i play Nature Prophet 2000 times i love this hero - DOTA 2

in #gaming6 years ago

Hellow everyone how are you today? welcome back with ubay0077 the gaming author and streamer all games right now. today I have bought Laptop Asus ROG. I can record my video right now but before i start to record my game. i want to review Dota.

Dota is my favorite game. i have played Dota since 2014. i have play this game 10000 times. Dota is a good game very good game. i play this game so many times because i have addicted. when i first time playing dota i feel so interested. i can play dota well after i train my self in two years.

this is my hero
Nature Prophet
Nature Prophet is intelligent hero in Dota. he has attack a bit long than others that why he is so special. he is intelligent hero but he can be carry. i like this hero when i frist time use this. my teacher is Bogel (Agami Iqbal) who teach me this hero. thank you so much for my teacher. i like this hero because he can teleport to another place that he want. he can sprout this enemy by using skill one and he can hit enemy that visible in map.

Nature prophet strong against

  1. Tinker
    tinker is very hurt hero because he has good skill and pure damage. he always get dagger and travel boots in the first time item and he always go to jungle or tree. why? because we cant see them and catch him. but its useless if you meet nature prophet. we can easily kill tinker with our skill one to see tinker that hiding in jungle. kill him by use Orchid item and another item that can kill tinker easily

  2. Lich
    Lich has ultimate that can bounce to another hero or creep. so the answer how to counter is Nature prophet with his treant he can reduce the damage that come to him.

  3. Teachis
    Teachis is annoying hero. if i fight againt techis his bomb is so annoying me so i need to to use nature prophet to clear the bomb (mine) and his ultimate bomb with my item Necronomicon.

  4. Venomancer
    you know Venomancer is very hurt hero. his skill is so damn hurt. the damage of Venomancer is per second. we need to back with our teleport

Nature Prophet bad against

  1. Strom spirit
    Strom spirit is flexible hero he can go through everything like jungle and others. so i can say this hero can fly. this is so dangers if you fight against Strom spirit if you use Nature Prophet hero

  2. Spirit breaker
    this is so danger if nature prophet meet spirit breaker. he can charge you with his friend. you will dead. take care if you meet him. i suggest use linken to counter bara.

  3. batrider
    batrider is a hero that can chase enemy wherever he hide. This is bad to Nature because he cannot run if he meet batrider. he can be slowed and stun with his ultimate

skill of nature prophet

  1. Sprout
    this skill is very good. it can combo with invoker. I always play dota with @jodipamungkas and I use Nature Prophet and Jodi Invoker. we are going to combo the enemy in the beginning of game and it works. sprout is good to block the enemy. but if enemy has Black King Bar we cannot directly target.

  2. Teleportation
    this skill is very good. if your teleportation level 4. it just cost 20 second and we can teleport again. this is so good to gangking , opening the war, initiate and others. this is very good skill. this why I love Nature Prophet. he can fast farming with this skill

  3. Treant
    this skill is very good to you who use nature prophet. you can easy farming and get your item. this is good to block your enemy when you fighting against enemy. you can opening map by use this treant too.

  4. Wrath of Nature
    this skill can hit enemy who visible in map. the target will hit 16 target. but if you use Aghanim scepter you can hit 18 damage. Every time the skill hit enemy, the damage will increase. you can not underestimate this skill. if the skill hit you after hit 15 hero or creep the damage is so hurt

Item of Nature Prophet according to Ubay0077(crazy item)
Main Options

  1. Midas
    if you want to fast farm you need this item. this item is very useful because it has attack speed and add extra gold every 120 seconds.
  2. Power thread
    this item is so good to add more 8 status to you and add extra attack speed. you can change to intelligent, agility or strength. I use this every time I play dota because it has more damage if I change to intelligent it will add more damage.
  3. Mjolinir
    this item is very good to you. it make you fast farming. the lightning can add more extra damage so it feels good man.
  4. Orchid
    the silence is good to lock your enemy such tinker and others. it will add more damage to enemy after you use Orchid and hit him. I recommend this skill to you guys.
  5. Black King Bar
    after 4 item that I recommend you need this item to ignore every magic damage or mybe some stun.
  6. Silver edge
    silver edge is very good item. you can invisible and combo with orchid, sprout it and he will dead if he do not have force stuff or eul.

Another Options

  1. Blink Dagger
    Blink Dagger can tremendously increase Nature's Prophet's maneuverability and ability to evade enemy ganks. After using Teleportation to arrive at a lane and Nature's Call to summon Treants to push, Blink Dagger can be used to instantly jump away to evade any enemies attempting to rotate in. It can also be used to initiate more easily on gank targets, as they may easily run away if they see a Teleportation coming in.

  2. Scythe of Vyse
    Scythe of Vyse massively increases the ganking power of Nature's Prophet by giving him a hex ability, giving him another way to control enemies' movements on top of Sprout. It also provides a large increase to his intelligence, giving him more damage and mana, as well as all-around attributes and powerful mana regeneration

  3. Aghanim's Scepter
    Aghanim's Scepter augments the strength of Wrath of Nature, allowing it to deal more damage overall and sprouting Treants upon successfully killing an enemy unit, be it a creep or hero. This greatly augments Nature's Prophet's pushing power, since it will summon reinforcements upon striking down enemy lane creeps.

  4. Force Staff can be a useful item to purchase on Nature's Prophet, depending on the situation. It can enhance his mobility by allowing him to quickly re-position himself, such as pushing himself over a cliff, re-positioning allies, or breaking Linken's Sphere on a gank target prior to other disables.

  5. Desolator
    Desolator can enormously increase Nature's Prophet's hostile and pushing potential. The expanded harm and covering diminishment on targets make his physical assaults considerably deadlier, enabling him to relax up gank targets or lessen tower shield to rush pushes.
    Force Staff can be a useful item to purchase on Nature's Prophet, depending on the situation. It can enhance his mobility by allowing him to quickly re-position himself, such as pushing himself over a cliff, re-positioning allies, or breaking Linken's Sphere on a gank target prior to other disables.

  6. Necronomicon
    Necronomicon furnishes Nature's Prophet with extra pushing power and an extra harm source while ganking foe saints. At level 3, the Necronomicon will likewise give True Sight, which can be utilized to de-ward foe vision and keep undetectable adversary legends from getting away ganks.ature's Prophet with extra pushing power and an extra harm source while ganking foe saints. At level 3, the Necronomicon will likewise give True Sight, which can be utilized to de-ward foe vision and keep undetectable adversary legends from getting away ganks.

  7. Monkey King Bar should be purchased if an enemy is building evasion items, as it allows Nature's Prophet to gank them without worrying about missing attacks. As well, the item gives him generally increased damage output and attack speed, allowing him to push more effectively.

  8. Octarine Core is a situationally effective throwing thing on Nature's Prophet, contingent upon the foe lineup. While the spell lifesteal isn't exceptionally helpful because of Wrath of Nature being his lone inborn harm nuke, the cooldown decrease enables him to summon Treants all the more habitually, re-position around the guide all the more regularly with Teleportation, and hypothetically keep up a lasting Sprout on an adversary (barring cast movement).

  9. Daedalus
    Daedalus provides Nature's Prophet with tremendously increased attack damage and a critical strike, allowing him to deal more damage to enemy heroes. It is primarily purchased with the intent to kill heroes rather than destroy towers, and can make him a force to be reckoned with when combined with his potent disables.

follow me @ubay0077
long live gamers

sorry I am in my way to Banda Aceh I cannot write well mybe next post ok?


Cuz rat doto - best doto)

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