[ Game review ] “ Drone 2 Air Assault “ on Android [ ENG ] #20

in #gaming7 years ago

[ ENG ]

Hello steemian good afternoon, how are you guys? Hopefully well alright Yes wherever you guys are, back again with my @kikipertiwi here I will return the existing games review in android namely games "Drone 2 Air Assault" before you play these games you guys first download this games in playstore for free and I recommend to download games using the wifi network, in this capacity because larger games, if you are using a data network internet mobile internet data drained a lot of you guys you guys. A series of games against the rebels we here use a war and we just set the direction the guns only where there is direct enemy we shoot only his enemies and thegames also included games strategy because if you guys can't set the strategy you guys lost to enemy troops who shot us out of the land and must be good at regulating this strategy and games can shoot enemies manually we his weapons movement with its 3D graphics already have been like real to play these games for games This could be you guys play right above the 2 GB of RAM to be able to play these games for real if you guys under the smartphone RAM 2 GB of RAM I don't recommend under 2 GB in this games very heavy due to play under 2 GB RAM is very lag.

After I explained what kind of game "Drone 2 Air Assault" when I explain how to play these games directly from the smartphone Sony's Experia Z3.

After you guys download this game you guys jump playstore in the opening games of this, after you guys open up these games if you have opened the games we can immediately notice of provision in this games "Legal Agreements, I have read and accept! EULA, Privacy Policy, Terms And Conditions "direct click I accept only after thatwe can notice more" Permissions required! To install and play drone 2 air assault we need to access the following, Phone: For authentication, Storage: For saving game data & progress, Location: For Pvp matchmaking "direct click" Done "you guys only.

After you guys see and read the terms and conditions of these games we'll see stories in the games in advance "At an atlas Naval test facility, the strike carrier DAMOCLES is readying for manoeuvres. It is carrying a prototype defensive system, this is COMMANDER ECKHART: at 1400hrs, the DAMOCLES has been attacked and boarded by forces unknown. They are going after the E-SHIELD system. We need to stop themat all costs! Damn! The Damocles shield is up; your weapons will not penetrate it. The shield is powered by a shield emitters ship. Destroy it to disable the shield. Touch and drag the oh the screen to locate the shield emitters ship – it's tethered to the carrier by an energy beam "after that we will be on point for the tutorial how to shoot the enemy with the direction to where the" Viper 1, weapons are live. Tap the Fire button to destroy the shield emitters ship. " When you're finished shooting enemy ships we can notice more "good job! The shield is down! Viper 1, get clear! Viper 2 – get ready! " After that we in turn again to shoot the helicopter landing with "Viper 2 –take out those choppers on the deck! Do not le them take off! Weapons are active. Open fire when ready! "once completed we destroy the helicopter above the landing we can mention" The Damocles has been re – taken. Well done viper 2! All remaining forces have been neutralized. Viper team, set down on the deck I need to debriefyou. " And completed our tutorial and the one at the end of the match we saw our last match statistics like "Rewards Earned, XP + 5, money of 250 dollars" and "Destroyed Units, Infantry, sam/aa venchiles, aircraft" and just click continue to continue the mission.

After finishing our last tutorial, click continue when we get referral "viper team will continue to fly the thunderbird gunship, and the low level, super raptor vtols. Both are powerful prototype ground attack aircraft, with a wide array of armaments upgradable "just click continue and after that time is already in the main menu of our arahakan again to retrieve the gems with the direction" You earned some gems. Tap on the "add to collect them after we take the gems of yesteryear and we in turn again to his first mission with a click on the menu" campaign "to continue his first mission and the Mission of his first" ThunderBird power 100, Annihilate: atlas intel has discovered an insurgent base, we need to reduce their operational capacity, take out the required number of targets. " And just click the sidebar to fight the rebels and we destroy the rebel base camp after coming into the match there was a mission that shouldwe go through i.e. we should kill "13 kill enemy troops" and we direct our weapons to the enemy arahka that is on the ground at the rebel base camp there are rebel forces helicopter and tank car just his army we shoot our first select a weapon of war, particularly we crushed the rebellion forces i.e. kan carried missiles also for our aircraft so he mengancurkan that first we switch off if it is dead easy to destroy more of our troops and we shoot to death his troops after the death of his new forces that we destroy their hellicoper and tank car record by using our missiles before using the missiles we we had to replace our weaponry first from ordinary weapons to missile weapons and we fit our target's first helicopter if we press the "Fire" to remove the right missile us to our helicopter and I won a game this late in the game we can see the statistics of the match we "Rewards earned: XP + 5, Money of 350 dollars" and "Destroyed Units: Infantry 5, Sam/AAA, 6 Vehicles, aircraft 2" after that click continue to continue the mission.

