[ Game review ] “BoxingStar“ on Android [ ENG ] #21

in #gaming7 years ago

[ ENG ]

Hello steemian good evening, how are you guys? Hopefully well alright Yes wherever you guys are, back again with my @kikipertiwi here I will return the existing games review in android namely games "BoxingStar" before you play these games you guys first download this games at playstore for free and I recommend to download games using the wifi network, in this capacity because larger games, if you are usinga data network internet mobile internet data drained a lot of you guys you guys. A series of Arcade games or fights games tells the story of how to play boxing and we are also here as a boxer who is still not professional we teach to be a reliable and powerful boxers so we had our coach and manager to train us to become the star of a boxer in to fear and in the segani in the world and with its 3D graphics already have been like real to play these games for games this can you guys play right above the 2 GB of RAM to be able to play these games for real if RAM Smartphone you guys below I do not recommend 2 GB RAM under 2 GB in this games very heavy due to play under 2 GB RAM is very lag.

After I explained what kind of game "BoxingStar" when I explain how to play these games directly from the smartphone Sony's Experia Z3.

After you guys download this game you guys jump playstore in the opening games of this, after you guys open up these games if you have opened the games we will be at the point to download his patches in advance with his very small download capacity with the notice "New resources available. You may use free wi-fi, 3 g or LTE for downloading, how ever, using 3 g or LTE may incur additional charges. " With a download size: 0, 6 MB so download the patch with his little you can use 3 g or LTE network to download his patches just click "OK" to download his patches when you are finished downloading the patch we will tell in to doing a "Choose your sign – in your account to play the game" and here there are several options for doing the sign – inyour account: your google account play, a facebook account, and the account of guest. Here I did sign in with a google account – play because your google account play more secure from other accounts on the account because if you guys sell smartphones smartphone or missing you guys you guys if you guys remember your google account with you guys then data storage in These games will be back again if a time you guys want to play these games you guys stay continue only. If you guys are using the account that suits you guys just give permission in your account.

If you guys download path and sign in with your account – you guys just go ahead, we see the story at this games and follow his tutorial in advance and here when we follow his tutorial we use a character named "Joe King" and opponents We are "The Grave" and is now already in the ring match us on the point Tap "To throw a left JAB, Tap the left side of the screen" and we send in more "to throw a right JAB, tap the right side of the screen" and we did twice to continue the ar ahan next, and the next landing i.e. Swipe "To throw a left HOOK, a swipe from the left to the right" if we already in the head again Swipe "To throw a right HOOK, a swipe from the right to the left" do twice as well to continue the next landing , and landing next Swipe "to throw a left Uppercut, a swipe from bottom left and the top of the screen" if we already in the head again Swipe "to throw a right Uppercut, swipe from bottom right of the top of the screen" and we are doing twice as well to continue the ar ahan next, and subsequent referrals "Dengrave is trying to counter attack! Can joe , avoid this? "and simply we click" Weaving right attack "that is on the right side of the screen if it has been we'll swipe" Attacking right after weaving will perform a counter attack "and we did it again" Weaving left attack "by clicking on the button se the left side of the screen for us and we simply swipe "Attacking left after weaving will perform a counter attack" if we already in the point how to hit your opponent and just we do withoutin the point again we hit his opponent by using my skill "Jab", "Hook", and "uppercut" and we dodged a number with tap "Weaving" and at the moment we have to avoid the opponent's blows with tap "Weaving" and we just love the "Uppercut" and the opposing enemy booommm k.o and we win our tutorial is finished.

After the completion of his new tutorial is here we create our boxing characters so we can be optimistic of strong and reliable Boxer because have seen "Joe King" on television and after we watch the fight boxing "Joe king" vs "The Grave" in our askedby our friends, "Wow, did you watch the fight? King Joe defende his title you shouldget your name known to others. " And the new ones we make my first name use the name "Steemit2018" is the same as before I also made the name "Steemit2018" because it is indeed the writings of my own so I always make a name "Steemit2018" and before you make name a boxer you guys here there are several options such as part of the "Choose your bodytype" there are 3 bodytype first incorporated black with dreadlocks, constantly there is also info description from the first character "In – fighter, Power + 4, Speed + 2, and + 6 Stamina" and the second character bearing the stump with a nice muscular White leather and info description of this character "Pucher, Power + Volume 3, speed + 3, and + 6 stamina" and the latter being incorporated with the hefty muscle is also the color of her hair and white skin mohaw k with info on this character description that is "All – around 4 +, power, Speed and stamina + 4 + 4" and I chose the third character because of its stable and description info is the same if you guys choose a character and make the character name of boxing you guys just click " create character "if we already will get referrals from our friend she said" How long are ya just gonna puch the sandbag at home? What about our rent? We're already behind on last month's rent! We've got no food either! Do something, we don't even have money to buy game items! What's this all of this commotion outside?? I think someone's outside?? I think someone's looking ' for ya?.

