Dota 2 - Dark Reef Rising | Slark reviewed by Ubay0077

in #gaming6 years ago

Halo steemian welcome back again with me ubay0077. The gaming author, streamer and video creator. How are you today? i hope you fine :D. as always i want to review about the game that i play right now especially Hero Review. Why i need to review? To understand how use this hero effectively. I am streamer to, you can always check my streaming on Dlive . i always play Dlive at 07.00 pm in indonesia times. i think if you are gamer you need to play all games because the game right now is very amazing. i am very happy to live in this age. this is beutiful life i think. i want to say thank to god because i am live here. i always want to said thank you to @jodipamungkas who guide me in steemit. Today i have Laptop Asus ROG because him. i can contribute more in steemit thank you for you.

So back to the topic. today i want to review again about dota 2 especially the hero. the hero that i want to review is slark. one of my favorite carry in Dota. Slark is malee hero that hit the enemy in short distance. he is the strongest carry because he can avoid all negatives buffs from enemy with his skill one (Dark Pact). He is strong hero. the enemy must be hard to kill this slark because his skill is full escape. Like Dark Pack and Shadow Dance. He is disabler that means he can make the enemy can not run from his skill 2 (Pounce). He is Nuker to he can kill the enemy quick and instantly.

The conclusion

Slardar is powerful carry in Dota 2. He can instantly kill the enemy. He can easily escape. he can avoid all negatives buff with Dark Pack the skill one.

Tips how to use Slark

The first thing that you need to do stay in top lane. Farm and deny the creep as well. Tell your support to harras the enemy if needed. if you want to make better just play save. It means you need to care your health and do not be dead from enemy. if needed you can kill the enemy if you together with your mid and support. just fast to get level 6. it is very useful to get HP regeneration from your ultimate skill.

The second thing, after you alreaedy level six. you need to farm in jungle or lane. make you fast farm. if you need you can buy hand of midas to make your farming fast. don't forget to buy the important item that is Shadow Blade. Shadow Blade is very good to kill the emeny instantly.

The third thing is you need to know when you need to use skill one Dark Pact. So the important thing you need is to control the timing of this skill. This is because when the enemy want to silence you, you can avoid the negative buff. you can practice this hero in Demo Hero option ok? dont forget to buy important item Echo sabre, Black King Bar and another item that you think important

Slark Biographys


Slark Stats


Slark Rules


Slark Talents


Slark good against

1. Sniper

2. Zeus

3. Nature Prophet

4. Invoker

Slarks Bad against

1. Distrubtor

2. Jakiro

3. Earth Spirit

4. Enigma

The skills of Slarks


  1. Dark Pact
    The ability of this skill is no target. The damage type is magical. it does not work if you fight against enemy that use Black King Bar. After a short delay, Slark sacrifices some of his life blood, purging most negative debuff and dealing damage to enemy units around him and to himself. Slark only takes 50% of the damage. the delay is 1.5. The radius 325. the damage is 75/150/225/300. the cooldown is 9/8/7/6. The manacost in 55/50/45/40.

  2. Pounce
    The ability of this skill is no target. the damage type is magical. it does not work if fight against enemy that use Black King Bar. Slark jump to enemy and make the enemy can not move to enywhere. the enemy can use skill and hit. The distance is 700. Pounce damage is 40/80/120/160. Leash duration is 3.5. Leash radius 325. The cooldown is 20/16/12/8. The manacost is 75.

  3. Essence Shift
    The ability of this skill is passive. It works against the enemy that use Black King Bar. Slark steals the life essence of enemy heroes with his attacks, draining each of their attributes and converting them to bonus agility. the agility gained is 3. The all attrubutes loss from enemy is one. the duration is 15/30/60/120.

  4. Shadow Dance.
    The ability of this skill is no target. When slark is hiding to the vision of enemy. Slark will gain HP regeneration. So the skill is passive. SLark can gain bonus movement speed and he can be immune to detection. But this is can countered with disturbtor and Jakiro. It can be Upgradable by Aghanim Scepter. The duration is 4. The Bonus Movement speed is 30%/35%/40%. The health gained per second is 3%/5%/7%. The scepter Radius is 325. The cooldown is 60 seconds

The item of Slark

Starting item


  1. Tango
    Consume a target three to gain 7 health regeneration for 16 seconds. consuming ward or ironwood tree doubles the heal amount.
    range : 165
    ward range : 450

  2. Healing Salve
    Grant 50 regeneration to the target for 8 seconds. if the enemy is attacked by hero or roshan, the affect is lost.

  3. Iron Branch
    This item will give 1 all attributes. how to use this item? you can plant the tree. Targets the ground to plant The tree that last for 20 second. The range is 200.

  4. Stout shield
    Give a 50% chance to block 18 damage on melee heroes and 9 damage on ranged.

Early Game


  1. Magic wand
    This item has 2 all attributes and 1.5 HP regeneration. this is very usefull if you meet the enemy that always use skill near you. you can restore your health. the charge of magic wand is 17 (full charge)

  2. Boots of speed
    Increasing your movement speed 40. this is so useful to run from enemy and to chase them

  3. Orb of Venom
    The passive of this item is Poison attack. If attacking, it will give the poison. Dealing 5 magical damage per second for 3 seconds. It will slowing the movement by 12% if the equipped hero is melee, or 4 % if they are ranged.

