Thirty years old crisis.

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We talk often about a mid-life crisis, of an adolescent crisis, of an identity crisis, but it never speaks of a thirty-year crisis.

Yet I confirm it, it exists! And I my other neighbors friends around thirty feel the whole.

We are adults yet we do not yet feel completely part of the category.

Still drifting, still being undermined, still undecided, still asking us what we do with our lives.

Too young to surrender to circumstances and too big to have big dreams and hopes.

What then? We are thirty years old and we do not yet feel a place in the world, we wander like vagrants between one job and another, one course and the other, one relationship and the other.

Some of us, smarter or perhaps just luckier, already have a job, a family and a home. Few but there are.

Others have a job that they hate, many of us are still looking for a job, preferably not underpaid.

Not all those who are at war give us children in a world full of words.

Some of us have chosen for you what is forgotten that there are contraceptive methods, we are an informed generation but we do not always use all the information that is given to us. Sometimes we forget how to protect ourselves.

Others would like a family, but I do not have the means to subsist, let alone a child, others do not know it, some want children, some not, those who want to marry those who do not.

Many of us still do not know if they are better alone or in pairs. Fortunately, many are not satisfied with the first that happens and await the moment and the right person.

As for the mother and father, because it is more comfortable to have a mother who lava and iron, who by force, the rents are expensive and with six hundred euro is campa male ... Who would want more, those who wait, are right we often do not settle for it, they used to dream big and we believed in it, at the nice house, the big tv and the big car.

There are those who have a home and can do it with many sacrifices to live on their own or with a partner or friends. All brand ikea and stand out to count the shopping. But we are spoiled, sometimes we allow ourselves the luxury of a couple of tennets at the bar with friends ..

Then there are those really spoiled, who now as then have no idea of ​​the life of the rest of the world, certain things do not change, the rich do not feel crisis if not those in their head.
There are those who still wonder if it is worth living here, many take a plane and look for luck elsewhere, some come back, others do not.

We are many and we are everywhere and we are not afraid to move if necessary, we know how to take an areo, a train, we speak more languages ​​but we still feel alone, yet we know that the world is great, maybe this scares us. The world is too big and there are too many things to see, do, people and destinies to meet, how can we choose one? We would like everything and we have nothing except ourselves. It is not a little in reality. We are here, interactive, hyper-connected, we look at our smartphone waiting for a message, a check on whatsapp, but we are also those who remember the songs of Spice Girls by heart and how to turn a cassette tape with a pencil.
We are a strange generation, projected into the future but anchored to the past.
Past that it seemed stable, safe, bright, compared to a future that seems scary and gloomy.
We have lost many skills, today at an interview we would say "Our skills are different" and have we learned other, more useful?
I do not know, different, flexible, dynamic for sure.
We have become so flexible and adaptable that we can no longer say no to what oppresses us.

We are young no longer young.
We are aware but blocked, we know many things but we lack the urge to use them.
We adapt, badly, but we do it.
We are apparently serene, docile, meek.
But if you look at us well, even those who seem to have everything, we are all afraid.

With doubts, worries and the fateful question in mind.

Is this the right life for me?


count me in im 31 and besides the crisis, there are nosey people and annoying questions that's always on replay when we get acquainted to friends and or relatives. what matters most is that we are happy and healthy ☺️😉

The crisis is not due to aging, it is because we assume that at this age we should already have certain things, like having married. have children or develop that life project that we believe is what we should do.

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