After we heard the story from our friends, and recently that we enter into the main menu when in the main menu we get referrals from Emma him as assiten us when we train and supplies what we need and what's next mission We face emma who set him up and in to give direction "Hey! There are some punks lookin' for ya. You knowthem? If you're lost, don't wander around like an idiot! Just hit me up here! And after we hear the direction of emma to tell us in the complete 1st match in "story mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and our first opponents in this mode which is "Juan" with brown-body utilise k ACA incorporated large eyes and simply we click "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun her match just us black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" us and when she withdrew us p ukul again with skill "Hook" and his face again kenak, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hit us and we hit rewind again he is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted of power she While holding down the punch us, then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we'll he immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I exposed his face and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode "and the end of the game I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves and also I got level 2 from level 1.

After finishing the first game in "Story mode" and now want to move on to the second match in this mode we get referrals from emma again, "Huh, guess hitting the sandbag really does help! Don't get cocky, though. You only beat local punks. That's all, have heard that khari opened up his own gym? He wants you to drop by, why don't we go now? "and we simply click on the" use quick menu "that is on the top of the screen to the right after coming into" use quick Menu "we enter into the" Skill "boxing skill to train us and we in the direction by the" Khari's "d He was the coach of our boxing and he also who gives skill – a great boxing skills to us after going into menu "Skill" we get referrals from him i.e. "How are you doing, Emma? Huh? you came with your crony? And emma replied to his landing "How have ya been, khari? I want you to train this guy? He knows how to throw a puch. " And replying to her landing also khari "Boy, it's so hard to see you around these days I heard you've only been practicing at home, hitting your punchng bag, the punching bag helps, but it doesn't help you prepare for the unexpected, you should drop by my gym to practiceand Learn some new skills "and we directly do the" Intense training as much as 5 times after completion of our intense training 5 times us out from the skill and enter the menu "Achievement" and the time of entry in this menu we get referrals from emma "I always wo ndered why you bought this, this huge trophy case? You've only punched sandbags! "and we go into the menu of the rookie to claim the prize for us and gifts that we claim" StoryMode 1-1 completed, Attempt skill point training 1 times, and Earn 1 skill point "after that we return again to the menu to upgrade skill skill "Hook" us if it has been, we return again to the menu "use quick" to enter the menu "Manage" if it has been entered into the menu "manage" we directly use boxing gloves and we quip just so we can use boxing gloves if we already return to menu for the second match in doing "story mode".

Once done we do training and add skill "HOOK" us directly we do match to two in "Story mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and our first opponents in this mode i.e. "Jorge "with the brown eye using glass-body-body and posture are balanced with his grown my character and simply we click" Fight "to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment his match had started to direct our course black with use our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook"and his face again kenak, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hit us and we hit rewind again she with using "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we let her fall into the lant AI and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I exposed her face and we then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" button ad on our screens and I stand again without any word of surrender I woke up again and my fight again him with skill "HOOK" and we hold punch him so that he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" much stress – tubi with 5 times hit combo and he fell to the floor and immediately K . O and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end of the game I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves again and also I level up 3 from level 2.

After completion of the second game we just we do match to three in "Story mode" to speed finishing in "Story Mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and our first opponent in m This Ode to "Jose" with brown-body using a glass eye and use a mask to cover his face and nose and she's also a big-body posture and his growing fatter and my black straight with my character and simply we click "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun her match just us black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and his face again kenak, then We survived the first time he hit us he's done hit us and we hit rewind again he is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press "Weaving ri ght "to find loopholes so that we can use the skill" uppercut "we'll he immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill" Hook "hold me we hajar again him using the" Hook "and we" Uppercut "we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press" Weaving left "and direct the blow" Uppercut "I exposed her face and we then we press" Weaving right "to find loopholes so that we could using the skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" button ad on our screens and I bediri again without any word of surrender I woke up again and I at him again with the skill "HOOK" and we hold punch him so he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" much with 5 times hit combo and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" da the n end of the game I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves again.

