The Date! and making movies in Sims 4

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone!!

Here is a bit of what has been going on in my Sims Legacy Family and how, for my son @ecoinstant, I made a video so he could see how Sims go on dates!

With four very active children in the house, it has been a very long time since Skye and Red have gotten to spend any time alone, other than the rocket trip from the last post.

Red has been cleaning his big heart out while trying not to get sick from having the neat trait.

The only time they have together is late at night after all the kids had done their homework. They sneak up on the roof and workout together.

So off to the Park they went. Skye started making lunch while Red proceeded to clean up the park before he would sit down! Got to love that neat trait!

If you would like to see the rest of their date please watch the YouTube video I made.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!


Now on to making video's in Sims 4.

Sims 4 comes with a built-in camera which is really nice because it doesn't show you clicking to make all the actions so your sims do things in the game. I love that!

The problem I did run into was the output files were in the AVI format and my editing program didn't like the AVI format. Off to my best friend Google I went. I found a free video converter program called HAMSTER found here. It was so easy to use you don't even need directions.

All you do is take your AVI file and drag it to the first screen, hit next, pick the type of end file you want and wait while it does all the work.

I then had files I could work with. For editing video's I use a free software called HitFilm4 Express found here. It's one of the only ones I have been able to find that is FREE and doesn't leave a watermark on your whole video.

It's not the easiest program I have ever used but it's free! so it's a tad hard to complain about it. It does do everything you need and will also export your finished, edited video, right to YouTube for you. That is worth the hassle right there for me.

There are ton's of quick start video's on YouTube explaining how to use it so it just depends on how much time you are willing to put into learning it. For me, right now, I just do the basic editing and I think my video's turn out pretty well.

Last but not least was finding Royalty free music I could use for my video's. I held my breath and Googled once more and hit the Jackpot!

All they ask is that you credit them. I can do that very happily!

I hope you have enjoyed a bit more of Skye and Red's story and maybe learned some helpful information about making video's.

I'm sure there are other ways to go about making videos. This is just what I found worked for me.

Until next time, Happy Gaming!

If you care to read more about the Bolin Legacy please follow the links here.
Thank you all for being a part of this with me!

And he went hunting
Sims and my love for the Butler!
The Day the Music died...Sims 4
Buffs! Traits! Oh my! ~ Sims 4
Time out! ~ Sims 4
And the World Turns~Sims 4
Going broke and Masterpiece paintings ~Sims 4


Great post check out @simgirl for more sims posts thank you for sharing this with our community. Keep it up.

:D thank you for taking time to read my post. and yes, @simgirl and I are best friends. I look forward to her posts every day.

Thats hilarious! I thought she might drown! He came up for air twice!

Thanks for this video editing tutorial - I have some videos to edit!

Love you 😃

yaaaaaaaaaa I taught you something! :D

and yes, when I was watching the playback I saw she only came up for air once lolll big lungs on that women lolll

Ahaha! You've taught me many things 😃

Oh yay thank you!!! I needed to read this! Your video is lovely!!

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D I hope it answered a lot of questions for you!! :D

Fantastic content. Giving me the Sims itch bad. *fixed

Thank You so very much for the compliment!! and comment :D

Would help if I spelled content correctly.

this game is nice to build.

it is!! it's one of the things I love about it.
There are so many ways to play it you never get bored.

Can they make love in public while on a date and then destroy the restaurant afterwards?

I don't think without using Mods you can make them WooHoo in public. I was hoping they would at the park but the option never came up which is why I took them back home. :D

I'm not a big believer in mods or not bored enough with the game to start using them. I'm pretty picky about what I put on my computer because when it goes..............I go........

and just an seemed to have played a very violent Sims game lolll

Thank you for reading and commenting!! :D

Sims 1 was pretty violent.

You could put them all into 1 room, have them make love while listening to rock and afterwards they would beat each other up till they died (3 days later).

Holy Cow! I guess I'm happy I didn't play it back then!
but I guess it's just like life. everyone has their own path to walk.

Sims 1 was hardcore.

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