DOTA 2 - Lycan The most Powerfull Hero Carry or Rat

in #gaming6 years ago

Hellow steemian welcome back again with me ubay0077 the gaming author, streaming and video creator. as always i want to give you some information about game. i like Rat Hero. why? because the game will full of art. i am insipred by Admiral Bulldog. so i like offlane lane. i usually use hero : Lone Druid, Nature Prophet, Batrider, Brood Mother.

So today i want to give you information about Lycan. Laycan is powerfull hero right now, i swear. He has bonus damage 48% can you believe that? this is why i like Lycan. this hero has wolf that can invisible and have a chance to slow movement speed and attack speed to enemy. it has bonus damage and health to minion that he control. He can transform to wolf. it gain so fast movement speed and critical damage. i very like this hero steemian. You need to try this hero if you play Dota 2.

🐦What you need to do if you use Lycan.🐦

  1. You need to build damage skill because it makes you easily to farm. carry need farm in Dota 2 not like Game Mobile Legend Who not need to farm because gold will come it alone if enemy dead without last hit. lycan has high damage so dont miss last hit because its very important to build item

  2. the second think you need to call your wolf. use full skill of wolf because it has chance to slow movement speed and attack speed to enemy. it also can hunt enemy where ever the enemy is. you also can use the wolf for open map. You can also harras the enemy in your lane with your wolf

  3. The third one is when you in trouble, i mean you in gangking by enemy, you need to use your bonus health with skill 2. it makes you gain some health to you and minion under your control. it is so beutifull to bait the enemy. they think you will dead but you are not dead because you can gain some health with your skill 2.

  4. Finally you can transform to the wolf, this is very good to you if you want to chase enemy or war you can go kill enemy who want to running. or mybe you can go run from enemy who want to gank you. This is so beutiful because your movement speed like Bara, i mean it very fast. you need to kill the enemy where ever he want because you have critical chance.

  5. The item you need for Rat build or Carry build by@ubay0077 are:
    a. For Rat Hero : Helm of the dominator it is very good to build this item because you can have jungle creep in junggle to make it under control Lycan. you can bring the junggle creep that kind of abilities like increase your movement speed, stun or got him with web like meepo. this is very good to rat to because the creep has lot of Health, Desolator to reduce armor tower, Necrominicon to gain extra minion and some effect. Assault cuirras, this reduce armor tower to, so that is my recomended item by ubay0077

🐮Talent for Lycan🐮


🐯Biography for Lycan🐯


🐼Stat of Lycan🐼


🐍Role of Lycan🐍


🍄If you want to know more about lycan. Here we are the skills of Lycan :🍄

  1. Summon Wolfes
    The ability of this target is No target. you can summon two wolfs. If skill one level 3 or 4 it will gain some abilities in wolf. the wolf have chance to slow movement speed and attack speed enemy. this is very good, you can open map with this wolf and chase and follow the enemy to know where the enemy exactly is. The duration of wolf is 55 seconds. The base attack time is 1.25/1.2/1.15/1.1. The damage is 18/29/37/46. The HP of wolfs are 200/240/280/320. the wolf cont is two. the duration is 30 seconds and mana cost is 145.

  2. Howl
    The abilty of this skill is no target, this skill is very good if you are ready to start push tower. and the most important to bait enemy. you can bait the enemy if they think you are will not but you are not because you have this skill to gain more health. Don't use this skill before you ready to push tower, i swear, you just need to push. if you have necronomicon, you just have 10 seconds to destroy tower or mybe less than that. the duration is 13. The hero Bonus Damage 10/15/20/25. the minion bonus damage 4/6/8/10. Hero bonus health 50/100/150/200. The minion bonus health is 25/50/75/100. the duration of this skill is 60/55/50/45. The mana cost 40.

  3. Feral Impulse
    The abilities of this skill is passive. this skill is very good. it has bonus HP regen 1/3/5/7 and Bonus damage is 48%, can you believe it? almost 50% bonus damage to him and minion under his control. OMG! if you have 300 damage you can gain +150 damage more. so the final damage is 450.

  4. Sharpeshift
    The abilities of this skill is No Target. this skill is very awesome. Lycan transform to Wolf. He will gain extremely fast Movement speed. the basic attack has chance to critical strike. you can chace your enemy and run from enemy this skill very awesome, because your minion that under control will fast to like Lycan. The duration of this skill is 18 seconds. The Shapeshift Movement speed is 650. It has Bonus Night vision to about 1000 seconds. The transforms time : 1.5. The critical Chance : 40%. Critical damage: 160%/180%/200%. the duration of this skill 130/105/80. the mana cost is 100.

