King of Rat! My favorite Hero , Lone Druid Reviewed by Ubay0077

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


Hellow steemain, welcome back with ubay0077. today i want to review my favorite hero in dota 2. i love this hero alot. the name of hero is Lone Druid. why i like this hero? because this hero is so powerful and can rat like usually. i like rat hero. Lone Druid has a bear that i call alfredo heheheh. the bear is so strong. if i play this hero i usually build radiance firstly. and than i go desolator then i go shadow blade. why i build this item ? because easily rat to the tower. the item i build just for bear not for me. after that item ready dont forget to buy Aghanim that make bear can hit in any map and the important think when you are dead. the bear not dead too. you can run from any ganking by using skill 2. i like this hero because it has transform to bear and human. so let check it out.

## Lone Druid.
Lone druid is a range hero that allow you to hit with long distance. he is carry type. it use full for late game and can bring team win. he is king of pusher too. the bear has 40% more damage to the tower make Lone druid is King of rat. he can junggle to in the early game because he has bear. and he is durable that means you are so hard to kill by enemy.

The Biography Of Lone Druid

Stats of Lone Druid

Roles of Lone Druid


Standard Lone Druid Build


😻Skills of Lone Druid😻


1. Summon Spirit Bear

Lone Druid will summon the bear. it so powerful spirit bear. the bear can equip item like hero, but it doesnt work attribute item and health item. if the bear dead, Druid will take damage 10% of his health. the bear has many ability, he can blink to Lone Druid, Entangling Claws, this is my favorite skill in lone druid because he has root affect that effect to black king bar. he has 40% more damage to the tower. it makes me easy to rat the tower. Bear hp is 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000. he has bear hp regen 4, 5, 6, and 7. bear base attack time is 1.75,1.65,1.55,1.45. the bear armor is 3/4/5/6 and he has blacklash pure damage that mean if druid dead it takes 10% damages from your health
the cooldown of this skill is 120 and mana cost is 75.

2. Rabid

is the second skill of Druid. the ability is no target. it will increase attack speed of Druid and movement speed of Lone Druid and spirit Bear. the attack speed is 20/30/40/50. the movement speed is 10%/15%/20%and 25%. the cooldown of this skill is 35 second and mana cosst is 50.

3. Savage Roar

is need to run from enemy. this is very good skill to protect from gangking and chase by enemy. the range of this skill is 325 and enemy movement speed bonus is 20%. the duration is 1.2/1.6/2/2.4. the cooldown of this skill is 38/32/26/20. the mana cost is 50.

4. True Form

Lone druid change to the bear form. it can dodge any skill in 0.4 seconds. but he will lose his movement speed gain malee power as well as battle cry ability. he can change to the Lone Druid transform again. the base attack of this skill is 1.5 and bonus armor 4/6/8. it will gain some hp 300/600/900. base speed loss is 45 Transform time is 1.933. the mana cost is 25.

🤓 Starting Item🤓


1. Tango

Consume a target three to gain 7 health regeneration for 16 seconds. consuming ward or ironwood tree doubles the heal amount.
range : 165
ward range : 450

2. Stout Shield

Give a 50% chance to block 18 damage on melee heroes and 9 damage on ranged.

3. Quelling Blade

this item is useful to farming add more damage to the creep.

😌Early game😌


1. Orb of Venom

Poison the target, dealing 5 damage per second for 3 seconds and slowing movement 12% if the equiped hero melee or 4 % if ranged.

2. Boots of Speed

Increasing your movement speed 40. this is so useful to run from enemy and to chase them.

3. Hand of Midas

if you want to fast farm you need this item. this item is very useful because it has attack speed and add extra gold every 120 seconds.

🙃The core item for Bear🙃


1. Radiance

  1. Radiance
    +65 damage
    Toggle : Burn
    when active, scorches enemies for 60 damages per second and causes them to miss 17% on their attacks.

2. Phase boots

+45 movement speed
+24 damage
active phase
give 24 % increase movement speed on melee hero and 20% on ranged hero. and lets you move through unit 2.5 seconds.
this item do not stack if you make two boots

3. Mask of Madness

It gives 20 damage 10 attack speed. this item is very good to sniper because it will increase the attack speed and movement speed beside that the mini lifesteal will increase health of sniper. the attack speed is 110 and 12% movement speed. but there is disadvantage it will reduce your armor by 8 and silence you. the life steal if you attack enemy is 15%

🤡The core item for Druid🤡


1. Tranquil boots

will increase movement speed druid for 90 movement speed. it will regeneration 13 hp to druid. but if you hit by enemy creep, hero or roshan it will cancel your regeneration. it will decrease your movement speed too.

2. Aghanim Scepter

will gain 10 all attributes, 175 health and 175 mana. this item will upgrade your ultimate. if you dead you can still have bear.

3. Pipe of insight

need to decrease magic power that come to Druid. it will gain 6.5 HP regeneration and 30% magic resistance. when you active this item it will gives a shield that blocks 400 magic damage to all nearby allies in 12 seconds. the radius is 900. the passive of this skill is 2 health and 10 % magic resistance for allied. the mana cost is 100 and the cooldown is 60 seconds.

👩‍🚒Extension bear items👩‍🚒


1. Desolator

will give you 50 damage. i put the item to the bear so i can rat the tower easily dont use to your hero.

2. Monkey king

bar has 70% chance to hit enemy that have evasion. this is so good in late game because the enemy will build butterfly

3. Nullifier

this item to mute the gain 65 damage, 5 armor, and 5 Hp regeneration. dispels the target by 5 seconds.

4. Assault Cuirass

will make you strong. it gain 5 armor to you and allied. reduce the armor enemy team by 5 armor.

5. Mjollnir

it has 24 damage and 80 attack speed
this is upgraded by maelstrom. it is very good item to deal extra damage 200 when it shocking. but the chance is 20%.

6. Abyssal Blade.

+250 health
+7 HP Regeneration
+10 strength
Active: Overwhelm
stuns target enemy unit for 2 seconds. it is pierces spell Immunity. passive: bash grant melee hero a 25% chance on hit to stun the target for 1.4 second and deal 100 bonus damage. bash pierces evasion. bash chance for ranged heroes is 10%.

👩‍🎤Extension Druid Items👩‍🎤


1. Boots of travel

give you movement speed 100 and you can travel to tower.

2. Infused Raindrops

0.5 mana regen
Passive : Magic damage block
consumes a charge to block 120 magic damage from damage instance over 50 damage.comes with 5 charges. when the charges are gone, the item disappears

3. Crimson Guard

need to make Druid tanky. it will gain 250 health, 6 HP Regeneration, 2 all attributes and 5 armor. for 12 seconds, grant nearby allied heroes and buildings 2 armor and 100% cance to block 60 damge from each incoming attack. units may only be affected by guard once every 45 seconds. the radius 900. passive is damage block. it grants a 50% chance to block 70 damage on malee heroes and 35 damage on ranged

4. Butterfly

+35 agility
+25 damage
+35 % evasion
+30 attack speed
active: flutter
grant 35% additional movement speed for 2 seconds.

😊For other Link about my dota 😊

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