Going broke and Masterpiece paintings ~Sims 4

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone and welcome!

It's been an exciting and eventful last few days in Skye and Red's life. I'm not even sure where to start!

Let's get the bad news out of the way first.

Fires! two fires to be precise.

The first fire was kind of my fault, Cal the oldest son took a day off of school because he was spending most of his time helping the toddlers learn all they needed to. He was beyond stressed so he took a day off and played video games and watched TV. Talked to his Dad and all around relaxed.

When it was time for the other children to come home from school I asked Cal to make dinner because his Mom was finally sleeping and Dad was out in the fields taking care of the plants.

Anytime, for me, a sim cooks for the first time it's a crap shoot if they will start a fire or not. I crossed my fingers andddddddddddd lost.

Thank goodness the Butler was not in his usual place, the bathtub. He ran over and put the fire out as fast as he could. Cal while very dirty did survive! I think his look says it all. HA!

The insurance money came to pay for the replacements of the stove and counter but not quite enough. The replacement stove was 14,000$ and the monthly bills had just come in the mail which is now over 9,000$ so the family was a bit short. We sat down and had a family meeting and decided to buy the cheapest stove possible until we can save enough for the one we really want.

Now comes the best part. As I was getting everyone back to bed I got a notice that Red, who never touches the painting easel, had just painted a Masterpiece and not just one Masterpiece, he then went to the other easel and painted one more! It made me smile and think of Charlie still looking after her family when bad things happen.

And speaking of bad things, poor Rusty, the youngest boy who unfortunately has blond hair and a name like Rusty, was playing on his own over by the children's science lab and low and behold another fire broke out! This time it was good that the Butler was in the bathtub next door, the fire was put out very quickly.

The insurance money covered the whole cost of replacing the science center.

Our poor little family needed a break!

Little Cherish, the youngest girl of the family, decided that 3 am was a good time to age up and move on to the child stage of life. One good thing about that was she didn't have to go to school the next day! As she was the last of the toddlers Red could then finally leave the house and go fishing. He needed to find a cow plant seed to complete his life goal.

Cherish was the first to fish up the cow plant seed. Both were having fun talking and fishing while the rest of the family was at school or work. They then decided to stay and fish some more. Red finally fished his own seed up along with a few more upgrade parts.

That night before bed he planted the seeds very carefully and hoped for the best.

So far everyone is playing, feeding and milking the cow plants so all is good there! Red finished his life goal so could now pick another life goal to work on. He picked fishing.

As you might remember during the remodel of the house we lost the park built to hold Charlie and Earls erns. The family always seems to be short of money so I decided to not put off building the park any longer. I was really happy how it turned out.

The kids were finally all in bed and Skye was home from work so her and Red decided to go down and look at the new park...........

It had been a long time since they were alone.

And I will end their story for today with this last photo. Let's just say they got an achievement!

I hope you have enjoyed reading about the Bolin family Legacy. I'm sure this is the quiet before the next storm! loll

Happy Gaming!

source @simgirl

If you care to read more about the Bolin Legacy please follow the links here.
Thank you all for being a part of this with me!

And he went hunting
Sims and my love for the Butler!
The Day the Music died...Sims 4
Buffs! Traits! Oh my! ~ Sims 4
Time out! ~ Sims 4
And the World Turns~Sims 4


Unbelievable. I live long enough to witness a reality show gossip written by a real person based on a household living in a virtual game that tries to simulate a real world.

On a side note, have you tried to seduce the grim reaper?

HA! as long as it brought a smile to your face I'm happy!

and Noooooooo, I have not! I didn't know you could seduce the grim reaper!!! THAT is now on my list of things to try!! loll Thank You!

he he It's on my list now too!!!

What a great story!! Do you have smoke alarms? They help. I love the garden. It is very pretty. I can only imagine what the achievement was! It was nice to hear that you got some more masterpieces! Yay. I can't wait to start painting for real. Thanks for sharing!!!

I'm so happy you liked it :D You made me very happy!! yes, I have 1 smoke alarm by the stove which does help loll

I'm amazed by how much you get done!!! You'll be the Sim guru soon!

YOU @simgirl are very sweet and I am ONE lucky person to know you as well as we do!! and no, YOU will always be the teacher! :D

Just like in real life.

When you go broke you bust out your inner Davinci and start painting.

Afterwards you can buy a new house.

Problem solved.

it's very interesting how well they have made the game so much like real life should be. case in point I have never seen a cow plant but that doesn't mean there is not one somewhere. :D

when you stuck in bed it does give you lots of entertainment, for me, I have to say.

If I was stuck in bed and bored...

Then I would...

Ignite my inner Davinci and start painting.

In some ways that is what I'm doing by playing this game. There is a lot of room for creativity in building houses and designing.

I can not make the wheel but I'm very good at taking that wheel and making it eye pleasing.

In any game I have played, Rift for example, I played to make in-game money to be able to design dimensions there. Tho I did make a great Warrior too! :D

Quite the gamer girl.

Some games really make you smarter, more creative, educate you about history or even make you stronger.

Mass effect made me smarter & more creative.

Total War Rome educated me about history, made me smarter, more creative and stronger as well.

Woah was not expecting that ending! Is this not an E for everyone game?

it is :D you really don't see anything but hearts lolll

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