After we complete the mission, we continue the mission further to his first mission with a click on the menu "campaign" to continue his first mission and the Mission ofhis first "Super power Raptor, HVT 100 hunt: locate and eliminate all hight malue targets (HVTs) before they escape for the conflict zone. " And just click the sidebar once we click launch we will be getting more referrals "Viper good work. You've earned a free missile strike perk! Just point at the target you want to vaporize and top on the perk button, to drop the hammer "and we also get select perks" Missile strike: Drops a devastating cruise missile "and we just click attack to counter the rebels and we destroy Basecamp rebels after coming into the match there was a mission that should we go through i.e. we should kill "2 spot and take out HVT" direct and only we arahka our weapons to the enemy on land at the rebel base camp there are rebel forces helicopter and tank car just his army we shoot our first select a weapon of war, particularly we crushed the rebellion forces i.e. kan carried missiles also for our aircraft so he mengancurkan the first we turn off if it is dead easy to destroy more of our troops and we shoot to death his troops after the death of his new forces that we destroy their car tanks and hellicoper record by using our missiles before using our missile we must replace our weaponry first from ordinary weapons to missile weapons and we fit our target's first helicopter if we press the "Fire" to remove the right of our missiles to the helicopter and I won in the end We could see the match statistics match our "Rewards earned: XP + 5, Money of 350 dollars" and "Destroyed Units: Infantry 0 Sam/AAA 0, 2 Vehicles, aircraft 0" after that click continue to continue the mission.

After the completion of the match when we click "Continue" when you sign in to the main menu we end up to level 2 from level 1 and we also get the Prize rewards level up i.e. 2 gold and instantly we claim his prize after that we return again to the menu "Cam paign "to continue the mission next time already in the menu" campaign "we get command again:" Your current power rating has to be equal to or greater than the required level, each upgrade increases your current power rating. If your aircraft is underpowered, you can't fly the mission. " And we also get the Thunderbird mission "power 100" before that we used to see the power of the enemy if we lower the strength of the enemies we have to upgrade our weaponry in advance there showweaponry we like "Cannon", "Missile" , and "Bomb" that was my first upgrade IE weapons "Cannons" because it is useful for speeding up our shots and adding to the damage to rebel forces I upgraded damage and accuracy is because his finances very thinned so I upgraded damage and accuracy it used to finance his later if my nice new upgrade again and after we upgraded weapons "cannon" we directly see his mission as "Annihilate: Atlas ntel has discovered an insurgent base. We need to reduce their operational capacity. Take out the required number of targets "and simply we click" Launch "after coming into the match there was a mission that should we go through i.e. we should kill Kill enemy troops" 14 "and instantly we point our weapons to the enemy on the ground in Basecamp rebels there are rebel forces helicopter and tank car just his army we shoot our first select a weapon of war, particularly we crushed the rebellion forces i.e. kan carried missiles also for mengancurkan our aircraft so he that first we switch off if it is dead easy to destroy more of our troops and we shoot to death his troops after the death of his new forces that we destroy their car tanks and hellicoper record by using our missiles before using the missiles we we had to replace our weaponry first from ordinary weapons to missile weapons and we fit our target's first helicopter if we press the "Fire" to remove the right to missile helicopter We and I won a game this late in the game we can see the statistics of the match we are i.e "Rewards earned: XP + 5, Money of 350 dollars" and "Destroyed Units:Infantry 7, Sam/AAA 0, 6 Vehicles, aircraft 1" after that click continue to continue the mission.

