In Short, My Niche is Gaming

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Good day/evening, Steemians. This is my entry for @rawbinhutt's (cool username you got there, sir) contest about telling your blog niche; LFNCOIN Giveaway (Where EVERYONE WINS :D) – Tell Us About Your Niche!

Another reason I'm interested in writing this is because when it's asked directly, like "What's your niche?", I don't really know how would I answer it. So I decided to write it all down and make it clear for myself as well. I'll answer the question asked in the post, which is "what you like to write about and why it interests you" and "why others might enjoy my niche".

What I Like to Write About

I like to write about things that interest me the most, which is pretty much the same reason as most people, but because I like gaming the most and I decided to write about only that. Not that I'm not interested in anything other than gaming, I like 2D and 3D art/design (eventhough I can't make one myself), movie, anime, technology, food, short story (like creepypasta, but other than that too), etc. 

All of that are good topics to write, yes? But I only write about gaming simply because; 1. I like it more than the other, 2. I'm not sure I can describe/write about the other better than I do about gaming. But right now I'm interested in posting pixel arts, but also still gaming-related. I'm still thinking about it, though.

Why It Interests Me

Why writing about gaming--on Steemit--interests me? Money.
You read it right.. money. Sounds not so good? Or bad, unbecoming, greedy, sounds like *cough*EA*cough*? You name it, but I'll be honest here. 

"Do what you love, love what you do." that saying is so impactful to me. When I said "I like gaming", I take it back. I love gaming. I used to see gaming only as a form of entertainment for me, until I had a thought "Why work on something I don't like when I could do something I love and make money out of it?"

So here I am, writing about something I love to earn money. But don't get me wrong, while I'm at it, you can be sure that I'm not going to make posts that don't worth your time and your upvotes. I'll make my articles as best as I can and write as nicely written as I can. Not writing articles lazily and expect to earn money. That's not my style. 

Why Others Might Enjoy It

I see there are many Steemians here are gamers as well. So first, I think my gaming related posts could give Steemit gamers fun little time outside of the gaming time. Second, because what I write is all sorts of topics in gaming world, you might find my posts informative. 

My other answer to "Why others might enjoy my niche?" is probably the same as "Why do people play games?". I'll take one from the many reason of why people play games, which is simply because it's fun. Back to the question, why others might enjoy my niche? Because they might find it fun.

I know there are many other Steemians who post awesome gaming related contents and are better than me--which is great that Steemit have these people--and I'm trying to be one of them. One of the people whose post you could enjoy. I'll do my best to post fun to read articles. 


My blog is about gaming, gaming related stuff. Be it music, life, or other form of entertainment, if it's gaming related and I think it's interesting, I'd love to share it with you and do my best to write about it nicely that it's worth to be called an article.

So I want to earn money, yes, but I don't expect to get it without doing anything worthy of it. Thanks to Steemit and the awesome people in this platform, now I can write and share about something that I love so much and be rewarded for it. 

So you could say I'm a bit like Geralt, doing something he do best for gold.
Geralt? Geralt who? Of f***ing Rivia.

That's my niche. I feel somewhat relieved for finally saying it clearly as I wasn't so sure about this before. Thanks to this awesome contest I can finally write it all down and slam it to my face so it stay clear to me.

So whether I'll win or not, I thank you for this, @rawbinhutt! Again, you can join the contest here; LFNCOIN Giveaway (Where EVERYONE WINS :D) – Tell Us About Your Niche!

I wrote this entry in the comment but I didn't expect it'd be this long so I decided to make it a post.

Thanks for stopping by. Stay tune for more of my gaming related contents, and Steem on!

For more gaming stuff..
Follow me, would you kindly?

Previous Posts:

#Gaming Posts of the Week - Laughter In Reviews
The Story Behind the Untitled Goose Game
My Random Thought on Steam Awards Winners: The Witcher 3 And Cuphead
Starbound Time! - From Snowy Mountain to Underwater Grand Library

Images sources: Ghost Story, BioShock Wiki


Hey there! Glad to know you like 3D Art and designer, as I'm a 3D artist and VR developer :)
Shall you be interested, by channel talks a lot about VR gaming, got a few VR game reviews coming up (I'm a developer).
Also I created a Steemit 3D animation, if you're interested to check it out:
Keep it up! Followed you thanks!

I'll follow a gamedev anyday. Thanks for checking up my post and following me, and nice animation you got there.

followed too~

Well, I think my niche can be considered "Stories"... I'm just like you in this regard:


My blog is about gaming, gaming related stuff. Be it music, life, or other form of entertainment, if it's gaming related and I think it's interesting I'd love to share it with you and do my best to write about it nicely that it's worth to be called an article.

I like gaming and write a lot of game reviews so I can say its my niche but I also write fiction and lately I've been reviewing books. Well, I just do what's fun/Interesting to me at the moment so I'm all over the place.

I wrote this entry in the comment but I didn't expect it'd be this long so I decided to make it a post.

People other than me are doing that?! (<-- I know)

By the way, have you seen my latest gaming post

I wish I can do that too, "all over the place". I tried writing stories based on games I played, something like fan made alternate story, but I didn't think it was good enough. And now I'm struggling to make pixel art, but I keep trying. I'll see if I can make this good and post it.

And yes, I think some people do that too, thinking that what they are about to write will be a quick read and turns out to be so long lol.

I was innactive, sorry for the late reply. I'll check your post out

I tried writing stories based on games I played, something like fan made alternate story

even if they're not good I think you can post them (maybe not on steemit but on a website like fanfiction which is known), why? because it will be a good practice for you and I like reading "alternate stories" and checking the ideas of other fans even if they're not well-written. Many people are like that.

And now I'm struggling to make pixel art, but I keep trying.

I tried that too and didn't make something good yet... I'm sure if we (you and I) kept trying we can make something enjoyable... eventually.

Woah, you're very motivating. Thanks for this..
But for the alternate story, I still need to think about it more, and yes maaayybe I'll post it somewhere else.
I think I'll focus more on my pixel art and see if it's good enough to be posted. You do your best too!

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