After the completion of the third match we just we do match to four in "Story mode" to speed finishing in "Story Mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and the first opponent of us d I this mode of "ryan" with white-body using Office clothes and he also incorporated his growing medium and postures are suitable with my character and is simply we click "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment had started the match his straight black us by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and his face again, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hitting us d our retreat in the black again he is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" We'll she immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we hajar again him using the "Hook" and our "Uppercut" we survive for a moment and we get agap to beat up his and immediately I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skills namely "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" and then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that We can use the skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" button ad on our screens and I bediri again without any word of surrender I woke up again and I at him again with the skill "HOOK" and we hold the blow he so he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" much with 5 times hit combo and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match " story mode "and the end of the game I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves again.

After the completion of the fourth match we just we do match to five in "Story mode" to speed finishing in "Story Mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and our first opponent in m This Ode: "jery" with white-body use jacket and he's also a big fat-body posture and his growing bigger with my characters are not balanced against her lah but with optimistic, I just I took part of his game and get on with it we click the "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun her match just us black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and kenak la GI his face, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hit us and we hit rewind again he is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we guess n "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we'll he immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we hajar again him with using "Hook" and we "Uppercut" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skills namely "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" and then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" button ad on our screens and I bediri again without providing any word rah I woke up again and I at him again with the skill "HOOK" and we hold punch him so that he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" much with 5 times hit combo, after thatWe get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I am exposed to face him and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end the match I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves again.

Before proceeding with the next match I will give you the features – features that are present in these games:

1. League Menu

2. The fashion Story Menu

3. League Reward slot

4. Victory Package

5. Menu Quick menu, there are also some in his menu are:

• Menu Home

• character Info

• gear Menu

• skill Menu

• Personal Management Menu

• social Menu

• Menu Achievement

• the Menu shop

• Menu feedback

• Mailbox

• Setting

After I gave a few features that are in these games, simply go to the "quick menu" to go back to the menu "Gear" and while already in this menu we just kill again in the download "Manage" after that we upgrade our gloves became le Vel 2 Once finished we upgraded the gloves we return again to the "quick menu" and go to the menu "Skill" to put the skill set we to slot skill and I put the skill "Hook" and "the Rookie"Stance master counter and here too there are some skill we yait u "Jab", "Hook", "Uppercut", "Special", and "Stance" after that we return again to the "Quick menu" we go to the menu "Achievement to claim a prize that we can enter the menu, the first rookie to take the prize we" Storymode 1-2 c omplete ", and" 1-3 StoryMode Completed "and claim only and go to menu" Tournament "and we claim her prize" StoryMode 1-3 completed "once completed in this menu we return again to the quick menu to enter the menu" Personal Management "and while in this menu kit a get command of Jennifer's "Welcome to McKinney's company, I am Jennifer chen wealt and senior asset manager, our company manages client's contracts. We also consult and manage the appearance of our clients "and here are some of the menu's" Appearance "and" Swank "and in this menu we provide protective head, wearing cool, using the new pants and also we give shoes order look more presentable while doing his first match that we are using only the undershirt, continue to use training pants and use Sandals here we are given new facilities, after we use the new facilities and our new clothing back to the main menu to continue the game in "Story Mode".

Once that is done we are upgrading some of our skills and we also get a new facility just us to match our fifth straight we do match to six in "Story mode" to speed finishing in "Story Mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and our first opponents in this mode which is "leo" with a brown-body use jacket and he also purchased medium and grow his posture is being with my character is balanced directly I joined his game and simply we click "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun his game just to beat up him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I his face is exposed by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and his face again kenak, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hitting us and mundu r us black again him with using "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we let in a immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we hajar again him using the "Hook" and our "Uppercut" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and I just press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skills namely "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" and then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" button ad on our screens and I stand again without any word of surrender I woke up again and I at him again with the skill "HOOK" and we hold the blow he she could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" much  with 5 times hit combo, after that we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "left" and Weaving direct blow "Uppercut" I am exposed to face him and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end of the game I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves again and my end level up 5.