When you finish the match earlier when we return again to the main menu we get notification "OP: Stinger, Armed Revolutionary combine! Viper – the armed revolutionary combine (ARC) are massing military assets at multiple borders. Atlas must reduce their operational capacity. Operation stinger is now live. Let's take 'em out. " And only we unlock its missions only after that we return again to the "Campaign" to continue the mission next time already in the menu "campaign" and we also get the mission "Super Raptor power 100" before that we used to see the power of the enemy If we lower the strength of the enemies we have to upgrade our weaponry in advance there show weaponry we like "Cannon", "Missile", and "Bomb" that was my first upgrade IE weapons "Cannons" because it is useful for speed up our shots and adding to the damage to rebel forces I upgraded damage and accuracy is because his finances very thinned so I upgraded damage and accuracy used to finance his later if my nice new upgrade again and after we upgraded weapon "cannon" we directly see his mission as "HVT Hunt! Viper, locate and eliminate all high value targets (HVTs) before they escape from the conflict zone. Delta elements will flush them, you tale them out. Watch out for their AA escorts! "and we immediately click" Launch "after that we will be in perlihat kan for" select perks: Missile strike, HMG damage, and Rocket Damage "and simply we click" Attack "to get into the match there is a mission that must be We go through i.e. we should kill "2 spot and take out HVT 1", "don't let HVT escape" and instantly we point our weapons to the enemy on land at the rebel base camp there are rebel forces helicopter and tank car jump we shoot the troops n.y. First we choose a weapon of war, particularly we crushed the rebellion forces i.e.kan carried missiles also for our aircraft so he mengancurkan that first we turn if we are dead in more easily to the other troop and we shoot to death his troops after the death of his new forces that we destroy their car tanks and hellicoper record by using our missiles before using our missile we must first change our weaponry from ordinary weapons to missile weapons and we fit our target's first helicopter if we press the "Fire" to remove the right of our missiles to the helicopter and I won the gameat the end of the match we can see statistics We match "Rewards earned: XP + 5, Money amounting to 450 dollars" and "Destroyed Units: Infantry 11, Sam/AAA 0, 3 Vehicles, aircraft 0" after that click continue to continue the mission.

After we complete the mission, we continue the mission further to his first mission with a click on the menu "campaign" to continue his first mission and the Mission ofhis first "Thunderbird power 100, Annihilate: Intel has discovered an ARC base, we need to reduce their operational capacity. Take out the required number of targets "with the 390 dollar reward and xp + 5 if we won this match And missions simply click the sidebar once we click launch after click on launch we will enter into the" select perks: air-strike, rapid cannon, and mi ssile Damage "and simply we click" Attack "to counter the rebels and we destroy the rebel base camp after coming into the match there was a mission that should we go through i.e. we should kill kill enemy troops" 25 "and give it time for 3 minutes to be able to complete this mission and we point our weapons to the enemy on land at the rebel base camp there are rebel forces helicopter and tank car just his army we shoot our first select a weapon of war, which especially we crushed the rebellion forces i.e. kan carried missiles also for our aircraft so he mengancurkan that first we turn if we are dead in more easily, kept his army we shoot again because here are pretty much his forces, so we should be able to kill his rebels from the air to destroy the forces of the other and we shoot to death his troops after the death of his new forces that we destroy their car tanks and hellicoper record by using missiles We use our missiles before we had to replace our weaponry first from ordinary weapons to missile weapons and we fit our target's first helicopter if we press the "Fire" to remove the right of our missiles to the helicopter and I won the match at the end of the match we could see our match statistics "Rewards earned: XP + 5, Money amounting to 390 dollars" and "Destroyed Units: Infantry 17, Sam/AAA 3, 7 Vehicles, aircraft 1" after that click continue to continue the mission Next.

