Gardening - The Vertical Garden Potato Experiment - Update 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gardening7 years ago


Twelve days ago I posted my Vertical Garden Potato Experiment. Seven days ago I posted the first update to this gardening experiment. Here we are another week in and the potato plants are still hanging on. Despite the high temperatures and poor overall lighting in this location the plants are looking long, skinny, spindly... but still healthy enough. This just might work (at least enough to get some seed potatoes for the Fall).

More updates coming soon!


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Interesting. But, will you get more than 1 or 2 potatoes per plant?

I really don't expect a real harvest from this. My hope is that the plants will produce some seed for next season. If I didn't do something like this the seeds that I neglected in the Spring would have just rotten and gone to waste. On the other hand... maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised with a huge harvest :)

What you need are some pieces of plastic to extend each hole up for adding more dirt as you go along.

So I am confused. Potatoes need to be hilled or more soil added to help create abundance. with this method are you not restricting yourself to like one potato to a pot? Thanks

That's what he's going to find out. ;)

Ah I see. I am doing a potato experiment of growing potatoes in buckets and a laundry basket. Will do a post when I have the results

Sounds like an interesting experiment.

I went the easy route, since my wife bought me BloemBagz potato planters. I will try to harvest some this weekend.

Hilling potatoes is one of those debatable practices. I've done it. Many people claim it "needs" to be done. It is conventional wisdom for sure. However, there are those who argue that it only robs the plant of energy that would be used to produce tubers and is completely unnecessary. I'm not arguing either way. I'm simply testing out this planter with some neglected seeds LOL I'm really hoping that the deep pockets and planter containers on this Greenstalk garden will be suitable to hold lots of potatoes! It's all a fun experiment 😎

I am also doing an experiment. Laundry Basket, Bucket, and grow bag. Will make a post when results are in. I am only hilling the bucket and bag not the laundry basket.

Oh good! so you can help contribute to the answer of whether hilling is needed or not. I can't wait to see the results of your experiment :)

upvoted because you are trying a new technique. I really don't think it will work well, but we'll see in due time. you will probably get a few really small seed potatoes per pot though, and that in itself will be useful.

I did a raised bed potato system this year, but don't have enough soil to really fill the second level, so I wont get the max yield I'm looking for either, but every experience is a learning experience, and there is great value in that I think.

@daddykirbs those be some expensive potato planters (unless you got them for free).

Try some old tires with the sidewalls cut out. Start with one tire and as the plant grows up, stack another on top and add soil. When harvest time comes, just lift one tire off at a time and pick the potatoes out of the soil. Repeat until you've cleared the stack.

Haha! Yes, this is an expensive system. I have a relationship with the makers. I got this system featured for free and I've purchased a few more at wholesale prices. What I love about this system is that it is very manageable for someone who can't toss tires around, or maybe there isn't much room on the patio for a garden. All things are relative 🐼

The Panda was tossed in just for fun 😉

Free is always good.

Unless it's something like free ebola virus.

Nice system, @daddykirbs. It reminds me a bit of a DIY system I saw using old tires, kinda like what @theblindsquirl mentioned. (I'm a big fan of using tires, though I rather put them in a wall. But that's just me.) Was this vertical system designed for potatoes? I could imagine that it would work well with other plants too.

Stay strong potato plants!

Well spindly growth is better than nothing! The plants I have in the 2 pots look this way too! However the ones in the cinder blocks are still doing well and in fact need some more dirt because the plants keep getting taller. I might just be able to put on a 4th row!

for some reason I thought you started these potatoes mid May guess I'm wrong :( can't wait to see how much each tier yields for you :) thanks for sharing the update :)

thats really cool ... vertical gardening. i've seen wall gardening used for landscaping in urban cities . but these are totally new to me. thx for sharing

This looks like it's turning out awesomely, keep up the updates, will be watching!

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