After finishing the sixth match we just we do match to seven in "Story mode" to speed finishing in "Story Mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and our first opponent in this mode of "Anthony" with white-body use jacket and he's also a big fat-body posture and his growing bigger with my characters are not balanced against her lah but with optimistic, I just I took part of his game and simply we click "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun her match just us black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill " The hook "and his face again kenak, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hitus and we hit rewind again he is using a" Hook "and our" Uppercut "also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch kit a, then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we'll he immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we hajar again him with men ggunakan "Hook" and our "Uppercut"we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skill " Uppercut ", and he exposed the" Uppercut "and then we press" Weaving right "to find loopholes so that we can use the skill" uppercut "and it turns out I was exposed to the" Uppercut "of opponents and I press the" Up "button ad on our screens and I stood up more tan PA there is word of surrender I woke up again and I at him again with the skill "HOOK" and we hold punch him so that he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut with 5 times hit combo, after that We get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I am exposed to face him and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end the match I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves again.

After the completion of the match we just we do match to eight in "Story mode" to speed finishing in "Story Mode" and just click in "Story mode" to see who our opponents in this mode and the first opponent We're in this mode which is "Houang" with white-body using the jacket and she also incorporated her ideal growing posture sedangdan with my character is balanced against him but with his optimistic I just I took part of his game and we just Click the "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun her match just we the black she using the "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch we continue our black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and his face again kenak, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hitting us and our retreat in the black again He is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we let her fall to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we hajar again him using the "Hook" and our "Uppercut" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and immediately got my press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skills namely "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" and then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill " uppercut "and it turns out I was exposed to the" Uppercut "of opponents and I press the" Up "button ad on our screens and I stood up again without any word of surrender I woke up again and I at him again with the skill" HOOK "and we hold punch him so that hecould not menghaj ar my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" with 5 hit combo time, after that we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" struck me face him and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end of the game I get the Prize rewards i.e. 1 boxing gloves again.

After finishing eighth last match recently that we go into the game in the menu "League" and just click on the "League" to see who our opponents in this mode and opponents who are opposed are online, our first opponent in this mode IE "emoprincess" with a white body, using a t-shirt and he also purchased a large and growing his ideal posture with my character that is not a balanced one against him but with his optimistic I just I took part of his game and direct any time we click the "Fight" to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment his match had started to direct our course black with skill "Uppercut" much stress – tubi with 5 times hit combo, and the black again by using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him he exhausted so that depleted her energy withstand blows we continue our black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and his face again kenak, then we survive first s AAT he hit us he's done hit us and we hit rewind again he is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press "Weaving right" to seek the ce the one that we can use the skill "uppercut" we'll he immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we hajar again him using the "Hook" and our "Uppercut" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skills namely "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" and then we Press again the "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" that is on our screens and I stood up again without any word of surrender I woke up again and I am at again her with skill "HOOK" and we hold punch him so that he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" with 5 hit combo time, after that we get a gap to beat up her and lan I just press "gsung Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I am exposed to face him and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end of the game I get the Prize rewards IE + 35 stars, Victory point, and box league 1.

Once finished the match last new that we go into the game in the menu "League" again and just click on the "League" to see who our opponents in this mode and opponents who are opposed are online, our first opponent in this mode which is "nadie "with a white body, using the singlet dress and he also incorporated mediocrity and its ideal growing postures with my character is balanced against her but with her upbeat I just I took part of his game and simply we click" Fight " to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun her match just us black using the "Hook" and our "Uppercut", and we use it with skill "Uppercut" much stress – tubi with 5 times hit combo, and the black again by using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch we continue our black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and again his face, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hit us and we hit rewind again he is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press l AGI "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we'll he immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we fight again him with using "Hook" and we "Uppercut" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skills namely "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" and then we press "Weaving right" to findloopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" that is on our screens and I up again without any word keep erah I woke up again and I at him again with the skill "HOOK" and we hold punch him so that he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" with 5 hit combo time, after that we mendapatk an gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I am exposed to face him and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end of the match I get the Prize rewards i.e. + 24 stars, Victory point + 3, and box league 1 and also my level up into level 6.