After we complete the mission, we proceed directly to accelerate further the Mission of completing his mission just his first mission with a click on the menu "campaign" to continue his first mission and the Mission of his first "Raptor power 100, Precision strike: The enemy has occupied a chemical plant, the viper you must take out the facility supply pipes and any escaping a transport truck. Do not hit the storage tanks, or the entire place will go up! "with 490 dollars reward and xp + 10 if we won this match before that mission we see used to be the strength of the enemy if we lower our enemy forces should be upgraded in advance our weaponry there show weaponry we like "Cannon", "Missile", and "Bomb" that was my first upgrade IE weapons "Cannons" because it is useful for speeding up our shots and adding to the damageto rebel forces I upgraded damage and accuracy is because his finances very thinned so I upgraded damage and accuracy used to finance his later if my nice new upgrade again and after we upgraded weapons "cannon" and just click the sidebar once we click launch after click at launch we will enter into the "select perks: missile strike,HMG Damage, and rocket Damage" and simply we click "Attack" to counter the rebels and we destroy the rebel base camp after coming into the match there is a mission that we have to hitchhiking i.e. we should kill "4 Destroy the maked pipelines", "6 Destroy the marked trucks", "Don't shoot 4 neutral buildings" and instantly we point our weapons to the enemy on land at the rebel base camp there are rebel forces helicopter and direct tank car only we shoot his troops beforehand we select a weapon of war, particularly we crushed the rebellion forces i.e. kan carried missiles also for our aircraft so he mengancurkan that first we switch off if it is on dead us more easily,kept his army we shoot again because here are pretty much his forces so we should be able to kill his rebels from the air to destroy the forces of the other and we shootto death his troops after the death of his army recently that we destroy their car tanks and hellicoper them, we destroy their Armory also then we destroy oil pipeline Peacock so that speed up destroying rebel basecamp and we also use our missiles before use our missiles we should replace our weaponry first from ordinary weapons tomissile weapons and we fit our target's first helicopter if we press the "Fire" to remove the right of our missiles to the helicopter and I won the game This late in the game we can see the statistics of the match we are i.e "Rewards earned: XP + 10, Money amounting to 480 dollars" and "Destroyed Units: Infantry 3, Sam/AAA 0, 6 Vehicles, aircraft 0" after that click continue to continue the mission.

Before continuing the mission then I will give you some of the features – features that are present in these games:

1. Base upgrade:

• Carrier

• Shield

• Destroyer

• Economy

2. collect Menu

3. The Menu store

4. character info Menu

5. Dollar

6. Gems

7. Gold

8. The Campaign Menu

After I gave a few features that are in the games, now I am going to continue the mission we direct course mission further to speed up his mission with a click on the menu "campaign" to continue his mission and first mission his first "Thunderbird power 100, Defend Allies! Defend our forward base from attack "with the 410 dollar reward and xp + 10 if we won this match before that mission we see used to be the strength of the enemy if we lower the strength of the enemies we have to upgrade our weaponry in advance there in show our weaponry such as "Cannon", "Missile", and "Bomb" that was my first upgrade IE weapons "Cannons" because it is useful for speeding up our shots and adding to the damage to rebel forces I upgraded damage and accuracy of his due to the very thin out with finances so I upgraded damage andaccuracy used to finance his later if my nice new upgrade again and after we upgraded weapons "cannon" and just click the sidebar once we click launch after click on launch we will in "select perks: missile strike, HMG Damage, and rocket Damage" and simply we click "Attack" to counter the rebels and we destroy the rebel base camp after coming into the match there was a mission that should we go through i.e. we should kill kill enemy Troops "25", "12 protect troops" and instantly we point our weapons to the enemy on land at the rebel base camp there are rebel forces helicopter and tank car just his army we shoot our first select a weapon of war, particularly we crushed the rebellion forces i.e. kan carried missiles also for our aircraft so he mengancurkan that first we turn if we are dead in more easily, keep his troops again we shoot for Here is pretty much his forces so we should be able to kill his rebels from the air to destroy the forces of the other and we shoot to death his troops after the death of his new forces that we destroy their car tanks and hellicoper them, we destroy their Armory also then we destroy oil pipeline Peacock so that speed up destroying rebel basecamp and we also use our missiles before using the missiles we we had to replace our weaponry first from a gun normal weapons missiles and we fit rightused to be our targets to the helicopter if we press the "Fire" to remove the right of our missiles to the helicopter and I won the match in the end of the game we can see the statistics of the match we are IE "Rewards earned: XP + 10, Money amounting to 410 dollars" and "Destroyed Units: Infantry 7, Sam/AAA 0, 7 Vehicles, aircraft 0" after that click continue to continue the mission.

