Dota-Clinkz reviewed by Ubay0077

in #gaming7 years ago


Hello everyone, welcome back with ubay0077 the gaming author and video creator. how are you today my friend? i always want to write to you as i can. i want to be better than before. i always want to be entertain day by day. last post i post about dota and make video about hearth stone in dtube. i hope someday i can contribute more in dtube with my best.

today i want to write clink hero in dota 2. clink is good hero to ratting tower because his arrow is affect to tower. i like this hero because his movement speed so fast when he invisible. he can run from enemy by using skill invisible. his attack is so damn hurt. you just need to set your position to kill some one because you are range type. clink can gain more damage by consume jungle creep. his damage can up 8 % and his health 80%. it is make clinkz more have long live if he got damaged.

Clint almost good against all hero because he is hard carry type. and his favorite item is Orchid that make enemy silenced by that item. Clinkz just hit and enemy instantly dead. he is very dangers hero i think. because he can easily rat like Admiral bulldog. Admiral bulldog so like this hero to because he is rat type. my idol in Dota 2 is Admiral Bulldog. because i am Nature Prophet User.

Biography of Clinkz


STATS of Clinkzbiuabruiabhfiuabnf.PNG

Roles of Clinkz


Skills of Clinkz

The ability if strafe is no target. it can be affect if enemy use Black King Bar. his attack speed increase by 80/140/200/260 in 3 seconds. it have dodge stack 3 times. the cooldown of this skill is 45/35/25/15. the mana cost of this skill is 90.

Searing Arrows

the ability of this skill is auto cast that means you can use it or not. it effects the enemy units or buildings. the damage type is physical. it is work to enemy that using Black king bar. the bonus damage that increase clinkz damage is 30/40/50/60.

Sleketon walk

this skill is no target. he can move quickly with fast movement speed and invisible. the duration of this skill is 20/25/30/35. the bonus movement speed is 15%/25%/35%/45%. this skill have cooldown 20/19/18/17/. the mana cost is 75.

Death Pact

the ability of this skill is Unit Target. it affect the unit(junggle creep). clink will consum the target creep and it will gain some health and damage. the healt is 40%/60%/80%. the damage that gain is 4%/6%/8%. the duration is 85 and mana cost is 100.

Talent of Clinkz


Items of Clinkz

Starting items


  1. Tango
    Consume a target three to gain 7 health regeneration for 16 seconds. consuming ward or ironwood tree doubles the heal amount.
    range : 165
    ward range : 450
  2. Clarity need in early game because clint will lost his mana with his skill 2. it will gain 3.2 mana regeneration to Clint in 50 seconds. if the enemy target hit you, it will canceled your mana regeneration
  3. Ring of Protection make Clinkz armor gain 2 more. make it tanky in early game.
  4. Healing Salve

Early Game


  1. Ring of Aquila
    it has 10 damage, 3 strength, 9 agility and 3 intelligence. this skill has passive 0.5 mana regeneration and 2 armor to nearby allies. the radius is 900. this item is upgraded by Wraith band. you need this item in the first game.
    2.Boots of Speed
    Boots of Speed
    Increasing your movement speed 40. this is so useful to run from enemy and to chase them.
  2. Soul Ring is so important to clinkz because he can gain health by his ultimate skill. the soul ring add 6 strength and 2 hp regeneratinon. he lost his 150 health and gain 150 mana in 10 second. the cooldown of this skill is 25.

Core Item


  1. Power Treads
  2. Medallion of Courage is core item for make the enemy lose his armor and clinkz can instantly kill them. it will add 7 armor and 0.5 Mana regeneration. if you cast on enemy unit it will lost his armor by 7. the range is 1000.
  3. Desolator is need to combo with medalion. the enemy lose many armor and clinkz can easy kill of my life (Admiral Bulldog said). it will gain damage to clinkz 50 damage and the passive will reduce 6 armor enemy in 15 seconds.
  4. Black King Bar
    Black king bar has 10 strenght and 24 damage. if sniper use black king bar he can immune from any magical damage. it is very useful to fight against slark or spectre. the duration of this skill is 10/9/8/7/6/5 .

🎱Situational Items🎱

Situational Items


  1. Hurricane Pike
    it has 13 intelligence, 5.5 hp regeneration, 20 agility and 15 strength. this item is combination of force staff and dragon lance. this item is very useful to run from enemy by clicking them and give 5 attack with high attack speed,
    2 Linken Sphere
    Linkens sphere has 15 all attributes and 5.5 hp regeneration. it also give 2.25 more mana regeneration. this item need to block any damage to unit target. it can give to friend to in 13 seconds. the range to give friend is 700.

Extention Items


  1. Boots of Travel give you movement speed 100 and you can travel to tower.
  2. Solar Crest is upgraded with medallion. you need this because alot of armor reduce to enemy by 10 armor
  3. Asault Cuirass will make you strong. it gain 5 armor to you and allied. reduce the armor enemy team by 5 armor.
  4. Monkey King Bar has 70% chance to hit enemy that have evasion. this is so good in late game because the enemy will build butterfly
  5. Scythe of Vyse will add 10 strength, 10 agility, 35 intelligent and 2.25 mana regeneration. this is very useful to combo with blood throne to make easy kill in the late game. because the enemy are so tanky to hit. the active is hex. hex means transform enemy to pig for 3.5 second muted him and disarm him. if you hit illution it will lose constantly. the range is 800. the mana cost is 100 and the cooldown is 22.
  6. Bloodthorn is need to combo with hex. you need to use this item first then quickly go hex to deal big damages. it will gain 25 intelligence, 30 attack speed , 60 damage and 2.25 mana regeneration. this item will silence enemy in 5 second after that will gain 30% total damage that come in 5 second. the rage is 900.

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