[ Game review ] “Starwars : Force Arena” on Android [ ENG ] #6

in #gaming7 years ago

 [ ENG ]

Hello steemians good afternoon, how are you guys? Hopefully well alright Yes wherever you guys are, back again with my @kikipertiwi here I will return the existing games review in android namely games "Starwars: Force Arena" which is where this series of RPG games, games like games moba but its different in Here we play solo and team games wasn't playing this on internet network connections need to be right for us to play in these games and ranked modes also fun while playing we can be promoted as well as games and moba in the games also had graphics 3D already and we also play him more real here y'all's advice I have a smartphone over 2 GB RAM because if not I dare assure you when you guys play this games very lag lah if you guys under 2 GB of RAM. I'll shorten the time I will explain these games below!!

Before you play these games you guys first download this games at playstore for free and I recommend to download games using the wifi network, in karenakan capacity this larger games, if you use mobile internet data network you guys much internet data drained you guys

After I explained about the games "Starwars: Force Arena" when I explained about how to play, after you guys download its games above. Before entering into the game of games we are going to send in the "check the update info" and it turns out we're on the point to download his patches again with 261.3 MB of my suggestions do you use wifi networks to download her files and we wait for it to finish Download the patch file.

After his finish in the patch file is downloaded, then we are in the right direction to pick his hero characters are:

 1. from the bright side has its hero, namely:

• "Luke Skywalker", its difficulty level "Medium" type Attack his "Melee" has 2 passive skill. The story about him: he is a son of petan and have the power of a very large

• "Sabine Wren", its difficulty level "easy". type of attack his "Hybrid", have two passive skill. The story about him: he was a Mandalorian Warrior, he is highly skilled in destroying and her artists graffiti.

• "Anakin Skywalker", its difficulty level "Medium" type of attack, "Melee", with two passive skill. The story about him: he's his first a slave on Tatooine and he taught by Obi-wan Kenobi to become a jedi.

2. From the dark side has a hero:

• "Doba" Fett, its difficulty level "easy", "Ranged attack types", have two passive skill.The story about him: he's a bounty hunter, he pairs his jetpack she use to get past obstacles.

• "Governor General" Tarkin, difficulty level "Medium" type attack "Ranged", have two passive skill. The story about him: he's as one of the members of the Empire and also has no compassion for anyone and he's ambitious.

• "General Grievous", "Medium" difficulty level, type of attack "Melee" has 2 passive skill. the story about him: he's very expert to create a strategic military and he was also notorious.

After I described some of the characters that are in the games, here I use hero "sabine wren" why did I choose this hero, this is the hero of women and I'm also a woman so therefore I chose the hero woman hehe. Before you get into the mode we will ranked ikutin landing his first tutorial we will be at the first point of "Touch the ground to move to a location that we want" after that we head to defeat the enemy as much as 5 kill and touch kea rah the enemy to attack his enemies and in this her very exciting games where we Just set the war strategy to fight enemies by touching to the target enemy and he automatically attack need not be us who press the attack to the enemy and we touched Just skill his main course and for others we just tap into enemies and he will attack automatically, selesaikn his mission of his or her mission tutorial easy is not difficult.


When you've finished the tutorial mission we get a gift card where his gift cards IE: "Common Card rebel", "Common Card X-wing", and the last "rare Card." and in the Mission of this tutorial we got destroyed in the turret of the opponent and we must set up strategic way against the enemy, continue to destroy enemy turret with turret entry lest an enemy guard in the US could not destroy the turret us and we are here to have a member of the war were also to be able to safeguard and destroy the enemy with the turret need right 2 energy and do not get the energy we depleted our energy runs out if we can't call our troops. And to call the troops our full energy ajika kit select one of our card and layout forces right where we want to put him and us as a leader and help troops to sproutswill enemy turret. And in the Mission of this tutorial is also very easy, yes his name indeed easy tutorial so still in the same this games maker wkwk.

After the completion of the Mission of the last tutorial, we get again the gift card that is "Common Card Grenadier rebels". After that we finish the mission more tutorials to destroy enemy Cannon Tower 3 and here that we will set up a strategy to destroy the enemy's base camp.

When you are finished completing all the missions of his tutorials are all here is our new create nickname name for our hero here I made the name "Steemit2017" and we complete more missions in arena Combat 1v1 Arena "practicing" here is the same as us game games moba here we must destroy the turret of his difference here his turret in keep with the generator with the high-strung, to could destroy turret we bring forces as much as 4 troop, in which his troops in any army had 2 energy to be able to panggill our troops and we set convenient for we can win the game at the games we also can die but when we die in attack we can live again. And on this mission I also won. Once finished we get a reward card pack and let us open the same – the same reward card pack and open the one reward card pack and we get her a gift that is "Unique Card Fenn rau" and we open on deck to see the card that we have and we can replace his card in the deck.

After that, that we try to play in ranked mode, in this mode we can play ranked online and in fashion this ranked lah we can increase our rank tier tier is getting higher and harder ones enemies we fight him and to destroy his pun difficult is to beclever we organize strategic opponent and good at reading the movement of the opponent. And after we select a mode and automatically ranked to find opponents and here does not take a long time to get the enemy after it gets an opponent let lahhere we must be good at organize our troops to be able to fight off the enemy to be destroyed enemy turret and here thank God I won the match ranked it heheh.


And after we finished the main mode in ranked, here I will give you how to upgradeour troops used to be in the menu "open Deck" continue to select his forces, select which forces want to upgrade its army in click click "Upgrade" and costs 20 gold and then go up one level the troops.

Features – features that are present in these games:

1. On the left side of the screen there are:

• Diamond

• Gold

• Setting

• Reward Battle

• Tier

• Ranked Match

• Arcade

• Single Play

2. on the right side of the Screen there are:

• Battle

• Deck

• Reward

• Shop

• Mission

• Select

• Guild

• hero Info

3. in the Middle of the screen there are:

• Hero

• Hero side light

• Hero the dark side

Here I would just explain to in mode "Ranked" and how to upgrade the hero alone, so to see a review of what games I review in the next article don't forget follow @kikipertiwi and upvote retreemd my articles, my articles to be viewed My first article.Many of the tutorials how to play games "Starwars Force Arena" on android, and I remind again don't forget in the follow @kikipertiwi hehe, if you guys follow me and I will follow back you guys with this tutorial may be of benefit to all of the lovers games on android, if this tutorial is useful for those of you upvote Yes heheh. Warmestgreetings to all of you the warmest greetings, lover of games for the steemians. HAPPY PLAYING GAMES THESE GUYS!!!!!!

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