After we complete the mission, we proceed directly to accelerate further the Mission of completing his mission just his first mission with a click on the menu "campaign" to continue his first mission and the Mission of his first " Thunderbird power 100, Arc Base Raid! An arc communications base contains vital data on their personnel and asset movements. Delta need to extract that data and exfil. Vaper will provide CAS for the delta team "with the 430 dollar reward and xp + 10 if we won this match before the mission that we will enter into the" select perks: air-strike, Rapid Cannon, and missile Damage "and simply we click" Attack "to fight the rebels and we destroy the rebel base camp after coming into the match there is a mission that we have to go through that is we have to kill 1 protect and escort your commandos "," 5 protect your commandos "and instantly we point our weapons to the enemy that is on the ground at the rebel base camp there are rebel forces helicopter and tank car just hisarmy we shoot our first select a weapon of war, particularly we crushed the rebellionforces i.e. kan carried missiles also for our aircraft so he mengancurkan that first we turn if we are dead in more easily, kept his army we shoot again because here are pretty much his forces so we should be able to kill his rebels from the air to destroy the other forces and we shoot to death his troops after the death of his new forces that we destroy their car tanks and hellicoper them, we destroy their Armory also then we destroy oil pipeline Peacock so accelerate destroy the rebel base camp and we also use our missiles before using the missiles we we had to replace our weaponry first from ordinary weapons to missile weapons and we fit our target's first helicopter ifwe press the "Fire" to remove the right of our missiles to the helicopter and I won the match in the end of the game we can see the statistics of the match we "Rewards earned: XP + 10, Money amounting to 480 dollars" and "Destroyed Units: Infantry 3,Sam/AAA 0, Vehicles 6, aircraft 0 "after that click continue to continue the mission.

List games review on android my article :

  1.  [Games Review] How to play MMO Action Game "KINDOM WARRIORS" in Android [ENG] #1
  2.  [Game review] “Combat Squad” on Android [ ENG ] #2
  3.  [Game review] “Darkness Reborn” on Android [ ENG ] #3
  4.  [Game review] “World War Heroes” on Android [ ENG ] #4
  5.  [Game review] Mobile legends : Bang Bang “SAVAGE” hero “Freya”[ ENG ] #5
  6.  [Game review] “Starwars : Force Arena” on Android [ ENG ] #6
  7.  [Game review] “Smackdown : WWE Mayhem” on Android [ ENG ] #7
  8.  [Game review] “HomeRun Battle 2“ on Android [ ENG ] #8
  9.  [Game Review] "New Hero the strongest Mage Fasha" Mobile Legends: Bang Bang [ENG] #9
  10.  [Game review] “Power Rangers“on Android [ ENG ] #10
  11.  [Game review] “Metal Slug Online “on Android [ ENG ] #11
  12.  [Game review] “Drift Max Pro“on Android [ ENG ] #12
  13.  [Game review] “Real Steel Boxing Champions“on Android [ ENG ] #13
  14.  [Game review] “Death Race“ on Android [ ENG ] #14
  15.  [Game review] “The Killbox : Arena“ on Android [ ENG ] #15
  16.  [Game review] “Battle Boom “ on Android [ ENG ] #16
  17.  [Game review] “Mighty Battles” on Android [ ENG ] #17
  18.  [Game review] “Battle Bay “ on Android [ ENG ] #18
  19.  [Game review] “ Zombie Anarchy “ on Android [ ENG ] #19

The explanation of these games and how to play games "Drone 2 Air Assault", to see a review of what games I review in the next article don't forget follow @kikipertiwi and upvote my articles, my article retreemd in order to view articles I was his first. Many of the tutorials how to play games "Drone 2 Air Assault" on android, and I remind again don't forget in the follow @kikipertiwi hehe, if you guys follow me and I will follow back you guys with this tutorial may be of benefit to all of the lovers games on android, if this tutorial is useful for those of you upvote Yes heheh. Warmest greetings to all of you the warmest greetings, lover of games for the steemians. HAPPY PLAYING GAMES THESE GUYS!!!!!! 

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