Mid Game


  1. Power Treads
    this item is so good to add more 8 status to you and add extra attack speed. you can change to intelligent, agility or strength. I use this every time I play dota because it has more damage if I change to intelligent it will add more damage.

  2. Magic Wand
    This item has 2 all attributes and 1.5 HP regeneration. this is very usefull if you meet the enemy that always use skill near you. you can restore your health. the charge of magic wand is 17 (full charge)

  3. Echo Sabre
    It has 10 intelligence, 10 strength, 10 attack speed, 15 damage and 0.75 mana regeneration. The passive is Echo strike. causes melee attacks to attack twice in quick succession. The double attack will apply 100% movement slow for 0.7 seconds on each strike.

  4. Shadown Blade
    This item has 22 damage and 30 attak speed. If you active this item it gives you invisible for 14 seconds. If you attack the enemy the invisible will break. Whiile Shadow walk is active you can increase you movement speed 20% and can move through unit. If attacking to end the invisibility you will gain 175 bonus physical damage on that attack.

Late Game


  1. Abyssal Blade
    +250 health
    +7 HP Regeneration
    +10 strength
    Active: Overwhelm
    stuns target enemy unit for 2 seconds. it is pierces spell Immunity. passive: bash grant melee hero a 25% chance on hit to stun the target for 1.4 second and deal 100 bonus damage. bash pierces evasion. bash chance for ranged heroes is 10%.

  2. Silver Edge
    This item has 30 damage, 30 attack speed and 15 all atribute. this item is very usefull because it can break the passive enemy. the attribute make he gain more hp, attack speed, armor and mana, mana regeneration. make you more invisible that shadow blade for 14 seconds. your move 15% increased and deal damage after your invisible 175

  3. Eye of Skadi
    Eye of Skadi
    it have 25 all attribute and 225 health and mana. this item is very useful to slow enemy movement speed and attack speed 35% and 45. the melee hero will slow in 5 second while range in 2.5 second.

Popular Item


  1. Power Treads
    this item is so good to add more 8 status to you and add extra attack speed. you can change to intelligent, agility or strength. I use this every time I play dota because it has more damage if I change to intelligent it will add more damage.

  2. Echo Sabre
    It has 10 intelligence, 10 strength, 10 attack speed, 15 damage and 0.75 mana regeneration. The passive is Echo strike. causes melee attacks to attack twice in quick succession. The double attack will apply 100% movement slow for 0.7 seconds on each strike.

  3. Ring Of Aquila
    it has 10 damage, 3 strength, 9 agility and 3 intelligence. this skill has passive 0.5 mana regeneration and 2 armor to nearby allies. the radius is 900. this item is upgraded by Wraith band. you need this item in the first game.

  4. Shadow Blade
    This item has 22 damage and 30 attak speed. If you active this item it gives you invisible for 14 seconds. If you attack the enemy the invisible will break. Whiile Shadow walk is active you can increase you movement speed 20% and can move through unit. If attacking to end the invisibility you will gain 175 bonus physical damage on that attack.

  5. Silver Edge (upgraded from Shadow Blade)
    This item has 30 damage, 30 attack speed and 15 all atribute. this item is very usefull because it can break the passive enemy. the attribute make he gain more hp, attack speed, armor and mana, mana regeneration. make you more invisible that shadow blade for 14 seconds. your move 15% increased and deal damage after your invisible 175

  6. Black King Bar
    Black king bar has 10 strenght and 24 damage. if sniper use black king bar he can immune from any magical damage. it is very useful to fight against slark or spectre. the duration of this skill is 10/9/8/7/6/5 .

  7. Magic Wand
    This item has 2 all attributes and 1.5 HP regeneration. this is very usefull if you meet the enemy that always use skill near you. you can restore your health. the charge of magic wand is 17 (full charge)

  8. Skull Basher
    This item has 10 Strength. the passive is bash. it will grants melee heroes a chance by 25% to stune the target for 1.4 seconds and deal 100 bonus magical damage. bash pierces evasion. bas chance for ranged is 10%.

  9. Linken's Sphere
    Linkens sphere has 15 all attributes and 5.5 hp regeneration. it also give 2.25 more mana regeneration. this item need to block any damage to unit target. it can give to friend to in 13 seconds. the range to give friend is 700

  10. Eye of Skadi
    it have 25 all attribute and 225 health and mana. this item is very useful to slow enemy movement speed and attack speed 35% and 45. the melee hero will slow in 5 second while range in 2.5 second.

  11. Quelling Blade
    this item is useful to farming add more damage to the creep.

  12. Abyssal Blade
    +250 health
    +7 HP Regeneration
    +10 strength
    Active: Overwhelm
    stuns target enemy unit for 2 seconds. it is pierces spell Immunity. passive: bash grant melee hero a 25% chance on hit to stun the target for 1.4 second and deal 100 bonus damage. bash pierces evasion. bash chance for ranged heroes is 10%.

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