🐘The item of Lycan by Valce![kanflanf.PNG]🐘

Starting Items

  1. Tango
    Consume a target three to gain 7 health regeneration for 16 seconds. consuming ward or ironwood tree doubles the heal amount.
    range : 165
    ward range : 450

  2. Stout Shield
    Stout Shield
    Give a 50% chance to block 18 damage on melee heroes and 9 damage on ranged.

  3. Quelling Blade
    Quelling Blade
    this item is useful to farming add more damage to the creep.

🐈Early Game🐈

  1. Boots of Speed
    Boots of Speed
    Increasing your movement speed 40. this is so useful to run from enemy and to chase them

  2. Helm Of the dominator
    This item gain 2 all attributes and 5 attack speed. this item can take control the minion in jungle except ancient creep. the movement speed of the creep is 425 and max health of minimum is 1500. the range to take the creep is 700. It has passive to allies attack speed 20 and Health regend 8.

🐓Core Items(Safelane)🐓


  1. Necronomicon
    Necronomicon furnishes Lycan with extra pushing power and an extra harm source while ganking foe saints. At level 3, the Necronomicon will likewise give True Sight, which can be utilized to de-ward foe vision and keep undetectable adversary legends from getting away ganks.ature's Prophet with extra pushing power and an extra harm source while ganking foe saints. At level 3, the Necronomicon will likewise give True Sight, which can be utilized to de-ward foe vision and keep undetectable adversary legends from getting away ganks.

  2. Power Treads
    this item is so good to add more 8 status to you and add extra attack speed. you can change to intelligent, agility or strength. I use this every time I play dota because it has more damage if I change to intelligent it will add more damage.

  3. Black King Bar
    Black king bar has 10 strenght and 24 damage. if sniper use black king bar he can immune from any magical damage. it is very useful to fight against slark or spectre. the duration of this skill is 10/9/8/7/6/5 .

🌚Situational Items🌚


  1. Solar Crest
    Solar Crest is upgraded with medallion. you need this because alot of armor reduce to enemy by 10 armor

  2. Pipe of Insight
    Need to decrease magic power that come to Lycan. it will gain 6.5 HP regeneration and 30% magic resistance. when you active this item it will gives a shield that blocks 400 magic damage to all nearby allies in 12 seconds. the radius is 900. the passive of this skill is 2 health and 10 % magic resistance for allied. the mana cost is 100 and the cooldown is 60 seconds.

  3. Heaven's Halberd
    This item has 25% evasion it is good to avoid basic attack that hit Lycan. beside that he can Disarm the enemy by click to the enemy unit. it has 25 damage and 20 strength that make him add extra health. the duration of disarm is 3 second for melee and 5 second for range hero. the range to disarm is 600. each attack has a chance 35% to slow enemy by 20% and his attack speed 20 for melee and 10 % for ranged in 5 seconds

  4. Desolator
    will give you 50 damage. i put the item to the bear so i can rat the tower easily dont use to your hero.

  5. Linkens Sphere
    Linkens sphere has 15 all attributes and 5.5 hp regeneration. it also give 2.25 more mana regeneration. this item need to block any damage to unit target. it can give to friend to in 13 seconds. the range to give friend is 700.

  6. Silver Edge
    This item has 30 damage, 30 attack speed and 15 all atribute. this item is very usefull because it can break the passive enemy. the attribute make he gain more hp, attack speed, armor and mana, mana regeneration. make you more invisible that shadow blade for 14 seconds. your move 15% increased and deal damage after your invisible 175.

🐥Extension Items🐥


  1. Boots of Travel
    Give you movement speed 100 and you can travel to tower.

  2. Assault Cuirras
    will make you strong. it gain 5 armor to you and allied. reduce the armor enemy team by 5 armor.

  3. Abyssal Blade
    +250 health
    +7 HP Regeneration
    +10 strength
    Active: Overwhelm
    stuns target enemy unit for 2 seconds. it is pierces spell Immunity. passive: bash grant melee hero a 25% chance on hit to stun the target for 1.4 second and deal 100 bonus damage. bash pierces evasion. bash chance for ranged heroes is 10%.

  4. Bloodthron
    Bloodthorn is need to combo with hex. you need to use this item first then quickly go hex to deal big damages. it will gain 25 intelligence, 30 attack speed , 60 damage and 2.25 mana regeneration. this item will silence enemy in 5 second after that will gain 30% total damage that come in 5 second. the rage is 900

  5. Hearth of Tarrasque
    +40 strength
    +500 health
    Passive: health regeneration
    restore hp 7% of max health per second. if damage is taken from hero or roshan, this ability is disabled for 5 seconds for melee heroes, or 7 seconds for ranged heroes.

🦁Thats all i can give to you about Brood Mother. Hope you enjoy it.🦁

😊For other Link about my dota 😊

Nature Prophet
Lone Druid

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