we can´t get double rewards from something we already got a payout from.

But we sure as hell can make a compilation for all the other Steemians to know about us, to use this time when they can´t post to read about who we were a few months or years ago.

Oh, a few more rules 😜
The moment you are able to post, make this compilation and

#nominate 3 other Steemians.
Use the tag #gettoknowme
Resteem this post (Not mandatory, but it would be cool as hell if everyone joined).
Wouldn´t it be cool that, the moment someone can post, they join this challenge so other Steemians can read about them while themselves can´t post and then, when said readers are able to post, they join this challenge so other Steemians who still can´t post, read about them... and so on... until we are all able to go back to our regular posting, commenting and voting behaviour?

One more rule!
Don´t spam or stress the blockchain unecesarilly. Think twice before leaving a comment that doesn´t add any value, try voting with a higher percentage and give less votes, don´t post more than what you were used to before this Hardfork. Our witnesses are working towards getting our blockchain ready for blogging, but let´s not put more work in their hands than what we used to do.

So it was not easy find ten good post of mine. I will post my favorites.
I tagged for this challenge @lichtblick @inber @

I do not tag you often but i follow you with pleasure =)

Here are my ten best post!! Enjoy!

Discover a new artist...

Okay this is not a big post but i really like this artist and i can not no mention him on my favorites!

For book lovers

I loved this book and so i shared the review, not mani notice it but i am a big book lover and i try to write twice at month or more a book review!
Tomorrow i will write one about a book written by Anna Funder.

If you know what i mean...
i was almost thirty and that's confuse me a lot and i write about my confusion about the present, the past and the future.

If you like fiction...
I truly met Joshua and i want to write about him in a romantic way..

If you love reptibles as i do!
I love reptiles and i loved see them in Livorno city! I am not scared from them and i took a lot of photos!

My simple recipes
I am not a good cook but i try to share some simples recipes, easy but tasty!

I dislike lack of information
That's why i write about this illness, depression is a disease not a joke, many people think it is just a " weakness" aand not a truly disease. But depression can be fatal and very painful as any disease but scars are just not seen by the others.

If you love ancient art..

Michellino da Besozzo was in my opinion a veru great artist, no much people know him but i write something about one of my favorites painting and i hope now more people know his art.

For us strong women
This is a poem i dedicate to all strong women in the world

And last my favorite one !

Tiramisuuuuuu, myyyyyy faaaaaaav desseeeert!

How can not end my top ten with it?

See you soon and steem on!

You can find me on facebook (
Instgram (




Nice to get to know you! Oh shoot, I forgot to nominate someone, I wonder if I'm then disqualified.. Well, it was fun to make this complation no matter!

Oh i was not able to reestem coz i did it after 8 days =( I hope @anomadsoul do not be disquilified us ^^

Nice meeting you, @noemilunastorta! You still have time for FB after SteemIt? I totally ditched it. Now it serves as nothing more than a contact book.

I use a lot fb and instgram too because i work as a beauty promoter and it's useful for selling make up and body lotions ^^

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