Once finished the match last new that we go into the game in the menu "League" again and just click on the "League" to see who our opponents in this mode and opponents who are opposed are online, our first opponent in this mode which is "nedq "with white-body, using the dress and he also incorporated mediocrity and its ideal growing postures with my character is balanced against her but with her upbeat I just I took part of his game and simply we click" Fight " to denounce him at the top of the boxing ring and the moment has begun her match just us black using the "Hook" and our "Uppercut", and we use it with skill "Uppercut" much stress – tubi with 5 times hit combo, and the black again by using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch we continue our black by using our skill "Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" we and our retreat at the moment he is again with the skill "Hook" and kenak again his face, then we survive first when he hit us he's done hit us and we hit rewind again he is using a "Hook" and our "Uppercut" also we make him so exhausted he exhausted when he hold power punch us, then we press l again "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" we'll he immediately fell to the floor and let us direct our win and the black again by using the skill "Hook" hold me we fight again him with using "Hook" and we "Uppercut" we survive for a moment and we get a gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow"Uppercut" I was exposed to his face, and we punch combo we use our skills namely"Uppercut", and he exposed the "Uppercut" and then we press "Weaving right" to find loopholes so that we can use the skill "uppercut" and it turns out I was exposed to the "Uppercut" of opponents and I press the "Up" button ad on our screens and I stood up again without any words keep erah I woke up again and I at him again with the skill "HOOK" and we hold punch him so that he could not beat up my face and now he's off guard and fatigue my straight black with skill "Uppercut" with 5 hit combo time, after that we mendapatk an gap to denounce him and get on with it I press "Weaving left" and direct the blow "Uppercut" I am exposed to face him and he fell to the floor and straight k.o and I won my first match in "story mode" and the end of the match I get the Prize rewards i.e. + 24 stars, Victory point + 3, and box league 1.

List games review on android my article :

  1.  [Games Review] How to play MMO Action Game "KINDOM WARRIORS" in Android [ENG] #1
  2.  [Game review] “Combat Squad” on Android [ ENG ] #2
  3.  [Game review] “Darkness Reborn” on Android [ ENG ] #3
  4.  [Game review] “World War Heroes” on Android [ ENG ] #4
  5.  [Game review] Mobile legends : Bang Bang “SAVAGE” hero “Freya”[ ENG ] #5
  6.  [Game review] “Starwars : Force Arena” on Android [ ENG ] #6
  7.  [Game review] “Smackdown : WWE Mayhem” on Android [ ENG ] #7
  8.  [Game review] “HomeRun Battle 2“ on Android [ ENG ] #8
  9.  [Game Review] "New Hero the strongest Mage Fasha" Mobile Legends: Bang Bang [ENG] #9
  10.  [Game review] “Power Rangers“on Android [ ENG ] #10
  11.  [Game review] “Metal Slug Online “on Android [ ENG ] #11
  12.  [Game review] “Drift Max Pro“on Android [ ENG ] #12
  13.  [Game review] “Real Steel Boxing Champions“on Android [ ENG ] #13
  14.  [Game review] “Death Race“ on Android [ ENG ] #14
  15.  [Game review] “The Killbox : Arena“ on Android [ ENG ] #15
  16.  [Game review] “Battle Boom “ on Android [ ENG ] #16
  17.  [Game review] “Mighty Battles” on Android [ ENG ] #17
  18.  [Game review] “Battle Bay “ on Android [ ENG ] #18
  19.  [Game review] “ Zombie Anarchy “ on Android [ ENG ] #19
  20.  [Game review] “ Drone 2 air assault” on Android [ ENG ] #20

The explanation of these games and how to play games "BoxingStar" review, to see what games I review in the next article don't forget follow @kikipertiwi and upvote retreemd my articles, my article to see my article his first. Many of the tutorials how to play games "BoxingStar" on android, and I remind again don't forget in the follow @kikipertiwi hehe, if you guys follow me and I will follow back you guys hopefully with this tutorial could be useful for all of you lovers games on android, if this tutorialis useful for those of you upvote Yes heheh. Warmest greetings to all of you the warmest greetings, lover of games for the steemians. HAPPY PLAYING GAMES THESE GUYS!!!!!! 

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