#Gaming Posts of the Week - Laughter In Reviews

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Kirov reporting.
That line won't get out of my head lately for some reason. It keeps playing in my head again and again as if its seducing me or something (Alright, that's weird). If you know well where that line come from you might as well read it in Kirov's voice and tone. 

Anyway, where was I?
There's no end of good articles by Steemians that it's sometimes difficult to choose which posts I will mention here, and in this case #gaming posts. If you don't see yours here then maybe you will on Thursday. Let's just do our best to make Steem #gaming section great again! 

Skyrim is even better along the way - Six years later still ridiculously good

by @nehashetty

For people who haven't played Skyrim these days, chances are good that they find it awesome. But for us who have been through every dungeons and every mountains picking up literally everything on the side of the road, Skyrim may be the least game that we'll play these days. But apparently Skyrim is still amazing for @nehashetty right now that s/he started another run and all it took was Skyrim's soundtrack haunting his/her mind.


by @valency1

Shadow Fight 2 was a game I enjoyed so much when I didn't have my PC and can't game much. And now that I have my PC already I have forgotten that game. Well that sounds kinda horrible thing to do when I put it like that. It's a fun fighting game in silhouette graphic style that you might want to try. I do recommend this game if you play games on Android much, but it's best to take your time to read this nicely written review first to get better insight of the game.

Complete freedom in Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Familiar, yet contrarian
by @braini

This one is a short read that put the awesomeness of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild very nicely. I really enjoy reading someone's fascination to video games, and this post, in my opinion, is one of the ways you can answer when someone ask you "How great Zelda: Breath of the Wild is?", which is good. Sadly for me, though, I have to make a great effort to calm myself down as I haven't play this game (not entirely) yet and now I'm so excited about this game from reading this. 

Part 1 : Arma3 the real side

by @deeviras

If you need some laugh right now then this post is perfect for you. This is a long review that it's split into 2 (or could be more) parts as it's from 3 people experience in the military simulator Arma 3, and this is the first part (duh). What I must tell you is that this review is hilarious and the length won't make you bored. Check it out.

That's my pick for best #gaming posts of this week. If you like the posts I listed above be sure to leave your upvotes and comments, and resteem to support the authors. 

And don't forget to support me too. Stay tune for more of my gaming posts. For the mentioned authors, keep up the good work! 

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Previous Posts:

The Story Behind the Untitled Goose Game
My Random Thought on Steam Awards Winners: The Witcher 3 And Cuphead
Starbound Time! - From Snowy Mountain to Underwater Grand Library
#Gaming Posts of the Week - Such Insight. Much Informations. Wow.

All credits goes to the mentioned authors.


@gaming-stuff thankyou for naming my post in yours its actually gonna be in 4 parts but funny through and through to the end :) followed you and upvoted this post also , please stay in touch and watch for part 2 later today x

You're welcome! I am looking forward to read the part 2. And I'm still giggling from that part 1. Very good post indeed XD
Also, thank you for the upvote and for following me

Part1 is just getting started , This is actual events that we all have witnessed so why not throw it out there and give it a good old STORY TIME , plus we love arma 3 that much we hate it lmao , as for the follow and up vote well deserved :) thankyou

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